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I've ruined my skin, and dried it out


Posted : 01/04/2017 10:10 am

So my entire life I've had normal skin. I've never really gotten breakouts, or had any real problems except for a couple pimples every once in awhile. I've always always always been scared of facial products because I was so afraid of them ruining my skin. I have some bumps on my forehead as well as many blackheads I was hoping to get rid of. I've tried a few things in here past and they luckily didn't hurt but they certainly didn't help either. But 2 days ago I used a cleanser as elk as a moisturizer 2 days ago and the day after that and it literally ruined things. What I noticed after me day is that the spots of my forehead had deceased in size. But my face now has gone dry and red from this. My skin feels super stiff and I don't know what to do. The cleanser was for normal to oily and my mom, who has the same skin as me, has used it in every past and one of this happened to her. I don't know what to do to get rid of this. It makes me really upset and I don't have wanna look in mirror anymore. Please help :(


Posted : 01/05/2017 8:19 am

Hey, don't freak out! Your skin just probably had a bad reaction to the product - it will eventually go back to normal. Right now your skin sounds irritated and sensitized from the use of that product - when this happens it can make the skin feel tight, red and dry. So, I would take it easy on your skin for the next week. Don't use any new products until your skin calms down. Clean it gently with whatever you used to use before this happened & apply a moisturizer to your skin while it's still a little damp (This will help it absorb better and help to restore moisture to your skin).


Posted : 01/07/2017 5:39 am

Dont worry, it will eventually get better in a day or few. My opinion is you quit using that spesific one. Might be material you do not react well to, obviously. Your skin is irritated but there are most likely no long-term side effects. Use @kelbell812's advice, it will work :) 
