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Scars Forever?!


Posted : 11/16/2013 2:39 pm

Went to my GP recently for my acne as I have had ENOUGH. So she has put me on Diannete-35 which I am yet to take hopefully this will work for me. But, I asked her will my acne scarring go with time? (FYI I have very bad pitted scars on the sides of my face as well as icepick/few boxscars on my cheeks) and she said they ALWAYS stay there forever.




Obviously, as soon as she said this you can imagine I was absolutely distraught. Just asking you guys they ARE treatable right? I know I have to wait for the active acne to go which hopefully Diannete-35 should do.


Anyone else's GP/doctor said similar?

Any replies would be appreciated.




Posted : 11/16/2013 7:31 pm

GP doesn't know about proper scar treatments. Consult a plastic surgeon once you get your acne under control.


Posted : 11/17/2013 12:06 am


Your GP is a big dill & a pimp/ saleman for big pharma crap!!! Acne scars are 100% treatable !!!!


Please read threads/ testimonies on skin needling, intracell, TCA cross, single needling, cupping etc, light therapy. And see for more scar revision options/ advice.


You also need to eat mostly super raw vegan organic wholefoods/ superfoods that are nutritious & healthy if you want clear skin. Also drink spring water or fresh fruit/ veg juices only. Avoid tap water, sodas, coffee, teas, GMO foods, fried foods, microwaves, processed crap, fast foods etc. And stop using harsh topicals & only wash your skin rarely with water/ salt water or with a mild vegan non toxic organic cleanser. See Pure Skin Junkie, Jess organics, The Body Deli, Sukin etc for a simple cleanser.


As for topicals, consider beta glucan liquid + retin a. This will smooth skin. A safer option is retinaldehyde instead of retin a (just make sure you're not planning to get pregnant, as retin a is toxic to pregnancies). Use retin a for a short time only as it's a potent topical. You can continue with beta glucan topicals as it's safe.


For active acne, try placing lavender oil on spots. Or applying tea tree oil lightly all over face. You could also consider niacinamide gel (B3). This helps most kinds of acne. Sweating also helps to detox/ unclog pores - through exercise, saunas etc.


Lastly, get a little direct sunlight for vitamin d & exercise light to moderate daily. This also helps the body detox. Dandelion & burdock tisane is a good detox remedy as well as edible clay drink (see health food store).


Cheers smile.png



PS Other good topicals are vitamin c serum, hyaluronic acid, copper peptides (good for skin needling - helps remodel scars) etc



Posted : 11/17/2013 1:08 pm


I AGREE MY GP IS A *beep* (insert swear word here any of your choice LOL). I don't actually eat a lot of crap HOWEVER, I do understand what your saying 100%. I am thinking of doing home dermarolling on my acne pits/scars when the active acne decides to stop living on my face.

Thank-you for all the advice.


Your GP is a big dill & a pimp/ saleman for big pharma crap!!! Acne scars are 100% treatable !!!!


Please read threads/ testimonies on skin needling, intracell, TCA cross, single needling, cupping etc, light therapy. And see for more scar revision options/ advice.


You also need to eat mostly super raw vegan organic wholefoods/ superfoods that are nutritious & healthy if you want clear skin. Also drink spring water or fresh fruit/ veg juices only. Avoid tap water, sodas, coffee, teas, GMO foods, fried foods, microwaves, processed crap, fast foods etc. And stop using harsh topicals & only wash your skin rarely with water/ salt water or with a mild vegan non toxic organic cleanser. See Pure Skin Junkie, Jess organics, The Body Deli, Sukin etc for a simple cleanser.


As for topicals, consider beta glucan liquid + retin a. This will smooth skin. A safer option is retinaldehyde instead of retin a (just make sure you're not planning to get pregnant, as retin a is toxic to pregnancies). Use retin a for a short time only as it's a potent topical. You can continue with beta glucan topicals as it's safe.


For active acne, try placing lavender oil on spots. Or applying tea tree oil lightly all over face. You could also consider niacinamide gel (B3). This helps most kinds of acne. Sweating also helps to detox/ unclog pores - through exercise, saunas etc.


Lastly, get a little direct sunlight for vitamin d & exercise light to moderate daily. This also helps the body detox. Dandelion & burdock tisane is a good detox remedy as well as edible clay drink (see health food store).


Cheers smile.png



PS Other good topicals are vitamin c serum, hyaluronic acid, copper peptides (good for skin needling - helps remodel scars) etc



Posted : 11/21/2013 5:05 pm

Acne scars are very difficult to treat once collagen is lost unfortunately. The thing about scars is that the skin has "skin memory." So even if you sand it down with a dermabrasion or very aggressive laser treatment, the scars will come back but just slightly less noticeable as the collagen rebuilds. Fortunately, scars can be extremely improved. You just have to consult a plastic surgeon once your active acne is gone. I would recommend lasers if you are patient. Good luck and hang in there. Also, be aware that even though doctors want to help, they are in it for the money and will try to sell you anything they can. So take everything you hear with a grain of salt. There is no best procedure that will fix everything quickly.
