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I need help identifying the type of scars I have.


Posted : 08/22/2017 2:02 am

Okay, I'm 32 and I'm still breaking out and getting scars. I'm half Korean and half white (if it helps) People give me advice all the time if I mention acne and scarring. According to them, all I have to do is stop doing whatever it is they don't do.  I used to not care about it when I was younger as I thought, "meh, what are a few scars... This will all pass" and tried many things for them not to work.  I've changed my diet, used many creams and Rx prescriptions. But now I've accumulated so many scars other people (about 95% that I interact with face to face) constantly scratch and touch their face in disgust or uncomfortable manners.  People without this problem say it's all in my head until I tell them to observe new interactions and then they notice their behaviors. Dating is beyond impossible and going to work is a mental battle dealing with people. People make weird faces, keep their eyes closed while talking to me, scratch their face with irritability.  I feel I'm a confident person but just witnessing these odd behaviors are starting to get annoying.. sometimes I feel like asking then why they are acting that way.  I mean who closes their eyes while talking to someone?? Like, wtf?  Lazer resurfacing is beyond affordable and don't know what to do.  Can anyone help me with the first step and identifying my types of scars.  I also have these little bumps at the top of my nose and under my eyes that don't seem to go away (even when I squeeze them, a little bit of sebum comes out but the bumps are still there.)  I just signed up for this forum and hopefully I can find an affordable resolve.  Spending thousands seems redundant because I'm not investing into being an actor or model. 




Posted : 08/22/2017 6:31 am

Hello, ... Regarding people talking to you weird, from helping many here, I find some of this is in the acne scar suffers head, they lack the self esteem to deal with interactions in a confident manner. They project insecurity and look for ways they could be "judging you." They simply could be put off on the way you act or what your projecting. This is why I tell acne scar suffers most of your battle can be healed internally by going to therapy, Free or cheap therapy can be sought from colleges even if you do not goto one and from a app called talkspace helps many talk about their issues. For your scars / pics your scars are very minor, ... I help people with their scars all the time. You have icepicks which would be helped with TCA Cross (look up how to do it in the faq - top of the scar sub - first post, find tca, and the all things acid peels link). You will need several of them. You can have a local dermatologist or med spa do them.
