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Have I Caused An Icepick?


Posted : 12/13/2013 7:35 am

I had this blackhead on my cheek for about a month or two. Didn't touch it.

But last week I had this stupid mood and decided to remove it. I know very stupid, lots of regrets.

It got inflamed after that and became a whitehead. I popped it and let it heal, there came a scab which later fel of when I washed my face.

After a few days this hole became visable. It's like a blackish purpleish open pore. I'm freaking out.

It's just a little prick but very obvious you can see it from some distance and I don't want another scar. Do you think there is a chance this pore will heal? Or have I created an icepick scar?




Posted : 12/13/2013 7:50 am

ye icepick you learnt your lesson dont squezze


Posted : 12/13/2013 11:48 am


It looks like a permanent scar, but it will look much better and also more shallow/less apparent once it's fully healed. From the picture it seems like it's tiny anyway, so don't worry too much.

You have to be very careful with scabs if you're prone to scarring. I've found abundant moisturising from the very beginning and avoiding touching the area as much as possible help decrease the risk of a scar when you get a scab.



And sometimes blackheads just cause scarred pores when they come out, don't know why. Luckily it still happens relatively rarely for me, but it's still annoying as hell. I only started experiencing this these past 6 months (after Differin incidentally) despite having acne for around ten years. Trying to prevent blackheads seems to be the only thing to prevent those as far as I know.



Posted : 12/13/2013 12:13 pm

yeah the only way to prevent them is from getting black heads it seem

avoid high carbs , fats , sugar as those causes them
