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Cysts, photofacials, and scarring


Posted : 05/17/2017 6:26 pm


I have been battling an extremely large and persistent cyst (acne). Also, I have other skin issues (minor) with eczema and dermatitis. For example, a few days ago I had an itchy allergic bump that responded well to hydrocortisone. About 10 days ago, I noticed I was developing two new cysts. One of them was deep and quite painful. The stress of final exams probably played a role in the development of my new cysts. Anyway, I felt extremely ambivalent about seeing the dermatologist for the 'quick fix.' However, I finally caved in after reasoning the cyst(s) itself could leave a scar. Once, in my past, I had a large cyst injected with steroids. The treatment worked but left a minor scar (not an indentation, but slightly elevated skin).

Anyway, I felt like I had was in a double bind because if I did nothing the new cysts could possibly leave a permanent scar. Today, I went in for a photofacial. I just went to the mirror and noticed a small divot at the larger of the two injection sites. Unfortunately, I anticipated this possibility when receiving the injection, and the dermatologist heavily diluted the steroid to minimize scarring. During today's treatment, I asked about options for treating possible permanent scars caused by the cyst network and two injections. I received a brochure for fractional resurfacing. However, my aesthetician thought my current issues could possibly resolve on their own. I am going to wait a few months and if the scarring remains (including red/brown marks) I am going to shell out the money for a cosmetic fix. If anybody has any suggestions or feedback, it would be appreciated.

Current treatments: Al-Cortin A (spot/episodic), Clindamycin 2x a day, Cetaphil moisurizing lotion SPF 50, Benzyl Peroxide 2.5% (spot), photofacials on a near-monthly basis.


Posted : 05/18/2017 7:40 am

@Cognitive DissonanceThis isn't a scar, it's a bit of atrophy after your Kenalog injections. IT can take up to 6 months to resolve. Many it does. It did with me when I had them. Some have to use HA filler (dermal filler) to fix the divot after waiting a year and no resolution. The laser I do not feel will fix your issue just soften the border of the scar, this is also what tca spot peels (TCA acid) do soften the borders of the scar, so you can do that with med spa, etc...

Retin a / retinoid / isotrex / treinorin works great for some people to cause cell turnover, you can get this on eBay / Amazon You use this nightly any time your not doing a treatment, and can stop at any time.

Vbeam and Excel V work better for hyperpigmentation reds and browns than photofacials. You often need 6 or more of them if you have a stubborn case.

Please checkout my below faq (signature) and goto the Skin section find hyperpigmentation under PIE and PIH.


Posted : 05/19/2017 10:45 am

Try microneedling
it might help a lot


Posted : 06/18/2017 11:19 am

I am posting this in every thread I see with someone complaining about cortisone dents. Injecting saline into them 3-4 days apart resolves it over a few weeks to a month. Ask your doctor. Also google it, there is an article with the technique. It works, after doing it on me per my request, my physician uses it as a treatment for anyone with the issue.
