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Used dermaroller for pitted scars


Posted : 06/28/2017 8:51 pm

Hi, I'm actually not new here, but I couldn't find my username and the email address I used before, so I signed up for a new account.

I have pitted scars, and I got my dermaroller yesterday and starting using it last night. It is 0.5 mm. So I did the rolling, but I didn't experience any peeling so far (it's the next morning right now). I did experience some itching right after, and my face was a little darker, but it wasn't red.

Is this normal? I read that most people experience redness and peeling after dermarolling.


Posted : 06/29/2017 7:12 am

With a 0.5mm dermarolleryou will most likely only experience very slight redness and no peeling at all. Even if you would peel, it would not happen straight away but after a couple of days, much like after a chemical peel.

Having said that, dermarolling with a 0.5 mm needle length isn't going to do anything for your scars. You need at least 1.5 mm for that.


Posted : 06/29/2017 9:12 am

If you get peeling on 1.5 even you might be lucky,idea is to stimulate collagen priduction not peeling,this gradualy helps scars plump themselves out,gets rid of wrinkles.

personaly wouldnt suggest dermaroller,its gave me textural problems and revealed scars i didnt know i had,even make existing ones appear larger.

think people would recommend something like a derminator,needling pen type device.


Posted : 07/02/2017 11:28 pm

I don't think that a derma roller with a .5mm length will make you peel. I think that's what they recommend for personal use. I am not sure why it made you feel like your skin was darker after? I know it will somehow become red just like after an exercise but not darker though.

Besides, it's too early to tell the results if you've only used it once.
