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Back again 🙁


Posted : 01/24/2017 3:51 pm

Hi guys, 

Ok so I'm back. To put a little story behind this thread, I've been using products since I was about 18/19 - I'm now 26. 

So back in my late teens, I had pretty horrific acne. I've suffered with rubbish skin since I was about 12, and it came and went over the years and I was prescribed a variety of topical things, all of which just kinda stopped working and I had to move on to the next thing. 

When I started using the BP, in conjunction with a new pill that I was prescribed (Dianette), it seriously changed my life and within about 8 weeks I think I was basically completed clear and just had the slight scars to deal with (which I was completely fine with). After that I kind of just led a normal life, using the BP lightly on any areas that needed it. 

So things were great, until recently my friend who is  GP voiced some concern about the pill that I'm still on as she stated that it was higher risk for blood clots than other pills, and that I should probably come off it. Didn't really want to come off of it, but also didnt want to get a blood clot and as my skin was basically fine now I thought I'd give it a go. BAD DECISION. 

For the first 6 weeks my skin was absolutely fine. Then last week, I started getting a couple of bigger, "different" feeling spots to normal. And then I got another. And another. And now its only been a week since that started and my face is kind of going into meltdown :( 

SO as you can imagine I hopped straight back onto my pill and started using  the regimen as seriously as I was previously, hoping for my lovely skin back. 

I'm basically very sad and angry right now that I'm going through this again, but living in hope that things will get better. Will attach week 1 photos. 

Uploading the photos, they really dont look anywhere near as bad as my previous acne, but please bare in mind that I had great skin  1 week ago and now have about 10 spots and can see more coming up. It feels like it will become out of control very shortly :( 





Posted : 02/06/2017 5:00 am

Ok can't remember how to add another post to this one, so just going to reply (if anyone knows how please let me know :) ) 

Week 2 

ok ok so I've had a really frustrating couple of weeks with my skin - after week one, things seemed to clear up a bit and I wasn't so unhappy with it all. I felt like things were getting under control... Then I had a reeeeeeally painful wisdom tooth come through, which made my jaw stiff and lock shut, and made my cheeks puff out horribly. I ended up in the emergency dental hospital due to the pain and was given antibiotics to take for 5 days. During this time, I kinda eased off on the regimen and some days applied only a little BP as my jaw was stiff enough without drying my face out. Thankfully my jaw is now back to normal and I can eat, however my skin has reared its ugly head - always seems to be one thing or another with me :( 

anyway the the pressure is worse now because I travel to Ghana for a friends wedding in 4 days, which makes me nervous because of the heat (which can aggravate my skin). 

Heres my week 2 current situation - annoyed because under my mouth cleared up, but is now pretty spotty again :( 


