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Papulopustular rosacea or normal acne or seborrheic dermatitis?


Posted : 01/25/2017 12:06 am

I'll describe a little to you. I flush easily suddenly two years ago, I've been trying lots of remedies and treatment for acne as I thought it was acne (still not sure right now but acne treatments never worked for me). I usually get sort of a butterfly shaped redness across my cheeks and nose bridge when I flush. I turned so red easily when i exercise, shy or embarassed, and I've never had issues like this before until two years ago. There are a lot of bumps keep appearing and most of the time it won't come to a head (some still come to heads), just kind of like an underneath papule/nodule and take about 1-2 weeks to disappear. Even without exercising, my cheeks are always pinkish. And sometimes around my period, my face feels so hot and appears so red mainly on the cheeks and forehead, sometimes chin too. Whenever I stand beside my sisters, their faces are usually white or a little pinkish after they exercise. But mine is so red compared to them even without exercising. So, I did a lot of research on this and my best guess will be papulopustule rosacea but I'm still not 100% sure thou. Can anyone please help me to diagnose this? :( I'm so stressed out, I even had to skipped class so that I don't have to show my face in school. :'( Btw, it looks much worse in person, I don't know what's wrong with my camera but it's really low in megapixel. Please help me if you know what is this





Posted : 02/15/2017 3:43 pm

This is exactly what my cheeks look like. I can't figure out if its acne or rosacea. Sometimes it looks ok and sometimes it flares up.
