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Can Recent And Still Red, Shallow Acne Scars Still Fill In?


Posted : 10/18/2013 5:11 pm

After 14 years of acne, I have been lucky enough to avoid scarring around my mouth area until possibly now. 3 weeks ago I got a nasty pustule which got pretty inflamed and painful for a few days. I didn't pop it and just applied my BP and Tazorac as usual (neither of which work good). After a week, it was flat. Now I am looking at it and it is still red and a bit indented. Is there any chance that it fills in as the weeks/months go on or is any indentation permanent?


Posted : 10/18/2013 6:19 pm


I find any red mark makes an indent look deeper then it actually is, and I've had plenty of smaller looking indents fill in. Skin still produces collagen for 6 months or so after any injury, including acne~ Time will tell, but if it's not a very big indent then I think it will heal up fine!


Best of luck (:
