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No masturbation experiment, anybody wanna try with me? 🙂


Posted : 10/15/2016 5:18 pm

I relapsed :( so its day one again, luckily i havent had any breakouts yet.


Posted : 10/16/2016 9:30 pm

Hey guys, i've relapsed at day 6 and day 2 and i was so angry and negative that i prefered not commenting on here to demotivate you guys. After my two fails last weeks i got breakouts which made me even more angry and motivated to stop for a long time. Whst i've realised is each time i relspsed, it was because, deep down, i really wanted to masturbate. But now i an so fucking tired of this acne disease that nothing is going to stop me from stopping. Good luck to you guys.


Also day 3 in a few hours


Posted : 10/16/2016 9:53 pm

whenever you get an urge or erection ice the junk with a paper towel or something. Will calm things down


Posted : 10/17/2016 8:32 pm

Thanks for the tip binga


Posted : 10/19/2016 11:18 am

Day 4 I havent had any new breakouts yet but my breakouts from 2 weeks ago take so long to go away


Posted : 10/19/2016 1:53 pm

I don't think masturbation can be related with acne.But It makes you lonely, sad and Angry.
I used to be addicted before, now I am 1 year clean.apreciate your brave to overcome masturbation.
There is a online recovery program to help It is named fortify inside the


Posted : 10/23/2016 10:58 am

I'm in. Day 2 after Masturbation.

A little about me: 
Asian guy
I sleep around 11:00 PM.
I wash my face two times a day, after that, apply toner.
Break out when:
- Easily noticeable after masturbating (I masturbate once a week, sometimes once every two or three weeks, if my willpower is strong enough). This is the most irritable thing I have ever dealt with. 
- After eating junk food (this is controllable, since I know what foods are not suitable to me like dairy product, sugar...)
- Use drug (flu drug, or drug that contains too much multivitamin and my body can  not absorb them all)

The most painful thing to me: Acne after masturbating really really freaks me out. I am still a virgin. Wil I have to refrain myself from sex forever in exchange for a clear face? This is hell to me. 
Since I am still single, I have no chance to test my hypothesis: can sex cause acnes?

P.S. Kindly pardon me, English is not my mother tongue language. I read well but not write well. 


Posted : 10/25/2016 1:19 pm

Hi guys. I relapsed again a four days ago and noticed a got a few more pimples, so I am convinced my acne gets worse if I masturbate. So its now day 4. I am more motivated now because I know it influences my acne. Best of luck guys!


Posted : 10/31/2016 6:58 am

On 10/26/2016 at 1:19 AM, trashydude said:

Hi guys. I relapsed again a four days ago and noticed a got a few more pimples, so I am convinced my acne gets worse if I masturbate. So its now day 4. I am more motivated now because I know it influences my acne. Best of luck guys!


Masturbate does cause acne. You have me on your side @trashydude. Even I masturbate once a week (not overdo it like many guys), I still get pimples, usually after 1 day. My skin is not as smooth as before. The most noticeable thing is the old acne scars, they get darker with many red marks. Acne comes from cheek, jawline, forehead. I test it over & over again for years. 

Now the saddest part, I have yet to find a solution even though I know the root cause (masturbation) :(

Let assume our acne caused by masturbation. Or hormonal acne. So what is your solution? I would like to here you guys to advise me. Here are mine:

1. One Zinc pill immediately after masturbating. Since you can only take Zinc with meals (to enhance absorption & reduce the bloating or gastrointestinal effect), you must masturbate before your meals (wtf!!!!). Before bedtime, you sleep & it is too late....
--> have yet to try this, because now I hate masturbate, it causes acne. Only do when I feel so high.
*After masturbating, we lost Zinc --> Zinc deficiency cause acne

2. How to balance hormone? Omega 3s and/or Primrose oil (I google time and time and time again). 
--> have tried Blackmores Omega 3s & Primrose oil but stop now because I feel bloated, heat burn, hot flashes. Like a volcano midnight. I can not sleep well after taking these : ( 
Pro: Reduce sebum production, my face is less oily in days I take these supplement (sure)
Cons: New pimples appear (the hell!!!). I heard & read all the good things about fish oil only then to find it got me more pimples. I don't wanna demotivate anyone. But Just give this treatment a try. Maybe it works for you.
Now I want to try some other omega 3S brand but I have not found it yet (An omega bottle is pricey)

3. Wash your face & use facial mask after masturbating. It helps remove oil, dirt which causes acne. After masturbuting, I notice that my face is more oily than usual. 

*I assume we don't use dairy product, don't eat too much junk food & have enough sleep

P.S.It has been for a week plus two days after masturbating. 

P.S.2. Does anyone wanna join this solution experiment? Now I can not test them all because there are too many possible outcomes & variables and I don't dare to masturbate too much. More solutions to come.


Posted : 11/05/2016 9:46 am

Just think about replapse for a while (pretty scary). But I make choice not to step into it. Your mind can hold one thing at a time, so instead of saying I will not doing it (actually, you will picture yourself doing it), thinking about doing something else (read books, watch TV, playing games...).
Think about the consequence too. You have to restart it again and again and again. You will be demotivated.
Hope it helps.
P.S. It has been two weeks since I joined this experiment.


Posted : 11/08/2016 12:49 pm

I relapsed and got some breakouts again. *sigh* Sometimes when I have the urge to masturbate Ithink it will make me feel better but the next day I feel terrible. Day 3


Posted : 11/09/2016 8:51 pm

@Control Panel, Sorry to see you go. The existence of this thread is the evidence that masturbate does cause acne (to people like us).
Just one more question, I would be please if anyone here can answer it.
Are masturbate & sex the same or different? I mean if I masturbate, pimples appear, so will having sex creates acne too? I always hope that they are different. I can fight with the urge to masturbate but if having sex is correlation with acne, then life is miserable...


Posted : 11/13/2016 3:08 pm

Hi guys, a little update here, i used to get pretty severe acne on chin by excessive masturbation.

Excessive masturbation=excessive DHT production=more pimples (oilier skin) on T-zones (chin or jawline).

By cutting down and making sure i never masturbate more than once in every 2-3 days i only have like 1 or 2 pimples on my chin and those are mainly caused by shaving.

Also, a few months ago, i've started drinking alot of green tea and taking alot of zinc. I've always thought these were good for acne, but ever since i've been taking these and drinking alot of green tea, i started getting acne on my forehead. And i'ts been getting worse and worse. Right now i've stoppee the zinc and green tea and the inflammation on forehead is dowb.

So even if you try natural products or you try something new for your acne, ALWAYS TRACK ANY REACTION OR WORSENING OF YOUR ACNE. I feel like an idiot now for being so naive about everyone saying take zinc drink alot of green tea...


shmilyM liked

Posted : 11/13/2016 9:30 pm

@Guillermo97, totally agree with you. To track is to know better thus can help improve over time.
Zinc does not cause acne. Do you know why when taking Zinc & drinking green tea, you started getting acne? especially forehead?
I have experienced this many time (for a year ago, now I stop taking green tea). Green tea & other drinks which contain caffeine will worsen your acne condition. I know this sounds crazy, everyone tells about massive benefits of drinking green tea, coffee...But sadly, we are not destined to consume caffeine.

Having said that, you can try chamomile tea, nettle root, as long as it does not have caffeine.

Today marks 3 weeks no masturbation. I keep my mind busy & whenever the idea appears, I disrupt it with other thought (instead, no no, don't masturbate, I say to me, put your hand somewhere else, get up & do some push-up, 4x4 breath...)


Posted : 11/14/2016 1:39 pm

this is impossible.


Posted : 11/15/2016 9:29 am

A little off topic. I have noticed that since I used the air filter, my cheek has fewer pimples than usual. I don't know is there any correlation, causation effect here yet. I just bought it last week so may be a little soon to come to this conclusion. In addition, I consume more green leafy vegetables. Will let you know after a month. If going green can help me prevent acne & make me clear, I swear I will become a vegetarian from now on xD


Posted : 11/20/2016 2:59 pm

Hey schmilyM, i think you are right. I'm probably to sensitive to caffeine/theine as everytime i drink tea/coffee i cant find sleep.

It would make sense since i've never been someone who drank caffeinated drinks regularly. It was very rare for me to drink them.

But when i stsrted getting very minor acne, i started drinking it. Also regarding my forehead acne, i'm not sure what caused it in the first place, probably the green tea.

But i know one thing that aggravated my acne alot, especially on forehead... OIL CLEANSING, it's supposed to clean pores, remove inflammation.. WELL FOR ME IT WAS THE EXACT CONTRARY! Since i've stopped my cheeks especially have been clearing.

Also, i've tried every natural topical cures out there: Green tea, Acv, tea tree oil, almond oil, hazelnut oil, lemon.. LEMON MADE ME BREAK OUT IN CYSTS AND I NEVER GET CYSTS. So for the past few weeks, i've realized something,

ACNE IS AN INTERNAL PROBLEM. For me it was OVER-MASTURBATION. I've solved this problem, but acne is still there on different places because of all the garbage i have put on it. Whenyou try all these topical cures it will only make it worse, trust me.




Posted : 11/21/2016 8:46 pm

Relapse after a month :( 
I feel very very bad about myself. Like you struggled, fought hard in this battle but in the end you surrendered your dark-side-self. All your efforts before were now in vain. I am not doing it excessively, all I want is regurlarly once a week without breaking out. Haiz, the punishment is about to come.


Posted : 11/22/2016 3:59 pm

Dont give up my friend you can do it. Also i responded to your comment brother, just look above you.


shmilyM liked

Posted : 11/22/2016 4:33 pm

Does sex cause acne?

I'll jump on board with no masturbating but not sure about no sex!


Posted : 11/23/2016 12:40 pm

Well the problem is mostly with ejaculation, because of the big loss of zinc and huge hormonal changes happening right as you ejaculate. So, you should test yourself, Deft.



Posted : 11/23/2016 12:57 pm

Hey shmiliM, 3 days ago i started drinking carrots and cucumber juice. What i do is take 2 carrots and one big cucumber and i put them in my juicer. I'ts supposed to be very healing for the skin and acne and i must admit that it is indeed true, alot of my pimples have been drying out, especially the ones on my forehead

read this:

[Edited link out]



Posted : 11/23/2016 9:20 pm

@Guillermo97,Thank you for the recipe, keep experimenting. I will try this carrot cucumber juice. I think it is vitamin A that helps you.

This time, I got 4 pimples, small & manageable. One bright side is they are not as worse as other times. And I know what contribute to this. You may give this a try. Also please be aware that what I tell you is not a cure, just a way to mitigate the break out affect post-masturbation.

Let start from the basic:
Masturbate = lose zinc (through sperms) + excess oil (hormone imbalance) + lose some other minerals
*There will be more variables in this equation but til this time I only know these 3.

You attacks one by one:
Lose Zinc: take one Zinc pill immediately after masturbating

Excess oil: use cleanser & purifying face mask after one, two hours to remove oil & preventing then from clogging pores
*Face mask: Clay is preferable, Aztec Clay

Lose other minerals: take multivitamin or eat green leafy vegie
*Multivitamin should be organic but I prefer eating leafy vegie (Kale, Brocolli)

Caution: one limitation of this method is you must control the time of replasing. If you do it before go to sleep, then it is too late, your face has already clogged pores like an oil pan ready to cook meat & you body is already in deficient of Zinc, mineral for 8 hours.

Best is doing it in the morning. So you can take Zinc, vegie, apply face mask immediately after that.

Zinc: I use Blackmores Bio Zinc
Vegie: I eat spinach & brocolli
Multivitamin: It's up to you, prefer organic
Face Mask: Aztec Healing Clay with Apple Cider Vinegar

Let me know your thought. If you are interested, give it a try.


Posted : 11/24/2016 3:58 pm

Hey man,

i think it is a good approach i'll try zinc after ejaculation.

Also when you talk about replacing what is lost through ejaculation, why not take the cucumber-carot juice after? The vitamin A especially will slow down the oil production.

Regarding the products you use
on your face, if it works for you, then using it after ejaculation might me be a good approach too.

But for me, i'm trying to heal my skin from all the damage i havedone to it while over-masturbating and using too many products/topical products/oils. I have pretty sensitive skin so i'm going to heal it from the inside with restricting masturbation and eating well ( also carott juice). Cheers and let me know how it goes.


Also read this,it tells you everything that is lost in one ejaculation:


Posted : 11/24/2016 4:35 pm

Another thing, regarding zinc, oysters are the most zinc abondant food onthe planet, you should try it. I'm gonna go buy some myself and i'll let you know the results. Read this :
