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Found An Easy Cure For My Acne/eczema


Posted : 10/20/2012 9:47 am



I just wanted to post a possible solution for some of you, whilst introducing myself.


I've tried BP, Retin-A, salicylic acid, Spironolactone and they all work to some degree (especially Retin-A). The bulk of my acne cleared up, but I was still getting flareups from time to time, sometimes really bad flareups. I still had big, overactive pores that were unpredictable, and I didn't know if the flareups were because of stress, allergies, hormones, or diet. It was always confusing and frustrating, not to mention depressing.


What's been working for me very well lately is a bunch of cheap home remedies and one easy-to-acquire tube of eczema cream, also cheap.


Every night I:

- wash my face with olive oil soap

- exfoliate my face with rolled oats (Now Real Food brand), let it sort of dry on my face for a bit, then rinse and pat dry

- moisturize with honey, rinse and pat dry

- put on Natralia's Eczema and Psoriasis cream and go to bed


It did wonders overnight and the eczema started backing off, and my acne started going away too. The next morning my skin felt smoother, looked smoother, less irritated, less blotchy, and just basically started healing up and looking/feeling normal. It feels velvety at the moment. The forehead acne that never seemed to go away is drying up too. The puffy milia and itchy bumps under my eyes are gone. The awful crusty dead skin all over my face is flaking off without trouble, leaving only healthy skin underneath. Diet-wise, I try to eat less dairy such as cheese and yogurt, or junk foods like ramen, which I think helps with reducing flareups, but it's questionable.


I've been doing this every night now for a week and have confidence in my skin now. The red marks are fading every day and in a week I think I'll have as good of a skin as I could ever hope for as a long-time acne/acne scar sufferer.


So I hope what worked for me will help some of you! If it's helping you as well, I would love to know. Good luck!


Posted : 10/21/2012 11:54 am

this is all i did: 500mg evening primrose oil twice a day!

1 honey mask for 1 hour a day


the primrose oil reduces oil production (no! i have no scientific proof)

honey has an antibacterial in it it and also makes your skin really soft. im sure you could do it just 15 minutes a day twice if you are in a hurry. use organic raw non pasteurized honey or it wont work

guess its the honey that works right bud? grinwink.gif


thanks to this i am 100% clear for the first time in 6 years. good luck.
