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Posted : 08/22/2012 10:56 am

This past week I had a small break out on my forehead and last night it added three more to my unwanted collection.


I'm 33 years old, and I live in the state of Indiana. I must admit to the forums I have never researched acne since I was always told that I would grow out of it. In a matter of speaking it has gotten a lot less and happens less often then when I was a teenager ~ early to mid twenties. Most often it stays on my back and chest, then it appears from time to time on my forehead. Usually whenever the weather changes from Hot to Cold or Cold to Hot it happens the most. But I am not sure what kind of Acne I have. It usually shows up as small or slightly larger pimples that get infected easily. Now that I'm fairly sure I'm not growing out of this condition, I have started my research. After reading wikipedia's page on Acne I have been trying a Benzoyl peroxide soap. So far I haven't noticed any particularly good results. Nothing too bad except maybe the dryness of skin after washing in it too much.


Since my Acne break outs don't completely cover me (like some people I've seen) I have often felt that there should be some simple management technique I could use on a daily basis to reduce what I have. If I could keep my face clear 80 or 90 percent of the time, and my Chest and Back clear at least 70 percent of the time, I'd be happy enough.


Posted : 10/16/2012 10:36 pm

It seems to me that Benzoyl wasn't working for me. Reciently I had another break out. I still don't know what type of Acne I suffer from. This time I enclosed a Picture.


