

Posted : 05/02/2024 6:42 pm

Hi everyone,

just been prescribed Epiduo and reading up a lot about it. Everyone seems to be saying that you need loads of moisturiser and it can make you dry etc. However after using it once my skin has actually gone oilier! So not sure if i should use moisturiser now to prevent this as it just hasnt happened yet or maybe it just wont happen to me? I really hope my skin wont get a lot worse as its not terrible now... If my skin isnt so bad now can it get worse? Maybe the side effects only happen when your acne is really bad in the first place? Anyway sorry about the ramble 🙂 any thoughts would be appreciated.

Member Admin

Posted : 05/07/2024 7:05 pm

It shouldn't get worse. And based just on one time I don't think you can judge how it will go either. It should dry you out after you've used it a few times.

Sara 2.0 liked