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Wondering If This Article's Treatments Actually Work?


Posted : 07/15/2014 6:48 pm

I found an article on [Removed] about how to get rid of pitted acne scars. I can't afford professional treatments at the moment, so I'm just looking at the first two steps listed:

Step 1

Treat shallow scars with a homemade papaya mask. Combine ½ cup mashed papaya and 2 tbsp. honey into a small bowl. Let the mask remain on the skin for about 20 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.

Step 2

Apply a collagen-boosting cream to your scars. Apply three dots of a drugstore or department store creams onto the scar. Smooth the product into the skin until the cream disappears.

Do you think these things actually work?

Here's the link to the article: [Removed]

If they actually work, how would I fit it in with The Regimen? Since it's supposed to be on your face at all times...

And if any actually has used collagen-boosting cream for their pitted scars with success, please recommend specific products/brands :)


Posted : 07/15/2014 6:57 pm

Umm from all that I've read, this does not sound like something that would get rid of scars. Collagen cream could possibly help soften some scars but I personally just don't think it will completely diminish scars. Papaya does have good enzymes in It for the skin and is very moisturizing & soothing on the skin, especially cold papaya from fridge applied to face during hot summer day's, but again I highly doubt this will remove scars but I'm sure it will soften your overall complexion.


If you have shallow acne scars try a dermapen or roller at home and use some collagen inducing topicals afterwards like a vitamin c serum. This method can also be cheap and over time should help your scars.


Posted : 07/15/2014 7:00 pm

No, it will not work. Pitted scars are the result of a dermal injury, and DIY masks and exfoliants (or store bought for that matter) only work on the surface of the skin. I would look into Dermapen as that is a home treatment that can provide some results if used correctly. As far as collagen boosting products, Retin-A is a good option and that can ever so slightly help to tighten the skin after consistent use, but it takes at least 6 weeks to see results. It will also help to prevent acne.


Posted : 07/15/2014 7:07 pm

Umm from all that I've read, this does not sound like something that would get rid of scars. Collagen cream could possibly help soften some scars but I personally just don't think it will completely diminish scars. Papaya does have good enzymes in It for the skin and is very moisturizing & soothing on the skin, especially cold papaya from fridge applied to face during hot summer day's, but again I highly doubt this will remove scars but I'm sure it will soften your overall complexion.

If you have shallow acne scars try a dermapen or roller at home and use some collagen inducing topicals afterwards like a vitamin c serum. Over time this should help your scars.

Thank you!! I've seen you in the scar forums quite a bit recently, do you think you could tell me some more of what you've found out from your scar treatment research? You can private message me if you want or just answer here. 🙂 I think I'll be posting some pics to help determine whether or not my scars are considered shallow.


Posted : 08/07/2014 7:56 pm

No, it will not work. Pitted scars are the result of a dermal injury, and DIY masks and exfoliants (or store bought for that matter) only work on the surface of the skin. I would look into Dermapen as that is a home treatment that can provide some results if used correctly. As far as collagen boosting products, Retin-A is a good option and that can ever so slightly help to tighten the skin after consistent use, but it takes at least 6 weeks to see results. It will also help to prevent acne.

Sorry for the late response, but two questions - 1) Do you know if Retin-A will permanently diminish the appearance of pitted acne scars, or only while you're using it?

2) If my skin is almost clear from The Regimen, will switching to Retin-A still give me that initial it-gets-worse-before-it-gets-better break-out? I'm basically clear at this point, but I'm still very acne-prone, since skipping The Regimen more than once will break me out.

I've made a new post about this if you want to check it out:


Posted : 08/08/2014 10:18 am

Retin-a will help to a small extent in lessening the appearance of some shallow scars, but not by a lot. Your skin overall will look better, though. You would have to keep using it to see lasting effects, otherwise when you stop your skin will continue to age and aging = scars look worse due to loss of collagen.

If you're relatively clear from the regimen I don't think you would purge from it, because purging is really just the result of removing the top layers of skin to reveal active acne under the surface, if you have any. I'm also on the regimen and when I incorporated tazorac I didnt see much purging..


No, it will not work. Pitted scars are the result of a dermal injury, and DIY masks and exfoliants (or store bought for that matter) only work on the surface of the skin. I would look into Dermapen as that is a home treatment that can provide some results if used correctly. As far as collagen boosting products, Retin-A is a good option and that can ever so slightly help to tighten the skin after consistent use, but it takes at least 6 weeks to see results. It will also help to prevent acne.

Sorry for the late response, but two questions - 1) Do you know if Retin-A will permanently diminish the appearance of pitted acne scars, or only while you're using it?

2) If my skin is almost clear from The Regimen, will switching to Retin-A still give me that initial it-gets-worse-before-it-gets-better break-out? I'm basically clear at this point, but I'm still very acne-prone, since skipping The Regimen more than once will break me out.

I've made a new post about this if you want to check it out:


Posted : 08/13/2014 2:53 am

I'd do them better with the same active ingredients and say get some Papain powder, make a water paste mask and use that regularly. Get some collagen powder, drink that 2x daily (collagen does not absorb via skin.) And make sure you're getting a balance of EFA's (omega 3, 6, 9) dietarily.


Posted : 08/13/2014 1:28 pm

problem with collagen supplements is that they can go anywhere on the body
