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Are Their Any Certain Scar Treatments I Can Take That'll Remove Acne Scars? Also Some Lifestyle Changes I Can Make ?


Posted : 12/04/2014 8:45 am

So i have been suffering with acne for 3 1/2 years. And to be honest noting major or anything. It's just now i have like 2 pimples, but the scaring that have been left behind just puts me down. I even stay home from school sometimes to avoid being ridiculed by some people in the streets. And yeah thing is im like quiet in my class , ive never bin that "shy" kid in class untill highschool where my acne took a turn for the worse. I've never bin to the dermatologist , and i've never tried any of those really harmfull medicines like "proactive" only on neutragena etc.

So yeah im really out of hope to be honest. Also last things i remember before i remember breaking out badly was that my hygiene was really bad back then sense you know as a kid your like "screw it !" But now i regret every thing if i can go back in time i would. You dont realize what you have is special till its gone.

I also remeber i used to but crayola paint on my face as face paint...And this was really bad

Also my mother never has boundaries on what not to eat so i remebr having gotten foodstamps we would buy all sorts of junk foods prior my acne starting period.

Bottom line please help i really want to have my senior year of hs without having to worry about my acne.

My friend samuel he had massive severe acne mid my 9th grade term , till last summer. And i have no idea how it just vanished , i saw that he traveled to china to visit his family dont know if change of reigion effects acne but yeah , also i noticed some "holes" type scaring , so he may have gotten some scar treatment to but let me point out that our summer break was only 3 months and he removed his acne and scaring in 3 months?! Thats crazy and yeah i live in nyc so if you guys know any treatment i can get thats affordable or any cremes please no home remedies i really dont trust thoughs :P.

Lastly any diet you guys recommend like tell me what stuff to buy what stuff to avoid and like give me a scedule of what to eat for breakfast , lunch etc.

Okay seriously lastly , i play video games EVERY day after school , dont know if that affects acne but yeah. Thanks.


Posted : 12/05/2014 9:38 pm

The first thing to state is it looks like you got your acne under control, which is great. As for the scarring, it really depends on what type it is. You should post a picture, that way someone here would be able to make a better recommendation. With that being said, you might just have hyper-pigmentation (red or dark spots) on your face. This isn't really considered scaring and it does go away, although it does take time.

As for your diet, it's really hard to say. Some people believe sugar can flare up acne, some people believe milk will do it. I was actually one of those people who thought milk would make you break out, and perhaps it did. With that being said, there's no direct proof that diet will have an influence on your acne. However, at the same time, both the milk and sugar industries are two huge lobbies, and they are very rich. I doubt the accuracy of some of these studies to be honest, because they have a heavy influence on some of the groups who do the "independent research." The diet thing is up to you, you have nothing to lose by trying to cut out proccessed sugar and milk in your life, I personally find almond milk to be great substitute. If it doesn't work for you, at least your health benefited.

As for the video games, it has not effect on your acne.


Posted : 12/05/2014 9:47 pm

smart not to use medicine.

Get tests done. check for gut health and food sensitivities. See a naturopath if you can. it makes it SO much easier, and in the end it is cheaper.

Your problem is within your body. medication made for acne won't fix it. it makes it worse in the end.
