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Acne Scar Help


Posted : 03/27/2022 2:33 pm

21 Male

I™m looking for help regarding what kind of scarring I have and what sort of treatments I should look into for them. I just finished accutane about 2 weeks ago and have been on tretinoin 0.1% for about a week along with azelaic acid 20% and timeless viamin c in the AM. These mostly look like rolling scars to me, but I™m not positive. Would subcision and filler be my best option? I™m not as concerned about the redness and dark spots as those have been quickly fading, just the indents. Thank you

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Posted : 03/27/2022 3:38 pm

I think few Subcision sessions and then fillers.


Posted : 03/27/2022 8:04 pm

I concur with that basically I would try to subscize and/or then fill the rolling or fat loss scars. But I would be careful and get an opinion on what appears to be the raised scar or irritation towards your neck on the left side. Not sure the anatomy or treatment on that to be honest. But the others yeah subscision should help at the very least build more collagen. When you push your head out the scars flatten almost completely by the way, and when you push your head back you can see the texture loss. So I guess when you untether/fill that may be nullified.

I'm on tretinoin a bit too, for different reasons to be honest (wrinkles/pigment issues) but I don't expect too much from it and I take 2 days a week for only 3 weeks so far. I think it's helpful for aging or marks mostly. I'm okay with vitamin c but I take it orally not on topical.
