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Dermastamp Vs. Dermal Filler


Posted : 09/22/2015 5:56 pm

Hey guys,


I have a few rolling scars on my chin. My acne is fairly dormant but I break out incredibly easily in cystic acne with triggers. For example recently had a chem peel and broke out in another acne cyst which has left a third scar on my chin- can't deal with that one yet. Went to a derm- he suggested dermastamping or dermal fillers. I'm terrified of any procedure that could result in a breakout of cystic acne. Has either of these been known to cause acne breakouts, and which one provides better results in your opinion?


Posted : 09/26/2015 10:39 pm

Try the dermastamp first (you can find them really cheap online) and if it doesn't work go for the fillers. I honestly wouldn't do fillers. They only work for a little while then you have to get more. I have dermarolled in the past and it helped most of my scars but not all. I think the ones that stuck behind are tethered so I am thinking of adding suctioning to help release the tethered scars. I am not familiar with suctioning so can't say much about it.


In case you don't know (I didn't when I first heard of tethered scars), if you stretch your skin and the scars don't disappear that means they are tethered. In order to get rid of tethered scars, the fibers that are holding the scar down need to be broken. You do that by subcision (I wouldn't do it myself but people do single needling to break those fibers) or suction (or so I"ve heard...not sure if it really works) If scars disappear when your skin is stretched, then they aren't tethered and you'll be able to improve the scars.


I've never had an issue with dermarolling. never broke out from that but that's just me. My skin is different than yours. I used to get cystic acne too but I haven't gotten anymore since I had my baby 7 months ago. I also stopped drinking milk so that may have been my trigger. Never had fillers so don't know if they would cause you to break out.


Posted : 09/27/2015 12:38 am

Dermarolling or dermastamp and dont give up if you dont see results from 6months to a year. Depending on the severity of your scars you will need time and patience.
