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Spiro for the second time


Posted : 02/19/2019 5:24 am

Hello everyone!

I am here to tell about my experience a bit. A few years ago (2015) I started taking spiro and yasmin, while I got a initial breakout, I cleared up in a couple of weeks. However, I stopped taking everything last June as I went to do a summer season and barely had time for anything. I started taking only spiro in December butas the break out didn't get that much better, I also started yasmin a couple of weeks ago. I am still breaking out after more than 2 months....


Posted : 02/20/2019 6:12 pm

I am in a similar situation. I was onspiro and ortho tri cyclin for years and it let me have clear skin. Stopped taking them for a few months and my face is a cystic mess. I began the spiro again and I am now on my first week of Yasmin. I hope I will see improvements but I am nervous. I heard it can take 3 or 4 months to work. Contact a dermatologist if it continues to not get better.
