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Asian Skin, Natural Remedies?(Pics)


Posted : 01/25/2013 6:39 pm

Hey, guys and gals.

I was wondering what type of home remedies worked for you or what could possibly work for me. The picture of what I am showing you is of my skin from left is what I began with very severe to now all the way to the right. This was a 5 month span of my acne and how it is right now. As you can see they are all red flat marks now.


Hope to hear some good advice, thanks!!


Posted : 01/27/2013 12:04 am

Sorry I can't answer your question, but I am really curious what you did to clear up your acne? I have acne breakouts that look similar to yours that I am currently struggling with.


Posted : 02/05/2013 11:38 am

WOW your skin is really really improved! I have hyperpigmentation too and asian skin so its good to know these marks do go away with time! I tried lemon juice several times but for only short spans awhile back as well. I found that its very irritating and causes redness for me. I also heard apple cider vinegar works well on redmarks/PIH. Bubbeauty uses it in a mask to help PIH marks on youtube if you are curious. However I havent actually used that. but looks like whatever youre doing now is really working! Good luck to you!
