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How many Dr.Chu procedures did it take to see a difference?


Posted : 12/16/2018 11:15 pm

I had a package with Dr.Chu more than 2 weeks ago, was my first one, and unfortunately I dont see any improvement.

I am trying really hard to see any changes but looking from pictures and in person absolutely nothing

My question is: should I proceed with more procedures or is my type of scarring just doesnt respond to treatment because skin is too damaged?

And if anyone could, how many treatments did it take to see slight change?

Ive got major scarring so my dream would be for it to be at least not as severe, as right now it is the first thing you see on me and they are visible from far away.

It is extremely discouraging to see no chance!



Posted : 12/17/2018 10:28 am

@VandersOf course you would not see a improvement after"1" treatment 2 weeks ago. You know you heal for 3 months after treatment right. It takes a good 3-4 treatments. Also I hope your not expecting perfection as you will at most get 50% after many treatments over 2-3 years. You have"major scarring" you realize that might mean you need filler done(get injected when subcision swelling goes down elsewhere and energy devices like co2, rf needling, or erbium laser - Goto Dr Lowe in London for this and get a consult).
