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Treating Very Severe Scarring


Posted : 08/06/2014 4:07 am

Hey Sld235,

Good to see you back. So how long was the procedure altogether? Did you get full laser resurfacing or was it spot treatments? Can you go in order of what exactly you had done. Where they able to go aggressively with the Laser on your skin even with having dark tan complexion? (I'm dark skin myself).

from a 1 to 10, How painful was it for you? Did they tell you on what results you can expect with this one treatment? And what do you mean by Crazy Experience?


Posted : 08/06/2014 11:15 am

nice...i have a feeling recell and celution will be available here in the next yr or 2..and let us know how ur appt goes w the dr

Hi,I wonder is UK's recell the best presently?Is it available somewhere else?THX~


Posted : 08/06/2014 2:28 pm

Alright guys, I compiled all the pictures together to make it easier to see. I tried to use the same lighting at the same time. The last day (8th picture) is at my house so the lighting is completely different and a lot harsher so you can start making out my old scars. The swelling has decreased some more; my face still feels sore when I squint or move my face around (mostly near the edges of my eyes and cheek bones). I should be back to normal by day 10 so I'm looking forward to it.This is going to be pretty lengthy guys.

Some information before I begin - I had one fractora treatment (he tried to be as harsh as possible) done before this with some mild improvement. I did Dr. Taylor's 2 months after I had the fractora treatment. Before the procedure, I ate a high protein diet and I'm pretty healthy for the most part (exercise a lot). I'm female and in my 20's. I have hispanic, brown skin. I took fish oil, alive multivitamin, inositol and I started yaz (birth control). I stopped the multi and fish oil a week before the procedure because I was told to. I started to take my mult, fish oil, vitamin c and cod liver oil yesterday and will continue to do so. Birth control and inositol were the only things I took during my week after the procedure. I ate horribly because I couldn't get better foods without paying ridiculous amounts of money. I drank water the whole week (tap and bottled).

I showed up without makeup and they took pictures. I was supposed to take an antibiotic and antiviral the day before the procedure and I was to continue until I ran out. I couldn't get the percocet and valium because they were out of state, but I had some valium left over from my last procedure. I took pantoprazole an hour before the procedure. Dr. Taylor saw me before he began; just said I had severe scarring and I should expect 50, maybe up to 75% improvement (I wish it was 75%!!). He just assured me that there would be improvement, but to be realistic and not expect the scarring to go away completely. He asked if I had any questions (I had none, I researched it a lot). They numbed my face and I was led to a store to by my face products (I recommend you just buy them at walgreens to save money- brand: vaniply). They give you a list of stuff you should buy, but I never used the saran wrap, eye drops and q-tips. If you're out of state, she will go over everything on the phone so you will feel prepared. I was led to the "operating-like room" and I waited on the chair. I started to get pretty drowsy . They then came in and applied a chemical peel. It burned a lot near my lip for some reason and it kinda got in my eyes (I panicked bc I had contacts), but they were flushed. Afterwards, he injected the sides of my face with anesthesia and I'll be honest, it felt really strange and it hurt a bit. It just felt like my skin was twisting and being stretched out really tightly. He then began subcision and that was the strangest thing ever. It sounded like he was scrapping off dirt or something harder like concrete. It only hurt when he got near the edge of my eye and that hurt badly. I didn't say anything because he had finished that side and the other side didn't hurt. I'm assuming that certain area wasn't completely numbed yet. He then began the laser. He did 6 passes on each side of my face in different angles (he was telling a resident doctor all this info so I tried to remember). He only did my temples and my checks - the worst scarring. I was wondering why he didn't do my forehead since I do have scarring (although not as bad), but I never did end up asking. It hurt when he got near the edges of my face that weren't numbed, I just told him and he would inject again. That was pretty much it. I believe they cleaned me up a bit and placed me under a light for a bit. I then went to the bathroom and was horrified by my reflection lol! My face was so freaking swollen, I couldn't recognize myself. I looked like shrek haha! My face was freaking bloody so he was pretty harsh. I looked really bad. They called a taxi and two of the staff came with me because I was alone. The taxi driver was horrified lol (don't blame him). I was supposed to apply ointment every 30 minutes (no joke) and wake up every 2 hours at night. I came back the next day to be shown how to wash my face (4 times a day). If you guys want specifics on how to care for your face the whole week, please let me know, but they explain everything. It was not painful at all, but it grossed me out at times. Just know that it requires a ton of work. I just wish I ate better and had family members around to help. I was sleep deprived and my face started to itch by the 5th day (it was horrible - it kept me up at night). I returned one last time on the 6th day and I was told to send pictures. No filler was recommended, but I just texted one of the doctors and she said they will see after swelling has subsided some more. I was also under a lot of stress because I was alone and I was not looking forward to the plane ride home (a face mask helped me a lot). I was nervous that my skin was going to stay so pink, but it's starting to decrease a lot now. The chemical peel lightened up my skin on the areas that were not lasered/subcision, but it did nothing for the scarring. Otherwise, please ask questions if I left something out!

days 1-8 right side

days 1-8 left side

day 8 left side

day 8 right side


Posted : 08/06/2014 5:31 pm

Wow.... this is an amazing account. Thank you for being so generous with your experience. Major props for being brave. The staff sound really nice to accompany you back to your hotel.

I've seen him do the entire procedure on youtube, and it is indeed a very intense surgery.


Posted : 08/07/2014 5:54 pm

I'll update a month from the procedure (unless you guys want weekly pictures) since I still have swelling. I can already see some of my old scars returning. My face is still itchy and really sore when I move it around. I was advised to continue to sleep on my back since my skin was still fragile and I can switch to the cream now if I don't feel my face is too dry. I'm dying to go back to the gym though lol, but I'll wait the month. I was told I could workout in 2 weeks, but that i should try to not flush the face because the redness would stick around longer (which would be impossible, it's hot as heck here and I lift weights). I am avoiding the sun and I go outside only at nights.


Posted : 08/07/2014 7:03 pm

Now you all have peaked my interest in Ultheraphy.


Posted : 08/07/2014 11:20 pm

Sorry if I missed it, but what laser did he use on you? Was it Fraxel Repair or Fotona erbium?


Posted : 08/08/2014 7:25 am

BlahBlahBlah, Sld235 has a Tan skin complexion so I don't believe Dr.Taylor would used Fraxel Re:pair on her as that carries too much risk for her skin. He only uses Fraxel Re:pair laser on Caucasian light skin patients, but the Erbium is for all types, But mainly used on darker skin patients. So most likely sld235 got the Fotona Erbium Laser done just like the Asian Fellow from RealSelf.

Sld235, I would like to know about specifics on how to wash your face 4 times a day & how to take care of your face for the whole week after receiving such a harsh very aggressive treatment like this. I know that is what you wanted, & don't think any other Doctor could have gone much more aggressively on your skin than what you receive by seeing your pics here. I had a Doctor do a very aggressive treatment of Dermapen last year that cause my whole face to be very red swollen for a few days, But not as Red or even got to the point of being bloody like what you got seeing your photos. By day 3 peeling was happening and yes I had lots of itching on day 3, but went away after 2 days. When the Doctor started one side of my face by the cheeks area it hurt a lot like several Bee Stings hitting me all over as they can go much more aggressive & deeper into the cheeks than what they can do on the temples or Forehead area. Since the Cheeks area the skin is much more thicker there in comparison to the temples & forehead. Maybe he didn't go on your forehead as that skin area is rather thin and wouldn't make much of a difference as he can't go as aggressive there. For me the Doctor used a much lesser pressure on the forehead and I was not Red or swollen in that area at all. Also same as you, When I got one side of my first cheek done, I had lots of pain that he had to stop a couple of times while I was squeezing this plastic baseball they gave me in advance, LOL. But once they started the right side of my cheek I was able to tolerate it as he was using the same hard exact speed. So it is very common from what I was told having to do something with Endorphins as the brain is now somewhat used to the pain and not as shocked like before, but there is some pain, but not as painful.

The Asian Fellow who posted his story on RealSelf said he was living like a Vampire for the next 3 Months never saw the Sun light, But was still was a bit swollen 3 months later) and if he was not to careful could get very red when he did exercise a bit. So be careful not to over do it at the Gym as this could still cause redness as your facial skin will be very sensitive for Months to come(not just a few weeks after this procedure).

Also what about full Body Showers? Are you allowed to take warm baths or does it have to be cold showers? Are you still planning on having follow ups in a few months to go back there? Seeing your pictures (maybe I'm wrong?) as I can't see you as well in person, But I don't think your scars are that deeply indented that you would need fillers for now as you're quite young. Fillers are usually for those with very severe deeply indented scarring.

Maybe eventually down the line when you get older into your late 30's or early 40's (as all of us will age naturally) You might need them then as Collagen Volume loss will happen on our faces and our skin won't be as tight and the scarring will be more pronounced (more noticeable). Many People who do get Fillers done are not just acne scar sufferers, as many also get them for there cheeks & Forehead including the temples as the skin will shrink or sunken in as the aging process happens & they want to stay young & have a tighter face.

I think what you have is more of a texture issue & would recommend Dermarolling months down the line as it will also help you, But it is a very slow process as we know nothing is a 100% fixed. I applaud you though on your bravery flying out there alone and getting this very aggressive treatment done. & yes Please do keep us posted on a Weekly basis if & when you can. Believe me you are helping a lot of People who are depressed & also looking for answers on this Forum. Also thanks again for sharing your story with us.


Posted : 08/08/2014 3:30 pm

I believe he used the same laser that they used on the Asian guy because I was told that they would not use fraxel on me.

To be honest Celaya, I did not expect to end up looking so bloody afterwards lol! I was just so used to being told by past dermatologists that they can't be aggressive on my skin type so I was pretty shocked to see my face.

I'm actually calling right now to ask some of the questions you had, but I was never told to avoid hot showers although I would think they thought I would figure it out. I only use warm water when I shower and lukewarm on my face. I come from a really hot climate (desert), so I can't avoid it, but my body is also very used to it. In fact, I am one of very few people who actually drive around without AC in my car at times (people thought I was nuts lol), but I won't do this anymore now that I got this treatment.

When you arrive home after the procedure, you are told to apply ointment every 30 minutes. I ended up using a timer, but I never quite understood why it was 30 minutes because I still had a bunch of ointment left over. Since your face is inflated with saline, you actually start to leak (yeah, it's gross). I put a towel down on my chest most of the time and I kept my head elevated. Like I mentioned before, I showered because I was never told not to; I just put my head back as much as I could to avoid getting water/soap on my face. When I slept, I was supposed to wake up every 2 hours to put ointment (it says you can stop on the third day as long as you weren't over-drying at night). That was a pain because I was so sleepy. By the morning (second day), my face size had decreased by a lot. I went back and was shown to wash my face. When you wet your face, you cup your hands to gather the water and press the water against your face. The face wash is softly patted on your face. You use the hand cup method to rinse it off. You then spray a diluted version of vinegar on your face. You get one paper towel and press it against your face. You get the upper corners and pull it down. You then apply ointment again. You wash 4 times a day (I had it where it was around 4 hours apart). In the morning and night, you apply antibiotic gel before you apply the ointment. You continue applying ointment every 30 minutes. I asked if I could apply the ointment every hour instead and they said it was fine as long as I didn't dry my face. This method has been going on until now (10th day), but I don't go crazy with the ointment anymore and I apply it every couple of hours. You were supposed to apply the ointment on the entire treated area (chemical peel was done on my whole face), so I was quite glad when I had peeled the last of it because that meant I would only apply ointment on my cheeks and temples. This procedure got to me around the 3rd/4th day. It was just gross seeing all the blood, secretions and dead skin coming off and combining with the ointment. Your hair will be really gross because you can't stop the ointment from spreading there.

I am calling to see if I can stop washing four times a day and if I can start wearing make-up because I go back to work this Monday (13th day of procedure) and I can't continue it anymore. On the paper, it says to continue this for up to 2 weeks, but my skin is already back to normal besides the pinkness and swelling. My face is still really sore around my cheek area, but it's getting a lot better. When I press on it, it just feels really numb/tingly with some slight pain. Like I mentioned before, more scars are coming back, but I would be more than thrilled if they remained at the depth they are now although I seriously doubt it because I'm still swollen.

I don't think I will ever stop getting treatments Celeya. I know my skin won't be perfect, but if I can get at least 80% improvement, I would be a very happy camper and stop. As crazy as it sounds, I would do this again in the future as much as I hated it. .


Posted : 08/08/2014 5:13 pm

If it's ok with you guys, I think I'm going to update with a picture in a little over 2 weeks since my procedure (1 month). I think the most drastic change will happen in about a month once swelling decreases some more and I'm tired of thinking about my skin so much since it's been on my mind for so long. I will def. come back and update with pictures every month, but I will still come back to answer questions if you have any.


Posted : 08/08/2014 7:14 pm

That would be great to receive an update. Thanks again, you've been more than generous with your story. I sincerely hope you get significant improvement from this procedure.


Posted : 08/24/2014 7:28 am

Sld235, Yes Please update with pics. whenever you have time & can do so. We very much appreciate you sharing your story with us.

Here are a few questions I have: First, Are you still in a bit of pain a Month later with eating or moving your facial expressions when talking? Laughing?

How was your first day back at work/School?(on day 13 post treatment?). Did the People who know you before see changes or make any comments? Did you share your secret to some of them? I don't think I could share in person with anyone(other than Family) since I'm such a private person. Were you able to hide most of the Pinkness and swelling with make-up when you went to work 1st day so they wouldn't know you had this procedure done?

I can also understand in wanting 80% improvement so I take it you will be going to see Dr.Taylor again? If you do plan on going, I would wait at least a year as seeing your pics. he went very harsh and you need your skin time to breath and recover. I know you are in rushed to get things done, but please take some time off as Collagen takes many months to build from something so aggressive with what you got.

One last question, Do you still have swelling & how long did they say the swelling should be gone along with the pinkness to your skin? Thanks for your time.


Posted : 08/26/2014 7:54 pm

Hey guys,

I'm pretty embarrased to admit this, but I totally forgot my log-in information so I made a new one :S!!! I was trying to log in all day yesterday and I made an e-mail specifically for this account, but then I couldn't remember that information. It was a mess lol. It's been oficially one month since my procedure and as expected, my scarring has returned, but it has improved. The procedure was the least effective on my temples, my scars are still pretty deep there. I'm pretty sure there is improvement, but I honestly can't tell the percentage (and I'm not sure how people can figure that out). The scarring on my cheeks, however, is a lot better. It has definitely decreased the depth. Texture wise, it did nothing for enlarged pores (they might just be scars) near my nose area. The skin is still pretty red, but I have been messing up a lot guys. I know I'm not supposed to be in the sun, but there were times where I absolutely could not avoid it when I drove. I had the hat, but the sun still hit me at times. I always wear sunscreen, but I believe I might have already done some damage and may have hyperpigmentation. I'm not sure if it is, because that area in general looks red, but I think I screwed up. I definitely do not recommend this in the summer. Otherwise, my family members tell me my skin looks a lot better.

The swelling has decreased a lot and it's almost back to normal. Since the 13th day until now, my face has looked swollen around the treated area (certain light emphasized it more). It's only been a couple of days since it has decreased, but it was a lot obvious before. I wore makeup and that covered the redness, but like I mentioned before, my work is very demanding and that just made my face redder and more swollen. It's also very hot here so that didn't help at all. I went ahead and returned to the gym (slowly) about the 3rd week because I was still becoming flushed during the summer so I figured I can't avoid it so I might as well. My cheeks are still numb and they feel tight at times, but otherwise, I have no problem eating at all.

No one has said anything at work about my skin besides my family. I'm pretty sure they could tell a difference, but they didn't say anything about it. I was very happy about this because I find it to be very embarrasing.

I already spoke to my sibling (who also has scarring, but no way near as bad) and we are planning to do it together again next year. I would love to do it sooner (winter time), but I'm assuming you guys think it's a bad idea :P. I am thinking about fillers, but I am still unsure about it. I figured the scarring would just get worse by the third month....the guy on realself told me he had it on the first and second month. I will post pictures and get opinions. Now , I'm wondering if you guys would like pictures in the afternoon or in the morning? My scars seem to worsen by the end of the day, but they look a lot better in the morning. Please let me know what you guys would like :).


Posted : 08/27/2014 2:10 am

Don't be so hard on yourself. If I remember correctly you are hispanic? I remember the Asian gentleman on realself said he was literally like a vampire for months and still had some hyperpigmentation. If you have ethnic skin you are bound to get hyperpigmentation no matter how strict you are about sun protection. You can certainly limit the degree of hyperpigmentation and the duration by sticking to a good regimen of retin-a and hydroquinone applied to the dark areas to hasten the lightening. Ethnic skin turns dark from any kind of trauma and in my experience it's almost guaranteed to happen.

It's great to hear how supportive your family has been. It makes the process so much more bearable when you have people around you who sympathize.


Posted : 08/27/2014 4:34 am

I would like to see both (Morning/Afternoon) photos. One thing you might want to consider is getting a Face shield Mask if your going to be out in the Sun. Make sure it's a UVA & UVB Sun Protector so you avoid sun rays to your face/Also keep wearing your hat. You should go to Ebay and order one. The gal who brought this attention to me earlier in the year is V. Stiviano who is(was?) EX-L.A. Clipper Owner Donald Sterling's Much younger Mistress. Do a key word search while going on Ebay = V.Stiviano and you'll see what I mean in Face shield Mask. Just make sure it's UVA & UVB in any of the sellers(description) selling these if you decide to buy one, But I'd still wear Sunscreen regardless to be even more extra safe from skin cancer and getting any more hyperpigmention.

Even inside our homes we do get some rays hitting through our windows just like driving a car. So be extra careful now as your skin is much more sensitive with the Sun.


Posted : 08/29/2014 9:46 pm

I apologize for taking a while to update. A lot of things are happening in my life right now and I kept forgetting my account information. I actually made another photobucket account for this *sigh*. Here is my almost 5 week update (well, it will be in 4 days). I tried to angle it in different ways because lighting makes such a huge difference. The scarring on my left side has always been deeper than my right. My worst scars are on my left temple; I knew that area was always going to be a problem. As a teenager, I would sometimes get nodules there and I think the damage was just too much. It's somewhat sunken in, so I don't know if lasers or subcision will ever really fix it. Personally, now that I took pictures and compared them to my old ones, I dont really see a huge difference depth wise in the temple area. Maybe there is some improvement, but I really can't tell. I think at this point, fillers will only be able to correct it. I wonder why temple scars are so difficult to treat? As for the cheeks, I do see more improvement, but then it might still just be swelling. The asian guy on realself had fillers done in the first and second month. I plan to wait until the third month to see how different my scars change since this is the timeline the asian guy showed. It's just frustrating to know that the scars may worsen later, but the scars already look like they can't get any worse in the temple area .

Like I mentioned before, suggestions are always welcomed. Old pictures are on my first post. I know for most, the scars still look bad, but there is improvement.

Here are my pictures (no makeup). Nothing has been done since the procedure. I am thinking about putting fillers in the temple area & other deep scars by the third month, but I might do it sooner.

Left side

Right side - sun was too low to get direct rays on face when I realized I had none in my pictures :[

Pictures were taken about 730 pm, so this is the worst they will look (my scars look better in the morning). I'm actually trying to find the worst possible light to emphasize the depth guys. One thing the asian guy didn't do is have rays hitting his face so that you can tell the depth better. If I were to take these pictures in normal lightening, my skin would look amazing.


Posted : 08/30/2014 3:04 pm

I apologize for taking a while to update. A lot of things are happening in my life right now and I kept forgetting my account information. I actually made another photobucket account for this *sigh*. Here is my almost 5 week update (well, it will be in 4 days). I tried to angle it in different ways because lighting makes such a huge difference. The scarring on my left side has always been deeper than my right. My worst scars are on my left temple; I knew that area was always going to be a problem. As a teenager, I would sometimes get nodules there and I think the damage was just too much. It's somewhat sunken in, so I don't know if lasers or subcision will ever really fix it. Personally, now that I took pictures and compared them to my old ones, I dont really see a huge difference depth wise in the temple area. Maybe there is some improvement, but I really can't tell. I think at this point, fillers will only be able to correct it. I wonder why temple scars are so difficult to treat? As for the cheeks, I do see more improvement, but then it might still just be swelling. The asian guy on realself had fillers done in the first and second month. I plan to wait until the third month to see how different my scars change since this is the timeline the asian guy showed. It's just frustrating to know that the scars may worsen later, but the scars already look like they can't get any worse in the temple area .

Like I mentioned before, suggestions are always welcomed. Old pictures are on my first post. I know for most, the scars still look bad, but there is improvement.

Here are my pictures (no makeup). Nothing has been done since the procedure. I am thinking about putting fillers in the temple area & other deep scars by the third month, but I might do it sooner.

Left side

Right side - sun was too low to get direct rays on face when I realized I had none in my pictures :[

Pictures were taken about 730 pm, so this is the worst they will look (my scars look better in the morning). I'm actually trying to find the worst possible light to emphasize the depth guys. One thing the asian guy didn't do is have rays hitting his face so that you can tell the depth better. If I were to take these pictures in normal lightening, my skin would look amazing.

I read this entire thread and maybe noticed a discrepancy between the way you were treated and the other gentlemen. But, first let me say, you clearly have gotten improvement!

When reading your summary of the day of treatment, I didn't notice you stating they took your blood for a PRP treatment, like they did with the gentleman you referenced. PRP is platelet rich plasma which is supposed to spur healing and increase the general effectiveness of lasers and needling, etc.This stood out to me because I am due to have a PRP treatment soon (which I am mulling cancelling). Did this doctor offer you this treatment?


Posted : 08/30/2014 5:58 pm



I apologize for taking a while to update. A lot of things are happening in my life right now and I kept forgetting my account information. I actually made another photobucket account for this *sigh*. Here is my almost 5 week update (well, it will be in 4 days). I tried to angle it in different ways because lighting makes such a huge difference. The scarring on my left side has always been deeper than my right. My worst scars are on my left temple; I knew that area was always going to be a problem. As a teenager, I would sometimes get nodules there and I think the damage was just too much. It's somewhat sunken in, so I don't know if lasers or subcision will ever really fix it. Personally, now that I took pictures and compared them to my old ones, I dont really see a huge difference depth wise in the temple area. Maybe there is some improvement, but I really can't tell. I think at this point, fillers will only be able to correct it. I wonder why temple scars are so difficult to treat? As for the cheeks, I do see more improvement, but then it might still just be swelling. The asian guy on realself had fillers done in the first and second month. I plan to wait until the third month to see how different my scars change since this is the timeline the asian guy showed. It's just frustrating to know that the scars may worsen later, but the scars already look like they can't get any worse in the temple area .

Like I mentioned before, suggestions are always welcomed. Old pictures are on my first post. I know for most, the scars still look bad, but there is improvement.

Here are my pictures (no makeup). Nothing has been done since the procedure. I am thinking about putting fillers in the temple area & other deep scars by the third month, but I might do it sooner.

Left side

Right side - sun was too low to get direct rays on face when I realized I had none in my pictures :[

Pictures were taken about 730 pm, so this is the worst they will look (my scars look better in the morning). I'm actually trying to find the worst possible light to emphasize the depth guys. One thing the asian guy didn't do is have rays hitting his face so that you can tell the depth better. If I were to take these pictures in normal lightening, my skin would look amazing.

I read this entire thread and maybe noticed a discrepancy between the way you were treated and the other gentlemen. But, first let me say, you clearly have gotten improvement!

When reading your summary of the day of treatment, I didn't notice you stating they took your blood for a PRP treatment, like they did with the gentleman you referenced. PRP is platelet rich plasma which is supposed to spur healing and increase the general effectiveness of lasers and needling, etc.This stood out to me because I am due to have a PRP treatment soon (which I am mulling cancelling). Did this doctor offer you this treatment?

Hi Amcius,

I was never offered PRP and I'm pretty sure the Asian guy didn't get it either. The only difference between the two of us is that I did not get fillers done one month after. I do think if I had come back with pictures after my fillers, my skin would have looked a lot better. I'm planning to call on Monday to get a reference for a doctor that can do my fillers. I also plan to ask how soon I can get laser resurfacing done again.


Posted : 09/08/2014 9:56 pm

I am really confused right now. I recently went to a dermatologist that Dr. Taylor referred me to regarding fillers. The doctor straight out refused to give them to me and said that I would just be wasting my money. I took facial pictures in this box-like machine (different angles) that showed sun damage, inflammation...etc. He first started off by asking me questions; what I had done for my scars, my ethnicity...etc. He then asked me what I wanted. I said I wanted fillers and he just said "why". I was extremely confused and I answered "for my scars?". He asked me why my face was so red (because of the acne scar resurfacing, it's hot, I'm active..etc) and then showed me a picture that showed all the inflammation I was still experiencing. He said he wouldn't treat me until 5-6 months have passed and that the fillers would just be reabsorbed quickly because I was so inflamed. He then said a better treatment for me was DeepFX and that was mostly it. To be honest, I left feeling upset. Maybe I was being too sensitive, but I wasn't really happy with the way he spoke to me at times.

I guess I should also mention that I asked Dr. T when I could repeat the whole procedure again (I was expecting months later). He said that I could repeat the procedure right now if I wanted to which surprised me. I had mentioned this to the doctor that I saw for my fillers and he said he didn't understand why he would push it so quickly since my skin was still healing. I'm not doing the procedure that quickly (in case you guys were wondering), but I was planning it right before Spring.


Posted : 09/08/2014 11:18 pm

Who was this doctor? I do believe that some doctors are hesitant to treat someone who has obviously had a recent treatment. They're afraid of liability and being blamed if something goes wrong. I've encountered this before, where the next doctor will see that I've had a resurfacing procedure and signal that they don't want to treat. I feel like the comment about fillers absorbing faster is just BS. I've NEVER heard that before.

Also, if you do fillers please just stick to hyaluronic acid fillers like Voluma, Perlane, Restylane.


Posted : 09/09/2014 3:00 am

The improvement is quite drastic, and sharing your story is awesome. No one realises, but it takes a strength of character to keep battling through it the way you've done!


Posted : 09/09/2014 4:15 pm

Blahblah - I saw Dr. Mitchel Goldman in La Jolla. Is DeepFX really the way to go with scars? The realself reviews weren't that great. I already asked Dr. T for another doctor I could see regarding fillers. I guess I should mention that he said that the fillers would go away and that I would then write a bad review on him on yelp. I said I wouldn't do that because I'm realistic about the outcome, but I was thrown off by that. He just said that he didn't want me to waste my money.

Lightninginskillet - Thank you for the kind words.


Posted : 09/14/2014 6:34 am

sld123, I'm sorry to hear what a Jerk this other Doctor was to you during your consultation. Sometimes certain Doctors are so arrogant & just don't have any manners or show any compassion for their patients. You're better off not seeing that guy if I were you. I was looking for Doctors near your area(San Diego) and found one that not only does Fillers, But also does Saline Subcision(one of a RARE few Doctors who does this procedure) in the San Diego area where you live. Apparently with what I read Saline Subcision is a safe,effective and useful technique to address rolling acne scars that have shallow depressions with curved, sloping walls. I notice he also post on realself that this procedure also helps with boxcar type acne scars, but it's a long process that you would need about 3 to 5 treatments space 4 weeks apart to get most effective results. I don't think its that expensive at all about the same pricing to getting temporary dermal fillers.

So most doctors don't do this type of Subcision and to read more do a google search for 'insight Dermatology' & doctor's name is Bryan K. Chen. He also has many mostly positive reviews on yelp. Check him out it doesn't hurt to see if he might be the right doctor for you as consultation is free.


Posted : 10/05/2014 6:34 pm

Hey OP! Thank you for sharing your pictures! It makes me want to try that laser! I've had three subcisions and the most improvement has been from combining subcision with laser. The scars got untethered and the laser promoted collagen production. Can you suggest that to your doctor? I'm a also considering subcision and filler, including fat transfer. I've experienced loss of volume as a result of some of the procedures I've tried, on the other hand, subcision combined with filler would be cheaper and require less downtime.


Posted : 03/05/2015 11:57 am

Hi sld123

Just wondering how your doing now.

What would say your percentage of improvement is since you had your procedure with Dr. Taylor last summer ?

Was it worth the time and money to go through what you went through ?

Really looking forward to your response
