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Types of treatment for discolored scarring? (Photo included)


Posted : 02/19/2017 7:04 pm

IMG_0826.JPGI have horrible scarring on my left cheek and was wondering if maybe a microdermabrasion treatment would be of any help or what other options I have available? It's a horrible feeling to have these marks on your face and it really takes a toll on self esteem :(


Posted : 02/20/2017 2:02 am

Microdermabration does nothing, Now normal dermabration is much more effective, bloodier, and longer down time.

The biggest picture I see off the one picture is redness, which is hyperpigmentation. This can be treated with V-beam vascular laser. IF there is any pitting you can treat this at home with microneedle ( derminator check it out) and tca peels. You alternate monthly for a year. The scarring is not that bad, I have seen much worse. It's the color. You can also wear makeup while healing and treating, see the skin section of my faq below and look for makeup.

Subcision would be best for your pitting.

All those subjects are covered in the below faq subcision, pie under skin, and microneedle, tca
