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How bad are my scars and what can i do to improve them?


Posted : 10/28/2021 1:02 am


Had acne for a long time, and it is almost under control now, a few pimples/cyst everynow and then but never used accutane


routine is very simple


cerave cleanser

skinceutical vitamin c

cerave moisturizer


cerave cleanser

stridex bha

benzoyl peroxide

cerave moisturizer


i have done one fractional laser(1.5 months ago) and it probably gave me around 20% improvement, trying to get another one done but the place im going is recommending me to do phototherapy first even though i only have 2 active pimples. Not sure what i should do and not sure what type of improvements i can expect from these kind of scars. Any type of advice will be helpful, thank you in advance





Posted : 10/28/2021 1:19 am

Few boxcars and tiny icepick. Not bad at all.


Posted : 10/28/2021 3:38 pm

Not huge amount of true scarring, you have redness which makes it look worse. Fix this and active acne (vbeam, retinols etc), you will see if your scarring is worth treating in 6 months or so.


Posted : 10/28/2021 9:06 pm

For what it's worth, I agree with the above, you do have some minor scarring and textural issues, but it's mostly level and blends really well. I don't know whether it looks far worse in different lights or what not, and all scarring effects people so I'm not downplaying it. But be more confident because it's really not that bad.

Agree that redness is mostly what's noticeable.

As for procedures, like I always say, I only had one successful procedure, Dermabrasion, but Asian skin is riskier, and it would only at best be applicable to the boxcar area. But if successful and didn't develop adverse effects it could technically level that entire area but it may not be applicable or be good for a smaller area or those size scars. Maybe subscision or excision on any larger boxcars? Might be too small or not good results idk. Lasers seem too hit or miss, iffy, or too low improvement but it may be good for textural idk. If you said 20% improvement that seems okay I guess.

Anyway, maybe others have ideas.
