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Posted : 11/03/2005 7:18 am

^ If you do a search, you'll find lots of info about Elicina, unfortunately most of it is not very positive.


Thanks for your laser diagram, Pete.


Posted : 01/17/2006 5:18 pm



Posted : 03/21/2006 10:12 am




The past two months I was using proactive. my skin was clearing up perfectly. Only thing I had left were dark spots. But a few weeks ago all hell broke loose because then i decided to experiment and use shea butter on my face. Thats when the bumps began to bloom again and the fresh white heads along with them. So i piled on all sorts of products to get rid of them and now my face looks like a pizza.


Does anybody have any suggestions on what I should use to get rid of my burned toasted skin? Can somebody please save my present life for cryin out loud! Respond asap.


Posted : 03/25/2006 3:25 pm

Thanx for the info, this is really helpful ^_^


Posted : 04/18/2006 11:35 pm

Hey guys Im new here. I was just wondering if any of you have tried punch excision for ice pick scars? Does anybody know of a doctor who performs it in the Vancouver, BC Canada area. Any info would be appreciated. Im desperate and sad


Posted : 06/10/2006 6:48 am

Q: Will ablative lasers (CO2 or Erbium) reduce the appearance of my scarring?

A: It is possible that it will reduce the appearance of your scarring but it can come with a hefty price tag, a signficant amount of downtime and a risk of new scarring.


A risk of new scarring?? Please elaborate! I'm saving up for Flaxer Laser Therapy. I only have 4 atrophic scars. Other than that, my skin is clear and my complexion is fair. I read a post here about someone trading 60+ scars for 4 new scars, which is a good deal. But what about someone like me who only has 4 scars? Does that mean I could possibly end up with 4 new scars, in which case I get a raw bargain? Is there a chance that I'll end up with worse skin?


Posted : 07/11/2006 3:07 pm

Hey guys thanks for replying, i am really confused in what i should do next, here is the full story anyways......


i have developed acne since i was 16 and was only very very mild from 16 to 17 years old,but then once i hit 18 and just about to start uni it came bursting out like hell,at the time what i thouht caused it was the lack of sleep i was getting every night. Yes i had insomia for over a year, it was hell even my breakouts of actual lumpy spots was during that period. But the in december 2003 i started roaccutane and was on 75mg a day 1 mg per my body weight.


At the start i didnt see any different although my friends was telling me that my face does look alot clearer, I was still suffering from insomia at this time, but then the sleeping got better into the 3rd month of taking roaccutane and then my spots started to clear up tremendously.


Ok so after four months on 75mg a day i was finally done in march 2004,and my face was completely free of spots, but just had a lot of red marks that was flat not raised at all, so i thought nothing of it and thought it wud go away in a few months.


ok so come the 2004 summer and i was alot and much better with my redmarks but there were also one or two spots poping now and then say one spot every 2 weeks.


sorry guys guys i know this is a long story,lol, but just want to let u knw my stituation and to see if anyone else have had similar cases and is now cured.

OK oK so back to the story, then come october time and the worst has happened my worst nightmare since curing of acne,they came back only this time my sleeping did not help a single bit with calming it down.


Especially my red marks left from the new acne did not seem to go down even after a good 10 hour sleep, sometimes it would go down but only in the morning and would completely red at night along with uncomtfortable eyes that was blood shotted. Ok So enough was enough at this time i was really depressed cant belive i am coping with bad skin again,so I am now seeing a Dermatology in Hong Kong and he is suppose to be famous as he is one of the best three in hong kong,aint so sure,lol. But he has prescribed me with 20 mg a day now along with antibiotics and the result so far is good,but new spots are still poping up but it is mainly my red marks on my cheeks that can look the worst, and sometimes it still goes out of control even thou i am on roaccutane rite now,but considering i have dropped frm 75mg a day to 20 mg a day now,so i dont know.


He also told me that i might have a slight case of rosacea,so i dnt knw wether it was the first roaccutane that has bought this on and u knw how i was getting the blood shotted eyes and like they were watery all the time i think it may of been the rosacea.




THANK YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!






Hey guys thanks for replying, i am really confused in what i should do next, here is the full story anyways......


i have developed acne since i was 16 and was only very very mild from 16 to 17 years old,but then once i hit 18 and just about to start uni it came bursting out like hell,at the time what i thouht caused it was the lack of sleep i was getting every night. Yes i had insomia for over a year, it was hell even my breakouts of actual lumpy spots was during that period. But the in december 2003 i started roaccutane and was on 75mg a day 1 mg per my body weight.


At the start i didnt see any different although my friends was telling me that my face does look alot clearer, I was still suffering from insomia at this time, but then the sleeping got better into the 3rd month of taking roaccutane and then my spots started to clear up tremendously.


Ok so after four months on 75mg a day i was finally done in march 2004,and my face was completely free of spots, but just had a lot of red marks that was flat not raised at all, so i thought nothing of it and thought it wud go away in a few months.


ok so come the 2004 summer and i was alot and much better with my redmarks but there were also one or two spots poping now and then say one spot every 2 weeks.


sorry guys guys i know this is a long story,lol, but just want to let u knw my stituation and to see if anyone else have had similar cases and is now cured.

OK oK so back to the story, then come october time and the worst has happened my worst nightmare since curing of acne,they came back only this time my sleeping did not help a single bit with calming it down.


Especially my red marks left from the new acne did not seem to go down even after a good 10 hour sleep, sometimes it would go down but only in the morning and would completely red at night along with uncomtfortable eyes that was blood shotted. Ok So enough was enough at this time i was really depressed cant belive i am coping with bad skin again,so I am now seeing a Dermatology in Hong Kong and he is suppose to be famous as he is one of the best three in hong kong,aint so sure,lol. But he has prescribed me with 20 mg a day now along with antibiotics and the result so far is good,but new spots are still poping up but it is mainly my red marks on my cheeks that can look the worst, and sometimes it still goes out of control even thou i am on roaccutane rite now,but considering i have dropped frm 75mg a day to 20 mg a day now,so i dont know.


He also told me that i might have a slight case of rosacea,so i dnt knw wether it was the first roaccutane that has bought this on and u knw how i was getting the blood shotted eyes and like they were watery all the time i think it may of been the rosacea.




THANK YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!







My daughter had severe cystic acne and the derm was about to put her on Accutane but she refused to take it. I got her started on "Jessfoliation" and after a couple of months her acne is almost completely gone. She used the facial brush and soap to exfoliate, followed up with neosporin. It worked beautifully. I also got her some Dr. Diamond Herpanacine to take, it's an alternative to Accutane, contains a lot of Vitamin A which I believe is what Accutane is made of. Give it a try but don't give up after only a couple of weeks, stick with it and you will see results. We are now searching for scar treatments.


Good Luck!




Posted : 05/20/2007 11:06 pm


Posted : 09/17/2007 1:07 pm


Posted : 11/09/2007 11:15 pm

look like cica care is the only hope for raised scar


Posted : 12/16/2007 6:30 pm

thanks a lot !


Posted : 03/22/2008 2:56 am

*Newbie on the scars issues*


What might improve this FAQ is a 'burning' question (perhaps i missed it, since it is quite obvious, considering this is the regimen forum):


How does the use of benzoyl peroxide influence CO2 laser treatments. (Or other treatmens for that matter)


Any Doctors advising to stop BP at least x days before treatmen?

What are in general reactions of your doctors when telling about BP if you want a treatment done?





Posted : 03/30/2008 10:39 am

*Newbie on the scars issues*


What might improve this FAQ is a 'burning' question (perhaps i missed it, since it is quite obvious, considering this is the regimen forum):


How does the use of benzoyl peroxide influence CO2 laser treatments. (Or other treatmens for that matter)


Any Doctors advising to stop BP at least x days before treatmen?

What are in general reactions of your doctors when telling about BP if you want a treatment done?


Posted : 04/22/2008 5:54 pm

so does microdermabrasion reallly work. I hear great things about it. Then i hear that after you 6-10 treatments that the effects wear off.


So is it true that the effects wear off if you don't continue after you treatments?


Also, if it does then i don't understand why if you get it done and it scraps off the skin why it wouldn't stay that way. I don't know much about the effects of getting microdermabrasion done so i'm hoping someone can answer my questions


Posted : 06/18/2008 12:23 pm

Frequently Asked Questions - Scar Treatments



* Keloid scars - which are raised scars that extends BEYOND the boundaries of the original sore, blemish or injury. It is scar tissue gone wild. It can continue to grow. Some people are genetically prone to keloid scarring. There is a specialist forum for keloid scars:




Link doesn't work. I would like some help with my keloid...


Posted : 09/03/2008 6:34 pm

I use a mild glycolic acid moisturiser. It helps improve the brown marks but it takes really long. I need to find something faster but not harsh or that would cause more acne


Posted : 10/21/2008 2:44 am

this thread doesnt mention any problems of a raised white scars, or white scars in general?


Posted : 11/25/2008 11:12 am

Frequently Asked Questions - Scar Treatments


NOTE: It is possible to needle yourself, but there are risks associated with this. Also, results are generally not as pleasing. It is best to see a specialist whenever possible.

For more information, read this thread:


Q: Is Elicina effective in reducing the appearance of scars?

A: There are varying reports on this but it appears that a majority of users who have tried it have said no. In general, topical solutions are not sufficient to affect moderate to deep acne scarring.


Q: Can I get rid of my scarring through the use of topical solutions alone?

A: As mentioned, most people with moderate scarring do not find that topical solutions have a significant effect on their scarring. However, they can help lessen scars if used in the healing stage. Please read this thread for more information:



Q: What is the difference between ablative and non-ablative lasers?

Definition of ablate from "To remove by erosion, melting, evaporation, or vaporization."

Ablative lasers are much more invasive than non-ablative lasers. Ablative lasers are not recommended for use on darker skin colors.

Examples of ablative lasers:

- CO2

- Erbium: Yag

Non ablative lasers do not remove layers of skin, but instead penetrate through the skin in an attempt to stimulate collagen growth from underneath the surface of the skin. Non-ablative lasers are detailed later in this document.


Q: Will ablative lasers (CO2 or Erbium) reduce the appearance of my scarring?

A: It is possible that it will reduce the appearance of your scarring but it can come with a hefty price tag, a signficant amount of downtime and a risk of new scarring.


Q: What are the different types of non-ablative lasers and how can they reduce scarring?

A: There are several different types of non-ablative lasers. There is some controversy as to whether or not the appearance of scarring can be greatly reduced by the use of them. It is best for you to speak to your Dr. and to research the various laser treatments available to you. Here are examples and links to information about them:



thread on




N-Lite: thread on


CoolTouch II:




Q: Will dermabrasion reduce the appearance of my scarring?

A: It is possible that it will reduce the appearance of your scarring but it may come with a hefty price tag, a significant amount of downtime and a risk of new scarring. We suggest that research should be done before proceeding with such an invasive procedure. In addition, this is generally not a good option for darker skin tones.

See these thread for more information:



Q: What is subcision? Will it improve my scars?

A: Subcision is a method whereby a Dr. uses a "Nokor" needle to break up the scar tissue underneath the surface of the skin. It is said to be best for rolling scars that are bound down. Bound down scar tissue looks smoother when the skin adjacent to the scar is pulled tight. Some peoplesAaa scarring has improved by this method, others have had minimal or no improvement, and others have had their scarring deepen (though this seems to be more rare). Please see your Dermatologist for further information on this procedure.

For more information, check the following thread:



Q: Is there anything I can do to optimise my healing responses following invasive scar procedures?

A: Yes. Through a healthy diet and safe supplementation, you can improve your body's wound healing response effectively. Please read the following thread for more information:

The following site may also be of some interest:


Q: What is the "Dermaroller". Can it improve scarring?

A: The Dermaroller is an instrument that has tiny needles embedded in it that is rolled across the surface of the skin. It is mainly used for better absorption of topical treatments and does not appear to actually break up scar tissue. For more information, read this thread: .


Q: Can "Copper Peptides" improve scarring?

A: Copper Peptides may be able to improve the appearance of scarring by stimulating collagen production after a more ablative procedure such as needling. Copper Peptides are a topical treatment and therefore results will vary for each individual.

See this thread for more info:



Q: How can I get rid of my red marks / hyperpigmentation / brown marks / dark marks?

A: There are several different approaches to help this process. You may have to experiment to find which works best for you. The effectiveness of these treatments varies and they may have to be used in conjunction with other treatments for best results:

Prescription approach:

* Generally recommended: A Retinoid (i.e. Retin-A) & Hydroquinone*

Non-prescription approaches:

The tape method of exfoliation

The vinegar method of exfoliation

Apply an Alpha Hydroxy Acid peel (i.e. Lactic Acid, Glycolic Acid, TCA, etc.)

Apply a Beta-Hydroxy Acid solution

Vita-K for Blotchy Skin

Mandelic Acid Serum


All about lasers:



Chemical Peels explained:



Q: Will Microdermabrasion reduce the appearance of scarring?

A: It is generally thought that Microdermabrasion cannot penetrate the skin deeply enough to affect the appearance of moderate to deep scarring. It is a great method of exfoliation, however and it is possible to reduce very shallow scarring by repeating this procedure in a series of several treatments.

For more information, check out this thread:


Q: What are injectable fillers and how can they reduce the appearance of scarring?

A: There are many types of injectables used for augmentation. It has been shown that once they are injected into the skin, they can raise the surface of the scar. Unfortunately, most of the injectables widely available are not considered permanent. In addition, some are not available in all countries. Here is a list of some of them to get you started in your research:


Isolagen: thread on -

Fat (harvested from your own body) - See your Dr. for further info



Collagen (Zyderm/Zyplast):





Here is a thread on various types of fillers:


Q: What is the TCA CROSS Method?

For more information, read this thread:


Here is a link to the TCA cross article in full text on Rapaports website:

TCA Localized Peeling:


Q: What is the difference between TCA CROSS and a TCA peel?

TCA CROSS is a method whereby a Dr. or skilled practitioner uses a high percentage of TCA Acid and spot treats each scar. This procedure is especially beneficial for ice pick scarring. TCA CROSS is something that should be done by a skilled practitioner because the risk of damage to your skin can be great. TCA peels are of a much lower percentage than TCA CROSS. TCA peels are done by Dermatologists and Aestheticians and affect hyperpigmentation and more shallow scarring.


Q: What is Punch Excision & Dermal Grafting?

A: Punch Excision is a procedure whereby a Dr. will use a tool to punch out the scar and then sew the remaining skin together. Dermal grafting is a procedure whereby a Dr. removes skin from a different part of your body (usually from behind the ear) and places it into the scar. Ice picks are often treated this way.



Q: How can lighting effect the appearance of acne scarring?

A: Lighting can have a tremendous effect on the appearance of acne scarring. For further information, please see this thread:



Q: My scars are raised, not indented. What type of scarring is this and how can it be treated?

A: This is called hypertrophic (aka keloid) scarring and can be treated with silicone sheets (OTC) or cortisone injections (provided by Dermatologist).


Q: Is it okay for me to treat my scars while I am on Accutane?

A: No, it is suggested that you wait at least 6 months to a year to treat your scars after taking Accutane. Some individuals have reported that they seem to scar more easily while taking Accutane.


Q: What is the tape method of exfoliation?

A: This is a method whereby a piece of scotch/gift tape is applied to the surface of the skin and then gently removed. Once the tape is removed there may be pieces of dead skin that remain on the tape. Take care in using harsh topicals when this method is employed, as they will most likely irritate the skin moreso than if tape were not used.

For more information, check out this thread:


Q: What is exoderm and will it help with my scarring?

A: [Edit: Many recent exoderm patients have complained about lack of effectiveness of this treatment with the side effects of more scarring and larger pores] Exoderm is arguably the most extreme form of scar treatment that you can undergo, and consequently, some people that have undergone the procedure have reported tremendous improvement in their scarring, as much as 90%. Other's have said it did not do anything even for their shallow scarring. However, the procedure is extremely intense. Here is a description:


Exoderm Lift is the result of medical research over many years and is composed of 12 components, including phenol, resorcin, citric acid and a variety of natural oils ... The procedure is based on liquefaction of the skin, followed by stimulation of new collagen and elastic fibers growth which creates the "internal lifting". A new lifted skin is generated which gives the patient a 10 year younger appearance.

You may be left with dramatic improvements in your scarring, but you will have to be dilligent with application of sun-block following the procedure as your skin may have lost its ability to tan.

Please look into this procedure very carefully if you are thinking of having it done.

Here is a link to the exoderm website:

and here are links to interesting threads detailing posters' experiences with the procedure:



Q: I have scarring on my body. Can I treat this in the same way as one would treat facial scarring or are there different procedures?

A: Body scarring is typically more difficult to treat than facial scarring, as less research has been carried out into this area. The following thread details some of the procedures and information that may be helpful:



List of helpful acne scar webpages:



Before posting a new thread, please go to the top of this page and try doing a search for the information you need. It's quite possible that the information you want is already on this board. Alternatively, follow the link below and it will take you right to the search facility.


This is the search link: Type in a key word for what you are looking for and it will bring up all the threads here that topic was discussed.


(Last edited by Rossignol, 29th September 2005 - updated pictures of scar types)

(Last edited by Rossignol 27th September 2005 - added link to 'holistic recovery from scar treatments')

(Last edited by Rossignol 21st September 2005 - updated links)

(Last edited by Rossignol 21st January 2005 - added questions about nutrition and wound healing post-surgery, and OTC treatment of scarring)

(Last edited by Rossignol 18th January 2005 - added link to smoothbeam thread)

(Last edited by Rossignol 30th November 2004 - added question about body scarring)

(Last edited by OursFan 29 November 2004 - added link to list of helpful acne scar webpages)

(Last edited by Rossignol 3rd August 2004 - added info on exoderm and added links to threads about smoothbeam, N-lite and isolagen)

(Last edited by OursFan 20th June 2004 - added Q/A on Lighting)

(Last edited by OursFan 30th May 2004 - edited/verified all links)

(Last edited by OursFan 28th May 2004 - links/content)

(Last edited by Maya 19th April 2004 - added a link to Dr Rappaports TCA CROSS document and a link to a chemical peels slide show)

(Last edited by Maya 18th April 2004 - added info about raised scars - to the types of scarring section)

(Last edited by OursFan 22nd Feb 2004 - added info to TCA CROSS section)

(Last edited by OursFan 15th Feb 2004 - added pics of scar types,

added difference between ablative/non-ablative lasers, added prescription treatment section to Red Marks).

(Last edited by Maya 25th Sept 2003 - updating links)




Posted : 11/25/2008 11:33 am

I am trying to figure out a way to create temporary swelling of the face. Even if I have to do it everyday that is fine by me. I've had two fraxels so far and of course the results are great untill the swelling goes down. Even the smallest amount of microswelling is a huge improvement. I'm thinking of investigating endermologie and/or mesatherapy. I know there are some endermologie machines for home use. I just don't want to buy them unless they atleast create temporary swelling. There is a home use endermologie machine I found on Ebay for $800. My freind is a makup artist in LA - a lot of the stars will have facial endermologie before an event because it temporarily plumps the face.


I'm now coming to the conclusion that there is no permanent fix or even permanent improvement for depressed scars - onlt temporary fixes. I've also had perlane and restalyne injections, which usally end up lumpy and making the scars look worse. Acouple of months ago I got a black fly bite right next to a scar. The minimal amount of swelling from that bite made my scar disapear for two days! There has got to be a way to get a similar effect!



Posted : 11/29/2008 3:26 pm

does accutane help scarring or is it more for cystic acne types?


Posted : 05/11/2009 10:20 am

just to say some of your links need updating, i checked the links for the scars pictures and some of them don't work.




Posted : 06/22/2009 11:32 pm

Hi Guys,


I am 21 year old australian. I have a few pitted scars on my cheecks. I recently went and saw a a cosmetic surgeon about laser skin resurfacing. After I did research I wanted to enquire about the Erbrium laser however when I had my appointment, the surgeon recommended the new PEARL FRACTIONAL LASER by Cutera. Now I have been trying to google to see if anyone has used this laser before but I havent been able to find anything except actual surgery places recommending it. I dont want to fork out Australian $3,000 for a laser that wont even minimalise my acne scarring.

You can view the site if you google "pearl fraction laser by cutera"


If anyone has used this laser before or know someone who has your comments would be greatly appreciated. I am booked in to get it done next month so i need some advice ASAP.




Posted : 06/27/2009 11:22 pm

I have a small acne scar on my nose. It looks like a hole but it's not that deep and if I stretch the skin, it looks fine.


Is it safe to use a lower solution of TCA on these type of scars or is TCA Cross only used for really deep scars? I'm also wondering; would chemical peels perhaps be better for these type of shallow, pit/hole scars?


Any helps is greatly appreciated.


Posted : 07/13/2009 1:02 pm

Hi Guys,


I am 21 year old australian. I have a few pitted scars on my cheecks. I recently went and saw a a cosmetic surgeon about laser skin resurfacing. After I did research I wanted to enquire about the Erbrium laser however when I had my appointment, the surgeon recommended the new PEARL FRACTIONAL LASER by Cutera. Now I have been trying to google to see if anyone has used this laser before but I havent been able to find anything except actual surgery places recommending it. I dont want to fork out Australian $3,000 for a laser that wont even minimalise my acne scarring.

You can view the site if you google "pearl fraction laser by cutera"


If anyone has used this laser before or know someone who has your comments would be greatly appreciated. I am booked in to get it done next month so i need some advice ASAP.





Posted : 07/13/2009 1:18 pm

All I can say from my experiance is DON"T DO IT !! I had erbrium laser in 07 and have been dealing with all the problems I received from it since. New and bigger scars, dents, brown spots and red for months and months. Had to get ipl treatments to help with all the broken blood vessels & redness. Going through laser treatments to help with the new scars that are worse than the old ones!!! Rolling scars all over on both cheeks and dents. I wouln't wish this on anyone. changed my life!!! Spending thousands to repair the damage. If you do decide to go, do not touch your face at all!!!! every little touch takes the skin off and your left with a scar. Even when you sleep. Skin changes too. Sensitive to everything. I would go for treatments that don't take a layer that deep of skin off your face. You have no idea how your skin is going to react. I don't go out anymore & makeup doesn't cover scars. Only seems to make them look worse. Try affirm or needling. I've gotten better results from having them. As for pearl, haven't heard anything great about it, just that it's new. One place offered me it for half price so i guess they want to get the word around. Don't have anything done by someone who isn't a Board Plastic Surgeon or a specialist. Do not go to a neighborhood skin center that does things like facials & microdermabrasion treatments. The aren't doctors who studied for years and has experiance. I went for glasses and found out they have someone there that does lasers!!!! Can you imagine that!!! their popping up all over but you need someone who has experiance in working with lasers alone for years!!!!
