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What type of acne scars are this ?


Posted : 07/10/2017 3:53 pm


i have three acne acne scars on my right cheek now for three months from a cystic breakout :( those left these three scars but without makeup they look less noticable not as deep but are very red so I guess they are still healing ( sorry for my bad English I try my best) . Can anybody tell me what for scars these are and what the best treatment is ? Also I'm using retin-a now for two weeks almost.

picture below 

xx Lien



Barkha liked

Posted : 07/10/2017 5:44 pm

Look like boxcar with slight roll on one in is larger (middle one) but its got a defined bottom but tca cross might not be recommended due to its width,tca cross is better on tinier boxcar.tca peel on them at strong strength will help reduce it,in fact it will more likely get rid of the rolling scar tissue around the others but you got 3 scars that can be subscised,shouldnt be overly expensive?


Posted : 07/10/2017 8:08 pm

Definitely recommend subcision

xlieni liked

Posted : 07/11/2017 6:50 am

13 hours ago, Quadboy said:

Look like boxcar with slight roll on one in is larger (middle one) but its got a defined bottom but tca cross might not be recommended due to its width,tca cross is better on tinier boxcar.tca peel on them at strong strength will help reduce it,in fact it will more likely get rid of the rolling scar tissue around the others but you got 3 scars that can be subscised,shouldnt be overly expensive?

So you think subcision is the best option? I wanted to dermarol to .

thankyou! X

10 hours ago, QuanHenry said:

Definitely recommend subcision 

Thanks! Xx


Posted : 07/11/2017 10:13 am

Wouldnt recommend dermaroller after my own personal experience.looks like you got great skin bar these 3 places,if rolling spoils your texture or brungs out further scarring which it can do your making your skin worse.i would say use a needling device that needles straight into the skin,not the roller type as they mulch your skin.

you need to avoid unwanted damage to good skin.makes me wander what a strong tca peel would do just applied to this area?i dont peel in 1 place,i do the job lot so makes me wander if peels in one place all the time have an adverse effect.

even with subscision you would still have to tca peel to resurface your skin.subscision will loosen the tethers on the scars and make them pop up,filler will stop them retethering.

peels will definately help reduce them but peel in one place i have no experience of but overall face peel i do and it works as long as you got right scarring and are good healer.


Posted : 07/11/2017 11:56 am

1 hour ago, Quadboy said:

Wouldnt recommend dermaroller after my own personal experience.looks like you got great skin bar these 3 places,if rolling spoils your texture or brungs out further scarring which it can do your making your skin worse.i would say use a needling device that needles straight into the skin,not the roller type as they mulch your skin.

you need to avoid unwanted damage to good skin.makes me wander what a strong tca peel would do just applied to this area?i dont peel in 1 place,i do the job lot so makes me wander if peels in one place all the time have an adverse effect.

even with subscision you would still have to tca peel to resurface your skin.subscision will loosen the tethers on the scars and make them pop up,filler will stop them retethering.

peels will definately help reduce them but peel in one place i have no experience of but overall face peel i do and it works as long as you got right scarring and are good healer.

Yes i do have good skin but those three scars making me really sad although i know there are people with badder skin.. Yes maybe a dermastamp . I wanted in october to go to professional medical skin clinic  for microneedling so maybe that is also an option or laser ? I live ni belgium and they don't know ga rode here or subcision :( ..I  wanted to eh everything except fillers into my skin. 
 That's the only thing i don't want
thanks btw ! X


Posted : 07/12/2017 7:40 am

Forget the Dr's name but we have a Dr that is recommended in Denmark. Please check the faq post (top post of the acne scar sub). It has Dr recommendations. While I agree microneedling and TCA are great. You have pits. I would do vacuum or Chinese suction cups (buy on Amazon) after your procedure. The spots are tethered. No amount of microneedling and tca will release them or make the fat come back without cutting them free. Otherwise Quad has given you great advise for texture and after you get subcision done to get the skin more even / more improvement.

xlieni liked

Posted : 07/12/2017 12:06 pm

4 hours ago, beautifulambition said:

Forget the Dr's name but we have a Dr that is recommended in Denmark. Please check the faq post (top post of the acne scar sub). It has Dr recommendations. While I agree microneedling and TCA are great. You have pits. Your greatest benefit would be multiple Nokor Subcisions, as you do not like to use filler and this is very helpful for this type of scar. I would do vacuum or Chinese suction cups (buy on Amazon) after your procedure. The spots are tethered. No amount of microneedling and tca will release them or make the fat come back without cutting them free. Otherwise Quad has given you great advise for texture and after you get subcision done to get the skin more even / more improvement.

I live in belgium and here they only do tca peel or chemical peels, microneesling and laser :(  so you think i have to do subcision first before I can do  microneesling or  something else? How many times they need subcision you think before I can do another treatment?




Posted : 07/13/2017 7:15 am

The Dr in Denmark does subcision on the FAQ, cheap flight away. Or Dr. Chu in the UK. I think subcision will help you most. You have pits, they need to be released. You will need several. I am sure there is more Dr's I just don't know of them.

You would have to call around and ask for subcision by aesthetic derms and plastic surgeons.

You weren't to keen on filler right, I forget sometimes, so many people, HA is natural this will plump those spots right up after your sub.

You can get other treatments done but I don't see them helping you honestly the way you really need with those pits. They help texture and shallow scars (the other treatments and will be necessary once you get them more leveled - not so deep). If you cannot find anyone to do subcision have a expert injector release the scars and fill them with HA filler, make sure they know they must break the tethers under the skin or it will doughnut around scar you do this by poking in a fanning motion under the scar.

xlieni liked

Posted : 07/13/2017 2:19 pm

7 hours ago, beautifulambition said:

The Dr in Denmark does subcision on the FAQ, cheap flight away. Or Dr. Chu in the UK, either do Nokor subcision. I think subcision will help you most. You have pits, they need to be released. You will need several. I am sure there is more Dr's I just don't know of them.
You would have to call around and ask for nokor subcision by aesthetic derms and plastic surgeons.

You weren't to keen on filler right, I forget sometimes, so many people, HA is natural this will plump those spots right up after you get the nokor done.

You can get other treatments done but I don't see them helping you honestly the way you really need with those pits. They help texture and shallow scars (the other treatments and will be necessary once you get them more leveled - not so deep). If you cannot find anyone to do subcision have a expert injector release the scars and fill them with HA filler, make sure they know they must break the tethers under the skin or it will doughnut around scar you do this by poking in a fanning motion under the scar.

What is the difference between just subcision and nokor subcision ?
And yes i read about HA fillers but it's not permanent.. you need to fix it every 6 months or something i guess.. if i had to do this for the rest of my life that's not fun haha


Posted : 07/14/2017 4:46 am

Subcision is much better. A normal needle is inaccurate and they are just jabbing trying to find tethers, they can miss more.

HA while they are not permanent act as a spacer to prevent retethering, it does not need to be permanent. Otherwise you must vacuum the spot several times a day and create a bruise. We get our hair done, and all sorts of other things, yet we eon't get filler. Filler can become permanent with repeated applications. That being said I am not advocating forever filler, just as a spacer.


Posted : 07/14/2017 5:32 am

44 minutes ago, beautifulambition said:

Nokor subcision is much better, its a type of needle, google it. It's a mini scalpel that cuts under the spot. A normal needle is inacurate and they are just jabbing trying to find tethers, they can miss more.

HA while they are not permanent act as a spacer to prevent retethering, it does not need to be permanent. Otherwise you must vacuum the spot several times a day and create a bruise. We get our hair done, and all sorts of other things, yet we eon't get filler. Filler can become permanent with repeated applications. That being said I am not advocating forever filler, just as a spacer.

So hA filler can become permanent with. repeated applications? The scars are still red will it take the redness away to?

thankyou very much


Posted : 07/15/2017 5:28 am

Yes it can make hidden scar tissue if injected in the same spot repeatedly. This does not happen for everyone. Some have less and less time between filler sessions.

If your main issue is red please get IPL, V-beam, Excel V, or 1064nm laser. This will work the best on this.

Subcsion releases the skin that is tethered down. Some get saline injections that are absorbed in a day with this. you will need many of them, other's use filler. To keep things from re-attaching. You don't have to get filler you can also Chinese cupping / Vacuum after for 2 weeks.


Posted : 07/15/2017 5:57 am

28 minutes ago, beautifulambition said:

Yes it can make hidden scar tissue if injected in the same spot repeatedly. This does not happen for everyone. Some have less and less time between filler sessions.

If your main issue is red please get IPL, V-beam, Excel V, or 1064nm laser. This will work the best on this.

Subcsion releases the skin that is tethered down. Some get saline injections that are absorbed in a day with this. you will need many of them, other's use filler. To keep things from re-attaching. You don't have to get filler you can also Chinese cupping / Vacuum after for 2 weeks.

What is chinese cupping / vacuum ? I saw on google they use it for your back to take pain away ?


Posted : 07/15/2017 6:17 am

Yes you get a plastic one from say Amazon the size of your scars. probably called "cupping" or something. @keving100uses a battery operated microderm thing, I will let him describe that one. 5x a day for 2-3 weeks after subcision.

xlieni liked

Posted : 07/15/2017 8:39 am

5 minutes ago, beautifulambition said:

Yes you get a plastic one from say Amazon the size of your scars. probably called "cupping" or something. @keving100uses a battery operated microderm thing, I will let him describe that one. 5x a day for 2-3 weeks after subcision.

And i have to do it by myself after i did subcision ? Is it painfull ? And what's just the benefits of it ? I will get better results if i do te with chinese cups after he treatment ? Is it permanent than ?


Posted : 07/16/2017 10:15 am

For cupping vacuum method yes. This is why some people use HA filler, they don't want to be bothered. But yes 5x a day for 2 or 3 weeks after. Bruises create tissue underneath, ... it works for some and not for others, but it is cheaper. There is more on this in my faq (top post in the scar sub, goto subcision). Subcision painful no, they inject lido / pain meds, cupping is like putting a softer vacuum to your skin. Benefits are it tethers otherwise and does not pop up, nothing to support it, you are creating a hidden hematoma - natural skin filler. Best results are filler, but cupping works for those trying to save a buck. Permanent depends on how your body heals. You will need more than one subcision, you can try it your first time and do filler latter if you wish.

xlieni liked

Posted : 07/18/2017 10:43 am

On 16-7-2017 at 5:15 PM, beautifulambition said:

For cupping vacuum method yes. This is why some people use HA filler, they don't want to be bothered. But yes 5x a day for 2 or 3 weeks after. Bruises create tissue underneath, ... it works for some and not for others, but it is cheaper. There is more on this in my faq (top post in the scar sub, goto subcision). Subcision painful no, they inject lido / pain meds, cupping is like putting a softer vacuum to your skin. Benefits are it tethers otherwise and does not pop up, nothing to support it, you are creating a hidden hematoma - natural skin filler.  Best results are filler, but cupping works for those trying to save a buck. Permanent depends on how your body heals. You will need more than one subcision, you can try it your first time and do filler latter if you wish.

Thanks i will do first ni soon than tjokt filler maybe it will work

this girl in the picture below she also has. Rollingscars i guess .. and she did microneedling no subcision no filler



Posted : 07/19/2017 8:45 am

Yes for her, microneedling and some tca peels would work great. Her rolling scars are more textural. They are not fat deficient pits. See how everything is shallow and PIE is mainly her problem (reds). You of course can try microneedling and tca peels if you wish. then do subcision to your pits when you are ready.

xlieni liked

Posted : 07/19/2017 9:36 am

49 minutes ago, beautifulambition said:

Yes for her, microneedling and some tca peels would work great. Her rolling scars are more textural. They are not fat deficient pits. See how everything is shallow and PIE is mainly her problem (reds). You of course can try microneedling and tca peels if you wish. then do subcision to your pits when you are ready.

Yes i will do subcision anyway first and than some tca peels but in my opinion she looks like she got pits to espacially with makeup on 


