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Accidentally Popped A Cyst Pimple


Posted : 10/19/2012 9:20 pm


I'm new here. i been batteling cyst acne since the begginer of the year..

it hurts so much.. unfortunaly i don't got insurance and im not able to go to a dermatologist...


I been very careful of how i take care of my face.. i try all kind of things that cause me minor scars but now i just popped a cyst pimple while i was taking a shower and it hurts so bad.. i been using proactiv since is the most cheapest medicine i can affort.. my main question is , what can i do or expect from this. will this pimple cause deep scarring? please someone let me know..


what would be the best solution or medicne for me. thank you.

oh i am only suffering from severe cyst acne on my right side of my cheek little close to my sideburns and thats it.. anyone? thank you...


Posted : 10/26/2012 12:59 am

I get really bad cysts too. Its hard not to pop them because they hurt 24/7 and don't go away. I have popped several and do not have any scars. Even the large ones never scarred. The area will stay red for months though. I saw a bunch of youtube videos of people popping and draining cysts, but mine only have clear pus comming out of them ever. Every one has different skin. I do not have health insurance either, but when I did- the dermatologist would inject the cysts with cortisone shots. The cyst would go away within a few days but would come back like half the time anyway so it was point less. I used to go to the tanning salon because the UV was the only thing that would shrink them right up, make them scab, and go away. You can go and not get tan. I would use the cheapest bed (most UV) and say the full tanning time was 15 minutes, I would go like 6-7 just to get the UV to kill the acne. It worked for years, but now I have rare sun damage spots.


Posted : 11/15/2012 2:22 pm

Interesting, I'm dealing with somewhat of the same dilemma. It's very frustrating!
