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Pantothenic Acid Has Cured My Severe Combination (Even Cystic) Acne.


Posted : 10/03/2012 5:32 am

Hi, I don't want to spam these boards but really want to get this info out there. I wish I knew about this simple vitamin treatment 15 years ago! I have been reading these forums for years but have just joined tonight after feeling awful about my skin recently. Instead of reading great advice I feel like I really have some to give.


I have tried a lot of different things for my acne but the only one that has really worked is pantothenic acid. Studies have been done showing how effective it is, it's just vitamin b5. But you need to take loading doses of 10 grams a day at first. It has something to do with your body being able to break down coenzyme-a. Everyone owes it to themselves to try it! I had run out, and taking my clear skin for granted, let it get bad again. After again starting up with the pantothenic acid, my skin is clear, It's oil balance is normal, pores appear smaller. Please pass this on to everyone you know! I wish instead of just reading these forums the past few years that I had posted sooner. I really know just how debilitating acne can be, I know I would act weird to people if I had a really bad flare up because I wouldn't want them to look at my skin. It really did effect my ability to be social.


I'm sure this info on B5 is out here on these boards somewhere but I just want to post again and to say so sincerely that it really does work! I have thought no one could have acne worse than I at times but this has truly been a miracle. I have also gotten botox, the ematrix laser and I use topical niacinamide cream. The ematrix has really improved the texture, tightness and acne scarring for me and its only been 1 week since the treatment. B3 cream is really amazing and holds the moisture in my skin, brightens it and helps wrinkles. And well botox is a short term fix for the 11's I have on my forehead after making so many ugly or analytical faces to assure no one was staring at my bad skin wink.png! lol. Not completely true but somewhat.. Just do a search "pantothenic acid and acne" you will not regret it!!
