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Cocktail of chemicals vitamins/nutrients/substances


Posted : 01/28/2022 5:03 pm

Hi guys,

I am trying to educate myself on this topic - treating acne scars - and I came across different methods of treating (dermapen + cocktail of vitamins/substances or dermapen + PRX T33), dermapen + mesotherapy (injecting cocktail of substances into the dermis).

Maybe due to the fact I was raised on consuming natural stuff and less processed foods or always check labels for skin care products, I am actually wondering on the following

Are there chemical substances that dermatologists include in treating scars harmful to the skin?

For example, when microneedling the skin, they will put a substance for the needle to slip and also include a cocktail of vitamins right after needling.

How do you know the ingredients or the bottles used in conjugation with skin needling are safe for the skin on the long run? The ones that are used are chemical subtances, even though they are like vitamins, growth factors, aminoacids?

So, I am interested in doing microneedling and I have heard they can apply PRX T33 or some cocktails/serum to apply right after to inhance the result?

- but how tlong these subtance would last in the skin, into the deeper layers - derm, not epiderms (like all cosmetics out there)?

- are not these subtances harmful as these are chemicals introduced into the derm?

- I know that Dermapen alone can be done as well and you can have good results as well, but better with substances involved, according to clinical studies.

Thank you,


Member Admin

Posted : 02/11/2022 9:46 am

These are such interesting questions and I have not researched them deeply as of yet.

Until I do, can you ask your doctor these questions and relay what he/she says?
