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Question about subcision side effects.


Posted : 06/13/2017 10:10 pm

Hi I was wondering if anyone who had subcision in the past can help me. I had a subcision performed yesterday with fillers (non permanent). I noticed that there is a hard large red lump (nodule) around the area where my dermatologist went with the needle. I was wondering is this normal? I am afraid I am forming a granuloma or it might be infected. As of right now I do not feel any pain or see any discharge coming from the area. The area just feels hard and itchy at times. I know it's just one day but I was only told about the bruising/ needle marks that would eventually go away in 5-7 days but nothing about the nodule. Also, my doctor states I can just wash my face the usual way after the procedure. Is there anything else I should do or anything that your dermatologist recommend you do ? Thank you.


Posted : 06/14/2017 3:47 pm

Please contact your derm and have a follow up. Most likely this is swelling from a broken blood vessel. Massage the area several times per day. It is best to do filler after swelling in future attempts, ... but some people fly or do not have time so it's harder for the derm to judge once you swell. Lumps can also happen with subcision but they can be resolved . Take a antihistamine and some aspirin if you can or Motrin.
