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Post Accutane/Minocycline Facial Flushing


Posted : 09/09/2009 7:33 pm

Hey, everyone.. i've followed this thread for awhile but this is my first time posting.. it seems liker y'all on the thread know more than any dermatologists i've ever spoken to..


anyway here's my problem.. i was on 40 mg 2x daily for 6 months and 1 month prior of 10 mg 2x a day.. i'm currently 5 months post tane..


after my course was done, i as well got the intense flushing, where i'd always be flushed unless i was sitting in front of a fan.. but the flushing has greatly decreased, almost completely.. now i only get flushed when i drink and it's not nearly as bad..


however i also have another problem.. everytime and i mean everytime i sweat, almost my whole face breaks out in a rash.. the rash is the worst close to my eyes and nose on my cheeks and not really anything around my mouth and jawline..


after 1-2 hours of sitting in the ac and relaxing the rash goes away, unless i take a shower then it will come back for another hour, but it isnt as bad as the initial rash i got when i was sweating.


my dermatologists told me she wouldnt be surprised at all if i had rosacea (actually i showed her a pic of when i had rashed out and she said if she didnt know that it went away in 1-2 hours, she would have thought it was lupus.. i dont really know anything about lupus)..


but since i never had any of these problems before accutane, i really dont think i have rosacea.. i will say this: before accutane i would get decently red when i exercised hard, but everyone in my family does and no one has rosacea..


my dermatologists told me to try metrogel which is a topical treatment for rosacea and if that doesnt work or irritates my skin more, we would try doxycycline, and if that didnt work we'd probably i have to do lasers once i am a year post tane..


anyway sorry for the long post, but i'm pretty hesitant to try any of this stuff since i dont think i have rosacea..


what do y'all think? (esp. lamar and soul, they seem to really know their stuff).. has anyone ever heard of facial rashing caused my sweating on a post taner?


Posted : 09/11/2009 4:52 am

I read this awhile ago and only now came back after realizing I have accutane-induced rosacea (ended course 2 years ago) The flushing only seemed to start the last half year but I probably just never noticed as i didnt know what it was. I suffer from severe form and have begun with rhinomphyma. Many papules and pustules plagued me for a few months but got on tetracycline and metro gel and those have ended however the flushing seems harder and longer than ever before and Im freaking breaking down mentally. I've never been able to deal with acne or then the small bumps that formed on my nose

(rhinophyma - which I only figured out recently was caused by rosacea) and now having to deal with something that is so sporadic and lifelong is mindnumbing. Not only that but my nose has swelled up seemingly in the last month and my whole face is transformed and I'll never look normal again. And plus it will likely just get worse and worse with time and im still flushing even while on these meds.

I would do anything to not have taken the accutane. It's ruined my life and I can never be the person I was ever again. I can never even be normal looking. Im scared and I'm sick of all of this.


Posted : 09/14/2009 8:39 pm

Lamarr, did you find that Mepacrine helped with your joint stifness and hairloss as well as the flushing?


Also, where did you purchase your grape seed oil from?




Posted : 09/18/2009 5:01 pm

Hey bro,


Yeah it did/does help the joint stiffness/pain and muscle soreness. Hairloss it doesn't really help though. With tane hairloss it may prevent the long term miniturization of the hairshafts but i'm not gonna rely on it doing that so i continue to use my other treatments for the hairloss.


I get my grapeseed oil from ebay lol. I tend to trust the highly rated people on ebay more than a random shop on the internet... Grapeeed oil is one of the cheaper ones, i remember knocking up the esential oil mix used in the alopecia areata study and things like cedarwood tyme etc ending up being the ones which cost more. Getting a good quality lavender is worth while imo. Emu oil you just want your standard stuff, no tripple refined etc etc.



Sorry to the people who i haven't replied to via pm's i get so many and i don't like to reply to one over any other so i havent responded for quite a while now.


Posted : 09/19/2009 1:44 pm



Hey man. Can you give me Dr. Chu's contact information please? My doctor wants to contact him in regards to anti malarials and accutane side effects. I would really appreciate it because it would go a long way towards helping me get an anti malarial here in the states.



Posted : 09/19/2009 1:57 pm

Try him on his email first....


I'll give you a phone number if that doesn't work (it does work it just depends if he will respond or not).





Posted : 09/20/2009 5:33 am

It's ruined my life and I can never be the person I was ever again. I can never even be normal looking. Im scared and I'm sick of all of this.



I feel your pain.


Posted : 09/25/2009 7:03 pm

Hey guys sorry it's been so long. Still improving on the HGH. Lamarr I had a scare with the HGH regarding the legitimacy of the source. You were right man there's a lot of sketchy stuff out there. I just wanted to ask a general question. Does everyone here sweat? I fee like the days that I am better I am sweating instead of flushing and the days when I am worse, I am flushing because I am unable to sweat. My problem seems to be a lack of sweat and hydration. Does anyone feel like they have a similar issue?


Posted : 09/27/2009 12:04 am

Try him on his email first....


I'll give you a phone number if that doesn't work (it does work it just depends if he will respond or not).






Thanks man.


Posted : 09/27/2009 12:09 am

Hey guys sorry it's been so long. Still improving on the HGH. Lamarr I had a scare with the HGH regarding the legitimacy of the source. You were right man there's a lot of sketchy stuff out there. I just wanted to ask a general question. Does everyone here sweat? I fee like the days that I am better I am sweating instead of flushing and the days when I am worse, I am flushing because I am unable to sweat. My problem seems to be a lack of sweat and hydration. Does anyone feel like they have a similar issue?


I never have been a big sweater, but post-accutane I sweat a lot more in the armpits. This is probably due to the increased amount of stress I am under with the flushing, but its definitely much more than pre-accutane. I don't really sweat much in the face. However, my face used to get pretty oily when stressed/etc. pre-accutane so that might be similar(i don't know?). But to answer your question directly I don't think sweat is a factor in my flushing.


Posted : 09/29/2009 4:36 am

Lamar im thinking about going on doxycycline for 4 or so months


thoughts would be great


although my flushing has decreased


my overall skin is not doing good..redness..mild acne,roughness


I was wondering whats ur thoughts on this and if its a good idea or not


and what dose would be the best 50 mg 75 mg 100 mg


and as far as i know doxy cant make flushing worse like accutane as they are not the same family


Posted : 09/29/2009 8:21 am

JT, thanks for responding that's interesting. Does anyone else have an issue with not sweating?


Posted : 10/01/2009 8:32 am

JT, thanks for responding that's interesting. Does anyone else have an issue with not sweating?



Uhm, I have checked regarding accutane and lack of sweat...I don't doubt that Accutane can cause this. I still searching for info on this.

I am not sure of all your problems or why your on the HgH, but Lack of sweating is called Anhidrosis It's main causes are from medications, dehydration, damge to the sweat glands, skin damage to the skin (blood vessels,nerves surrounding the blood vessels)


certian medical conditions such as people with Sjogren's, thyroid, other hormonal diseases (disruption of the pitutary and hypothalmus) and people with autonomic disorders experince lack of flushing or the oppisite excessive sweating.

Well alot people who are poisioned by Accutane experince alot of theese things.


As for lack of sweating and flushing- What I have read people who can't sweat need to loose body heat so they tend to flush to release the heat.


Alot of people who have taken Accutane have reported temp regulation problems, so basically you skin and body can no longer thermoregulate.


Seattle-I spoke with Jame O'donnell Ph.D. from the Congressional hearings on Accutane recently, I'll PM you soon on that.


Posted : 10/01/2009 10:53 pm

oli girl, thanks you the info. Other than taking GH to help speed up the regrowth of cells that have been damaged and/or repair pituitary dehydration, how does one fix the sweating issue. The subcutaneous layer of the skin seems to be damaged, which as you said said includes nerves, subcutaneous glads, and blood vessels. There must be a way to target the problem and ultimately resolves it.


Posted : 10/02/2009 9:18 am

oli girl, thanks you the info. Other than taking GH to help speed up the regrowth of cells that have been damaged and/or repair pituitary dehydration, how does one fix the sweating issue. The subcutaneous layer of the skin seems to be damaged, which as you said said includes nerves, subcutaneous glads, and blood vessels. There must be a way to target the problem and ultimately resolves it.



Well, If your skin,nerves etc are permanently damaged then no there really isn't any treatment...from what I have read repeatedly.... stem cells????????????


If it is caused by hormonal such as pituitary/thyroid fixing thoose problems should help.

If it is autonomic problem then doing your best to thermoregulate your temp would help some.


I did read that for some who have sweat gland problems some temporary skin damage have used a lotion Anhydrous Lanolin Lotion, could try that.


Basically I would speak to the physican that help you with the pitutary problem, excessive sweating is alot easier to treat then lack of sweat.


Good Luck, I know it sucks.....


oh, by the way I have read that lack of sweating can be caused in people who are poisoned, LoL cause Accutane is poison and most of us have been poisoned.....


Posted : 10/02/2009 9:46 am

I have responded to the GH positively which is why I feel like my lack of sweat and nerve problems may be temporary. However, I often feel that it is just a problem that is localized to my face and nothing else, sometimes if I get really bad my shoulders and chest will flush, but since on the GH that has not happened. Is there anything topical that has help heal the skin? When my face is wet it is okay, it feels like the issue is a lack of hydration.


Posted : 10/02/2009 10:39 am



I have a huge problem:


Always after taking a accutane pills i got very severe flushing. After 3-4 month in my accutane treatment the flushing was sooo bad that i had to stop taking it. This was over 1 and a half year ago.


Now i have permanent redness on my cheeks and i have servere flushes at least twice a day. When i wake up in the morning i immediately feel some burning on my cheeks. Heat is also a trigger. But sometimes when i am just sitting in front my computer my face starts to flush. It also feels very hot when i touch it.


When i have a strong flush i also feel pressure behing my right eye.


All the flushing and redness in my face is driving me crazy.


Is this permanent? What can i do?

I never had any redness in my face before taking accutane. :(((





Posted : 10/02/2009 11:53 am

Yo JT if you still on the blog right now hit me back


And Alex I feel like depending on the level of damage you have personally acquired over your accutane treatment the flushing may be permanent


Posted : 10/02/2009 3:29 pm



I have a huge problem:


Always after taking a accutane pills i got very severe flushing. After 3-4 month in my accutane treatment the flushing was sooo bad that i had to stop taking it. This was over 1 and a half year ago.


Now i have permanent redness on my cheeks and i have servere flushes at least twice a day. When i wake up in the morning i immediately feel some burning on my cheeks. Heat is also a trigger. But sometimes when i am just sitting in front my computer my face starts to flush. It also feels very hot when i touch it.


When i have a strong flush i also feel pressure behing my right eye.


All the flushing and redness in my face is driving me crazy.


Is this permanent? What can i do?

I never had any redness in my face before taking accutane. :(((





I would recommend reading through this entire thread. I know there is like 34 pages now, but it will give you the most thorough understanding of what we all have tried and understand about post accutane flushing...


Yo JT if you still on the blog right now hit me back


And Alex I feel like depending on the level of damage you have personally acquired over your accutane treatment the flushing may be permanent


Sorry man I just looked for a second. What's up?


Posted : 10/04/2009 4:23 pm

Lamar im thinking about going on doxycycline for 4 or so months


thoughts would be great


although my flushing has decreased


my overall skin is not doing good..redness..mild acne,roughness


I was wondering whats ur thoughts on this and if its a good idea or not


and what dose would be the best 50 mg 75 mg 100 mg


and as far as i know doxy cant make flushing worse like accutane as they are not the same family


Hey halfpipe, are you still taking mepacrine? I think you said you were reducing yoru dose a while back - did it help the skin yellowing at all?


For what its worth, I took several courses of antibiotics after Accutane (including doxy) and it did not effect my flushing at all, did not make it worse in any way.


Posted : 10/07/2009 7:20 pm

Lamarr, Halfpipe,


I started Meapcine afew weeks back and it definitely helps flushing and redness, it started helping from around the 3rd or 4th day. I am also taking Remeron, low dose Propranolol and low dose Clonidine.


My skin is starting to show some real signs of yellowing. I don't like it. Not sure what to do at this point. Any hints or ideas on how I can combat or lessen this yellowing? Any supplements? Dosing suggestions? I am taking 100mg per day at the moment.


I would be very greatful to hear if either of you know of any ways to help lessen the yellowing effect. Do you think I should just go yellow for a month or two and then reduce the dose? Do either of you know if the flushing remains less or stopped even after stopping Mepacrine? I don't mind going yellow for a couple months if I know it will solve the flushing even when I stop.


It's never easy...there is always can be very frusterating to say the least.




Posted : 10/09/2009 5:37 pm

Lamarr, Halfpipe,


I started Meapcine afew weeks back and it definitely helps flushing and redness, it started helping from around the 3rd or 4th day. I am also taking Remeron, low dose Propranolol and low dose Clonidine.


My skin is starting to show some real signs of yellowing. I don't like it. Not sure what to do at this point. Any hints or ideas on how I can combat or lessen this yellowing? Any supplements? Dosing suggestions? I am taking 100mg per day at the moment.


I would be very greatful to hear if either of you know of any ways to help lessen the yellowing effect. Do you think I should just go yellow for a month or two and then reduce the dose? Do either of you know if the flushing remains less or stopped even after stopping Mepacrine? I don't mind going yellow for a couple months if I know it will solve the flushing even when I stop.


It's never easy...there is always can be very frusterating to say the least.




I know that your questions weren't directed towards me, but I figure that I can give you some information while you wait for them to respond. You could try to lower your dose to 50mg per day to see if that decreases the yellowing. I also know that Lamarr was taking milk thistle which potentially could be decreasing the yellowing effect so that is something else to consider. If you find that these things don't decrease the yellowing to an acceptable level then you could also try switching to another anti malarial such as plaquenil. If you do a lot of research on it you will find that the risk of eye toxicity is very minor when used properly and with regular check-ups it can be caught early enough to prevent permanent damage.


From what I understand about the anti malarials and our condition I don't believe that it cures the flushing if you stopped taking it completely. It is presumably, at the least, a long term solution.


Hope that helps...


Posted : 10/10/2009 4:53 pm

Lamarr, Halfpipe,


I started Meapcine afew weeks back and it definitely helps flushing and redness, it started helping from around the 3rd or 4th day. I am also taking Remeron, low dose Propranolol and low dose Clonidine.


My skin is starting to show some real signs of yellowing. I don't like it. Not sure what to do at this point. Any hints or ideas on how I can combat or lessen this yellowing? Any supplements? Dosing suggestions? I am taking 100mg per day at the moment.


I would be very greatful to hear if either of you know of any ways to help lessen the yellowing effect. Do you think I should just go yellow for a month or two and then reduce the dose? Do either of you know if the flushing remains less or stopped even after stopping Mepacrine? I don't mind going yellow for a couple months if I know it will solve the flushing even when I stop.


It's never easy...there is always can be very frusterating to say the least.




I know that your questions weren't directed towards me, but I figure that I can give you some information while you wait for them to respond. You could try to lower your dose to 50mg per day to see if that decreases the yellowing. I also know that Lamarr was taking milk thistle which potentially could be decreasing the yellowing effect so that is something else to consider. If you find that these things don't decrease the yellowing to an acceptable level then you could also try switching to another anti malarial such as plaquenil. If you do a lot of research on it you will find that the risk of eye toxicity is very minor when used properly and with regular check-ups it can be caught early enough to prevent permanent damage.


From what I understand about the anti malarials and our condition I don't believe that it cures the flushing if you stopped taking it completely. It is presumably, at the least, a long term solution.


Hope that helps...



Cheers JT, thanks for the info and suggestions. The stuff is pretty amazing, it really seems to shut things down, if you are considering I would opt to try it - that is 3 for 3 for it helping Accutane induced flushing.


Lamarr, Halfpipe, would still like to hear you thoughts...


Posted : 10/11/2009 3:09 pm

Heres what you wanna do...


Stay on the 100mg for as long as you can (atleast a few months). To combat the yellowing, go and get yourself some decent sunless tanner (xan tan is great). Use sunbeds for a while if you want, i know people say how damaging these are but sunbeds, so long as you cover your face, neck and back of your hands. Will only help things (it regulates the immune system and inflammation (google UVA-1 treatment in lupus))


Just use the sunless tanner on your face so you don't end up with a tanned body and white face. After a few months, lower your dose to 75mg daily then after a month lower it again to 50mg daily. While your flushing is much improved, start red light therapy and try and get yourself some curcumin.


I am only taking 200mg per week atm and my flushing is still 100% gone, but as i said i still use light therapy and curcumin (twice per day).


The mepacrin will leave your flushing much improved, especially if you stay on some of the anti flushing meds. It kind of knocks everything down a few pegs. Even if you were to come off after a month you will of still seen some permanent improvement.


Hope this helps,




Posted : 10/11/2009 7:51 pm

Heres what you wanna do...


Stay on the 100mg for as long as you can (atleast a few months). To combat the yellowing, go and get yourself some decent sunless tanner (xan tan is great). Use sunbeds for a while if you want, i know people say how damaging these are but sunbeds, so long as you cover your face, neck and back of your hands. Will only help things (it regulates the immune system and inflammation (google UVA-1 treatment in lupus))


Just use the sunless tanner on your face so you don't end up with a tanned body and white face. After a few months, lower your dose to 75mg daily then after a month lower it again to 50mg daily. While your flushing is much improved, start red light therapy and try and get yourself some curcumin.


I am only taking 200mg per week atm and my flushing is still 100% gone, but as i said i still use light therapy and curcumin (twice per day).


The mepacrin will leave your flushing much improved, especially if you stay on some of the anti flushing meds. It kind of knocks everything down a few pegs. Even if you were to come off after a month you will of still seen some permanent improvement.


Hope this helps,




Hey Lamarr, encouraging info thanks! This is great to hear that even if I were to take it at 100mg per day for a month or two that the flushing would still be improved once coming off of it. I read a similar comment from someone over at the rosacea site, they were on it for a month and had to come off but still ended up with reduced flushing.


Good to hear that you are just taking 200mg per week as well! And still no flushing, great!


I am actually laready currently taking curcumin daily and also take Quercetin&Bromelain (helps with swelling).


Regarding xan tan, how do you find this? I have never used these tanning creams because I heard that make you look orange and are very noticeable. I used to use tanning beds back in the day when I worked out a lot but that went out the window when the flushing came along, probably a good thing. I could get away with just the face as it is winter here now and will be in sweaters and long sleeved shirts until April.


I would be curious to hear your experience with xan tan and if it made you look at all orangey? Did you use it while on Mepacrine?


Thanks again.
