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Clearasil Ultra, Neosporin, Isolaz


Posted : 10/09/2013 9:08 pm

I have had horrible cysts at many times on my face. had surgery as a teen to remove one

then one time I had one the size of a golf ball on my forehead...I drove 300 miles to an Isolaz laser with the suction and laser blast, and it went away

now I have acne at 40 including some cysts - I used retin-a and Accutane but now - Clearasil Ultra benzoil cream is killing it! Worth the 10 buck a tube.

also Neosporin cream or rite aid brand is awesome for reducing redness, healing, making a zit mask with the ultra, and for aftershave



Posted : 10/10/2013 7:18 am

maybe isolaz will work again for you, seems like it banished your acne the first time...perhaps it will the second
