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Juvaderm Volbella - Dr David Lim


Posted : 02/20/2018 4:43 am

In his videos, DrDavid Lim claims thatJuvaderm Volbella can last up to 2 years. What are your thoughts on this claim? Are there any doctors experienced with treating acne scars with derma fillers (specifically Juvaderm Volbella) in NYC area (besides Dr. Novick i cannot afford his prices rn) ?
Btw, @beautifulambitioni checked the doctors on your list, I'm not sure which one to go


Posted : 02/20/2018 5:00 am

Key words - can last up to two years. Unfortunately, because I have a fast metabolism and I exercise daily, the filler could dissipate a lot quicker than that for someone like me. Two years wouldn't be the average, but most likely the best case scenario. I guess it doesn't hurt for you to try it, as you may be really happy with the results.


Posted : 02/20/2018 7:01 am

One critical factor is where and how Deep it is injected. Fillers injected into areas with a lot of movement degrade faster. That is why fillers injected in the lips last a few months while fillers in the tear troughs last years.

My own personal experience is that if they are injected superficially, it can last much longer. Sometimes the filler becomes encapsulated by scar tissue and can last an indefinite or extremely long time.

Temporary fillers will never leave you worse off. I think this is the first thing you should try if you have volumes loss and / or rolling scars. You just have to accept that it will be a life long commitment. That said, the frequency at which you have to redo the fillers will decrease over time because studies have shown that repeated injections will cause them to last longer. Also future fillers will likely be able to last for years.

eva_li liked

Posted : 02/20/2018 7:51 am

@misshopeful123 From Dr Lim's videos ... it all depends on the type of scars and where it's injected. Also how much. A Case with small amounts of filler might last longer than someone with major fat deficiency. I haven't seen Volbella last that long on average but I am sure there are some cases it does. Some people never have to do filler again after sub/filler. It all depends on your body. Regarding Novick. Anyone in NYC will be expensive. Try a med spa if the price is to much. You can always subcisise at a derm and fill elsewhere when the swelling goes down a bit, ... Just tell them where you want it. Over time one needs less and less filler. Also As scarright/dazzed said and I have said on here many times the more mobile the area (in motion - muscles) the area the shorter it will last (botox), cross linking is also a consideration and how active you are. As Scarright said he does sports so all that grunting of the face makes it wear out quickly. Just figure you might be topping up once or twice a year, ... we all age and have to maintain (loosing fat/bone). IF you wish, and like your HA treatments you can do bellafill for longer lasting treatment by a skilled injector.

Finally the FAQ is not the only source of doctors, med spas, and nurses. It just a a consensus of Good doctors that treat acne scars. Branch out if you wish for more savings / selection.


Posted : 02/20/2018 10:43 am

The local derm I am planning to see after next subcision does Restylane superficially- @beautifulambitionwhat experience do you have with this filler, how long shall I expect it to last? Is Volbella better? Or is all of this so individual that one cannot really tell which one's better?

Just an extra quick question - can I microneedle over the filled areas (no RF, just derminator) or is there a risk needling will destroy/reduce the filler?

Sorry @misshopeful123for hijacking your thread, -I have been pondering over these questions regarding filler a lot in the last days so I used the opportunity to chime in...


Posted : 02/20/2018 11:02 am

@EagleEvaResty is fine, it's the cheapest in many offices. Volbella won't last all that much longer. Therefore do whatever is cheaper. With resty you will do it twice a year. Volbella maybe a bit more. It really depends on your body. These things are not standardized. How your body assimilates them. It's different for everyone. Volbellas cross linking technology is a bit better. You have do many good and cheap fillers in the EU/UK. Do whatever is cheapest and lasts longer. There are tons of varieties.Teosyal is good.

Regarding subcision, the idea is to have a spacer, so it's not so much the filler that matters. It is that you have something, so it doesn't re-tether. With repeats (sub) some get permanent improvements and others need to top up every so often. @QuanHenryis still going strong with his filler I believe (success). I top up every 2 years or so, or whenever something bugs me. Aging is actually worse than the scars themselves. We naturally loose bone, fat, collagen. Do what you have time and money for. If you don't do suction or ... just do filler and wait till you wish to again.

Yes you can microneedle and peel after sub.




Posted : 02/20/2018 11:16 am

@beautifulambitionthank you. so just to confirm- so needling doesnt destroy the filler? because I know that lasers/RF Infini can destroy the filler. so is it rather the heat not the needles, correct?


Posted : 02/20/2018 11:18 am

You should be fine. Don't go to deep. 1.5mm if your worried. But do give a month for healing after sub. The motor on derminator is not that strong compared to rf energy / motor. Yes mainly the energy. Though many Drs including Lim say it does not effect filler either but rather stimulates it.


Posted : 02/20/2018 11:40 am

@beautifulambitionhow is bellafill safer than silikon 1000?


Posted : 02/20/2018 11:48 am

I would say so yes. Bellafill is FDA approved for acne scars. Silikon 1000 is not and being used off label. I talked about this extensively if you do a search, also in the FAQ. I am not a big proponent of perm fillers, ... permanent fillers can be permanent problems. If you have just a few scars or don't need that much it might be a option for you. Too much of it and there could be some issues. Silikon only has a few Drs doing it anymore because so many doctors thought it was unsafe (side effects, etc). They both need surgery to get rid of if your body does not like them. Fat is another long lasting option but expensive. You need 2 or 3 procedures to top up, that is the most natural. Dr. Lim for instance won't do Bellafill or Silikon as they are not natural or dissovable. My advice. Get HA filler for a few times and see how you do before you think about permanent. Then you can consider it with a expert injector.


Posted : 02/24/2018 2:19 am

1. RF needling does not destroy fillers- presentation in Plastics meeting last year. Currently in publication. Biopsy of 6 sites following RF at high wattage using insulated RF needling. HA cross linked fillers used - many different brands including Juvederm Volbella, Volift, Voluma, and Restylane range. Ground breaking news as Specialist can now know that energy devices do not break down fillers. This is confirmed by the manufactures of fillers. Fillers are sugar molecules,filler is then sterilised at ' over 125 degrees for over 10 minutes' Hence short burst of laser or RF that heats skin to 67 degrees will have no effect on fillers. The caveat is that if fillers are vvvvv superficial, the holes of microneedling can cause filler extrusion - this is called transepideramal transit of fillers.' In reality very little filler actually exits the skin via the holes.

2. Fillers in acne scars behave vvv differently compared to aesthetic filling. Italian papers have demonstrated longevity up to 5 years. Fillers in this context, especially if performed with oblique microneedling also stimulates collagen. In acne scars in certain areas, for example the temple there is very little muscle movement, unlike the cheeks or lips. Decreased muscle movement means filler stays there longer. Site dependent as well as procedure dependent and immune dependent, so its hard to get a controlled study. The Italian study however has shown that patient satisfaction rate (what ever that means), increases over the years, - this could be due to filler and collagen stimulation, or patients view their scars as less of a concern. Many variables.

3. Sculptra, Boletero, and Radiaesse and many other fillers depending on the area and type of scars. The Volbella filler was part of a controlled study that was initiated over 4 years ago, and is still continuing. Publication once it reaches five years.The variable HAS to be consistent- namely the brand of filler, as each type of filler has its own 'cross linking and G prime' or viscosity. This variable MUST be consistent to enable future development of subcision - filler procedures. The unknown variable is the delivery- namely how the filler is delivered. In the context of acne scarring, apart from the site, filler is often delivered with subcsion. The exception to this rule is Goodman's Inverted Pyramid technique- filling only with no subcison, but this is limited only to atrophic scars with no tethering. Remember filler always takes the path of least resistance, and if scars are fibrotic, a donut effect can occur (as described by Prof. CL Goh )


Posted : 02/24/2018 2:40 am

New York is crazy expensive, I looked in to Rappaport and Yang, but they were just as expensive as Novick. Hell, parking and a slice of pizza on your visit will cost over 20 bucks. The toll in to the city is like 15 or something ridiculous.
