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Re Introducing My Story


Posted : 11/04/2012 2:48 pm


Hi I'm writing this because not a lot of people follow up after their long journey of seeking clear skin.


My history:

-mild to moderate acne started at age 13.

-dermatologist tried every topical and antibiotic no consistent results

-Ortho cyclen and Accutane, skin cleared with minor side effects dry lips

-mild acne came back , no health Insurance tried Proactiv

-Proactiv cleared my skin and scars I used this for around 8years


The Problem in 2010:

-stopped BCP and got a few small zits on my chin and jaw

-freaked out and ordered Extra Strength Proactiv

-Cleared acne but after a while I got red itchy bumps

-woke up with burning rash on my face, neck and chest

-diagnosed with contact dermatitis, had to quit using all skin products.


What Happened Next:

-acne returned

-dermatologist gave me antibiotics, a cleanser, various topicals.

-rash returned, acne became cystic severe and told only option was Accutane



-8 months 50mg

-Side effects: severe sun sensitivity, lips bled, hand rashes, hair fell out

-quit Accutane early due to hair loss


After Accutane:

-my face got tons of red little bumps

-tried change in diet and supplements

-supplements gave me some acne so quit that immediately

-used zinc cleanser "head and shoulders" and the bumps cleared

-maintained healthy diet, gluten free, dairy free, some cheating


6 Months Later Oil:

-I was clear then oil and acne returned mild not cysts

-saw an endocrinologist my acne is not hormonal, I just over produce oil.

-doctor said No pills just needed a cleanser and toner to keep oil away.

-tried products with salicylic acid because it was so highly recommended on these message boards.


My OMG!!! Moment:

-after using SA my face broke out in same rash and acne I had when this all began

-dermatologist did a test putting Benzoyl peroxide on the inside of my left elbow and salicylic acid on the inside of my right. With in a few minutes my right arm was total red, rash, bumpy mess.


I AM ALLERGIC to Salicylic Acid!!! :

-Extra Strength Proactiv has SA in it!! The face wash the derm originally gave me had SA in it!!! The makeup I used when the acne was really bad had SA in it!!! Even some tooth paste has SA in it!!


So the morale of my story is read labels, test products on your arms, Please Please be patient and learn from my mistakes.


If only I had not freaked out when I got a few mild pimples after quitting the Birth Control Pill and just stuck to using regular Proactiv, I would have been fine.

I lost $3000 and over a year of my life because I was impatient and didn't test skin care products before using them.



- regular strength Proactiv the 3 steps once at night

-morning I wash it off with water and put on Neutrogena moisturizer for day

-My skin is 100% clear of acne and the pigmentation scars are still fading.


That is my story, thanks for reading, hope this helps you.

