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Why I only get it here and not there...


Posted : 08/21/2009 1:55 pm

I always get whiteheads, waking up with new ones all the time. But I only get them on my cheeks and chin. Under my eyes and the edges of my face stay clear though, as if I had normal skin. Why would I only be getting them on my cheeks? My skin is oily all over, not just there. And around my nose stays clear of whiteheads too (but I do have blackheads on my nose). My forehead stays MOSTLY clear but I get a few whiteheads every now and then. I was just wondering why acne only appears in specific places. I thought maybe the pores are different or something but I really don't know.


Posted : 08/21/2009 5:21 pm

Some websites (and people) say certain parts of your body and systems of your body affect acne.

For example some people say digestion is related to acne on your forehead. I can't say this is correct though; or say it isn't.


Try looking round the internet. I would find you a website myself but I have to go. Sorry.


Hope this points you in the right direction.





Posted : 08/21/2009 6:25 pm

It is the same here..first I got it on my forehead so I didn't take it seriously and said to myself it will go away but it got worser with age and started to spread around my cheeks.


Posted : 08/21/2009 9:12 pm

That's funny, your situation sounds almost identical to my own. My cheeks, chin and mouth are where 98% all my breakouts occur, my forehead is relatively clear (and if I do get acne, it's near my temple area, which has flared up a bit recently), but the edges of my face/nose/cheekbone area are usually acne-free.


I've always thought that cheeks/chin/mouth was mostly hormonal? I could be wrong, though.


Posted : 08/21/2009 11:12 pm

Thanks you guys for the replies. I'll try to find a site later that might have some info....if I find anything I'll post it.


Posted : 08/26/2009 2:26 pm

This is what I found...


"if you have pimples on your for head this is mainly because of hormones, on your nose or around that area is because of stress and pimples on your chin is often because of your diet. pimples on your face and cam is due to a combination of the three things listed above, however most commonly it is just hormones."


Posted : 12/27/2018 9:51 am

I have the exact same situation! Did you find a sollution though?
