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Atrophy from cortisone shot


Posted : 01/03/2024 2:28 pm

I have read through this whole site and hoping anyone can help! As a few of you know how distressing this atrophy can be from a cortisone shot!

I had one like a month ago; have done so in past and if it ever left a dent I went back for a drop of filler. This time I have a HUGE dent on my cheek and the filler hasnt worked! Done it like 2 times now and subcision was done as well. Its been over a month now and it seems the filler is just doing nothing if anything its worse. AND Ive noticed small hairs growing on the dark spot ( hyperpigmentation) of the dent. Its normal for me to get hyperpigmentation so Im not worried about that just so odd it is growing hair and just this crater that cant be filled.

plsssss anyone tell me this gets better?! The fact that filler isnt working is panicking me!
any success stories to give me some peace of mind! Its so upsetting honestly and In certain lighting it Just completely leaves me in shock as it looks so severe!

Member Admin

Posted : 01/06/2024 9:34 am

Atrophy can take a while to get back to normal. I've read even up to a year, but on the face where the blood supply is good, hopefully it'll be less in your case.

As far as a hair goes, that's something I haven't heard before, but I'm confused. Are you male or female? And exactly where is it?


Posted : 01/06/2024 8:08 pm

Thank you so much for your reply.
im female and dont have facial hair. I just noticed the spot where I have the atrophy and where the cortisone was injected has an unusual growth of darker hair, rather more than say a peach fuzz. Its not so noticeable but found it odd.
I read it can take a while but Im just so surprised as I had filler injected into it twice! Making it worse. In past Ive never had this happen even if I had atrophy I just added a drop of filler and done.
only difference is this time it is on my cheek

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