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Water only regimen


Posted : 01/22/2017 3:33 pm

Hi everyone,

I'm 22 and have been suffering with moderate acne for around 5-6 years. I cleared up for a brief period whilst on the regimen and was religious in doing so. However, I find that I no longer have an hour to spare everyday to follow this regimen and that my hyperpigmentation and scars were very slow to heal whilst on the regimen. For the last couple of months, I've flirted with the idea of doing the 'water only regimen', washing my face less, using no BP, less glycolic acid etc. My acne isn't great at the moment so I figured now was a good time to go all out and stick to just water. I'll be keeping track of how I get on on here, I'm really hoping this works for me, almost likea last resort at this stage really, or I may have to consider accutane, something I am not keen to do. Any support would be greatly appreciated. Tomorrow will be day 1.


Posted : 01/28/2017 3:03 am

Update Day 6: Happy with my progress so far, I had a particularly horrible cyst almost immediately after starting this regimen but that has now calmed down. My skin is dry and itchy and I have developed quite a few new spots around my mouth area but they are small and going away quickly. My skin is looking better now than when I started. I'm really surprised I've made this much progress and I'm optimistic that I may have finally found my cure.

Other things I'm doing:
Supplementing with vitamin d, zinc and vitamin e
Green tea every day and lots of water
Changing to pillowcase every 4 days
Running 4 times a week
Changed toothpaste one that doesn't contain SLS


Posted : 01/31/2017 5:16 pm

Update Day 9: My skin has taken a turn for the worse the last couple of days, no doubt there is a lot of recovery to do. A lot of new spots particularly whiteheads around my mouth area with lots of patches of dry skin. Does anyone have any suggestions for the best way to deal with this dry skin?


Posted : 02/05/2017 12:46 pm

Update Day 14: Things have been improving since I last updated, fewer instances of acne and they are less angry and appear to go away quicker. I probably have about 5-10 active acne daily with 1 or 2 whiteheads, which is an improvement. Lots of dryness which is an issue but I have found success using a Konjac sponge occasionally and very lightly rubbing off the flakes.

Having some problems shaving though, I am using one of the two blade razors recommended on here but just wetting my face before I shave. A lot of hair seems to get stuck in between the blades which is difficult to get out making ithard to get a clean shave, leaving a reasonable amount of hair still on my face. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do about this? I am okay just doing this for now but longer term I would like to be able to shave effectively.

I have also found that washing my face twice a day can be too drying so I tend to just rinse my face in the morning when I shower and do nothing in the evening unless I have had a workout that evening.

Happy that I have made it to the two week mark and I am still sticking at it. Here's to week 3.


Posted : 02/08/2017 4:54 pm

Update Day 17: My skin has taken a turn for the worse again. Dryness appears to be much less of an issue but I have had several new spots over the last few days, some of them cystic. My skin also seems to be taking longer to heal and get rid of my older acne at the moment which is odd.

It's been a tough few days but still sticking at it.

Perhaps something I should have mentioned before but one of the reasons I started this is because I tried an experiment of not using any shower gel on my body and it has cleared up my body acne 90/95%. Remaining optimistic than face can one day be the same, but it has undergone a huge amount of damage over the last 6 or or so years, so I need to remain patient.


Posted : 02/12/2017 6:07 am

Update Day 21: What I have experienced so far is similar to what I have seen on other threads on here, with '2 steps forward and 1 step back'. Given that I don't even use water in the evenings, my skin is particularly dry but my acne looks good. Then after I put my face under the shower in the mornings, my skin becomes much less dry but my acne more noticeable! Weird. I am still getting a good number of new breakouts.

Personally though, in the amount of time it would take me to strictly do the regimen, say 45 mins, I could exercise daily. Surely it is better for my skin to do that than to put harsh chemicals on my face?!

I fully intend on sticking this out for good few months, I find it incredibly liberating to just 'do nothing' with my skin. I guess that helps with not over-thinking things as well. Week 4 approaching.


Posted : 02/19/2017 3:07 pm

Update Day 28: I am starting to notice the first improvements to my skin tone which is good to see, it is less choppy than it has been before. Still plenty of existing acne on my face but I have had a good amount clearing up, along with some new breakouts. I would say I am happier with my skin now at day 28 than I was at day 1 but still a long way to go. Optimistic for week 5.


Posted : 02/26/2017 5:32 am

Update Week 5: In some ways it feels like I've been on this regimen ages as it seems like a long time since I last put products on my skin.

-Dryness has improved over the last week which has meant I have not had to exfoliate or genlty rub the dead flakes away which is good
-Still breaking out which I guess I would expect at this stage
-Existing acne is drying out and healing, less active acne on my spots than in week 4
-Skin tone is improved
- I am still experiencing acne on my neck which is disappointing, I haven't used products here for a long time.

Happy that I have lasted this log without putting anything on my skin. Looking forward to week 6.


Posted : 03/11/2017 2:02 am

How is it going? I am at about week 5.5. Your experience is pretty much exactly like mine. It's hard to have patience, and sometimes when I compare photos it seems not much better. But there's something I sense in the quality of my skin that's improving so I'm trying to stick with it.


Posted : 03/12/2017 6:40 am

Hi acnesux, it is good to hear from someone who is having the same experience.

As it stands, I would agree with you, I am now at the end of week 7 and my skin is probably about the same as when I started. What I would say, and what I keep telling myself, is that it's important to just stick at it. I see so many logs on here where people seem to switch to a new regimen after a month or even a couple of weeks. Like you said, it is exceptionally frustrating at times and I also have days when I want to give up. Given that I have been using skin products for not far off 6 years, it is completely unreasonable to expect to be clear by this stage. So stick at it, I plan on giving this 3-4 months, if not longer, in order to give my skin time to adapt.

I probably have about 10 active acne at the moment, most of them clogged and around the mouth area which are becoming very dry. I am just leaving my skin to do its thing. I can't believe I am approaching the 2 month mark, it has gone quickly but equally I can't remember the last time I used products on my skin

Keep me updated with how you are getting on.


Posted : 03/23/2017 2:17 pm

I believe I have now hit the two month mark and I think it is safe to say that I will never return to any sort of regimen ever again. My skin is looking pretty good, still around 7/8active acne but my skin tone has improved a lot. Dry skin and clogged pores are much less of an issue, still getting acne but rarer than previously.

For anyone else still following this regimen, I would urge you to stick at it.

I am hoping to see some further improvements in the coming weeks but to be honest, even if my skin was to stay at its current level, I would happily continue doing nothing just to save me so much time every day in exchange for slightly worse skin than if I was on the regimen.

More updates to come.


Posted : 05/10/2017 1:45 pm

Not having a great time of things since my last update. I make it now roughly 3 and a half months of following this regimen,

-I am now using a non-comedogenic shaving foam in order to shave with a two blade razor. I tried an electric razor but with no luck, it seemed to cause more irritation so I think this way must be the least irritating way of shaving. I am using no other products, no cleansers, moisturisers etc.
-Still continuing to use a konjac sponge to exfoliate every few weeks or so, I am finding that I have less dead skin now I started shaving as above though.
-I have started taking acne pills with burdock root and blue flag as I read some good things about their abilities to cleanse the blood. I started this four days ago.
-I have significantly reduced my sugar intake and I am continuing to drink lots of water and exercise regularly.

Still no luck as of yet and my acne woes continue. My skin tone is better than it was 3 and a half months ago but still getting regular bouts of acne, primarily on my cheeks and chin. Really hoping to see some improvements soon.


Posted : 07/09/2018 12:41 am

I know its been a year, how r things?
