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Winter Cystic Acne Please Help! *pictures* 🙁


Posted : 11/03/2012 7:57 am - That's my photos the password is 'cysticmolly'


This is the second winter in a row where I've broken out in cystic spots I think it's even worse this year, it's ALWAYS during winter and during summer (I live in London, UK so summer still isn't that hot) my skin is 97% flawless I don't wear make up during summer and my confidence is always high, but as soon as late September hits I get one cystic spot then another until like the pictures my face is covered the pictures were taken today I woke up and my cheeks had flared up even though yesterday they were practically clear. Last year I hadn't done much research and thought the cause was oily skin so I started using Salyic acid face washes and oil free moisturisers now after doing extensive (I went rather crazy) research I learnt that I have dry skin and so now I have bought a humidifier, a face steamer I am now using cetaphil face cleanser, origins exfoliator and oliatum face repair cream and I've only been using the exfoliater and and moisturiser for 2 days and seems hasn't help since I broke out crazy this morning however I did put my face over my humidifier last night before I went to sleep to try steam a bit (starting to think big mistake) so now I've read about vitamin D? Since I only get it in winter, I'm open to any advice and hope I'm not the only one suffering with winter acne it's completely put a stop to my social life and I barely go college I hate leaving my house :'(


Posted : 11/03/2012 8:30 am

As the seasons change so does our skin, becoming thinner and more dry as it gets colder. Looks like you have a few painful cysts and some post acne marks, I know the pain. If I had those I'd be running to the dermatologist to get cortisone injections. If you can't get to a dermatologist try icing the cysts to reduce the swelling, 20 mins. on, 20 off. You're going to have to let them run their course, try at best to NOT pop them or touch your face. Keep using a moisturizer and use a sunscreen, and spot treat them with benzyl peroxide, not S.A. Make sure you're drinking enough water, to where your urine is pretty much clear, take a multivitamin and change your pillowcase regularly, like a couple times a week.


Posted : 11/05/2012 4:48 am

I highly recommend Oxy 10 percent Maximum strength BP found almost anywhere it will clear your face. Use it daily you can wash it off after 30 mins or let it dry and keep it there all day it doesn't matter. This stuff destroys acne. It has worked for me for 1 year and if i dont use it within 2 days i break out. I am still trying to eat better and excersice more but right now I work 50+ hours a week and am in college full time. PM me if you have any further questions. you should be clear in 2 weeks to 1 month and it might get worse before it gets better because all the pimples that havent surfaced yet will surface (these typically go away faster than normal though). For some reason Dan's BP didn't help me (if you have tried this). You should be good to go by Thanksgiving but definately good by Christmas. If you have thicker/dryer skin than me use a mositurizer...It shouldn't affect the BP but for me I throw on a little bit on my face, it dries in 2 minutes, and then I don't worry about it for a day. Good luck!


Posted : 11/07/2012 7:51 am

Molly, what's your diet like? Honestly, what exactly have you been eating for the past 2 weeks?


I've had cysts and the only thing that cured it for me, was diet.


You have nice skin, and I'm quite certain you'll heal up. But to prevent future cysts, diet is the only thing that will work.


I don't know why I'm going around telling people this, but since I've finally found a clear solution at the age of 30 (17 years of acne), I'm going to pass my knowledge on to as many people as possible.


Posted : 11/09/2012 10:23 pm

jarrit- whats your diet like? ive found that removing gluten has helped quite a bit.


Posted : 11/10/2012 12:01 am

The others are right- out akin changes with the season. It may take a while to even out and adjust so dont do anything too drastic like steam your face. You may end up creating an imbalance in the ph level of your skin- a natural acid barrier created to protect your face- so just let it be. I'd recommend supplementing with vitamins D, E and fish oil- all are great for the skin and acne, especially helps with dryness and inflammation, and all seem to be lacking in the wintertime.
