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Broke out badly after stopping benzoyl peroxide


Posted : 06/13/2018 9:51 pm

The best my skin ever does - regardless of diet, vitamin supplements, etc... is when Im using benzoyl peroxide. I have been on accutane, all of the antibiotics, birth control pills, supplements (some of which I do believe help), and of course all the millions of acne products. Recently, my skin was doing so well I thought maybe I didnt need benzoyl peroxide anymore. I started feeling concerned about putting the chemicals on my face etc... and wanted to try a more natural approach with vitamins and was hoping my salicylic acid face wash and tea tree toner would be enough (which I still swear by, I love Lushs Tea Tree toner). Well I was wrong! The only thing I changed about my routine was stopping benzoyl peroxide. After stopping the benzoyl peroxide lotion, my face broke out bad! At first it seemed fine, just a couple zits... but I started getting lots of closed comedones all over my face (UGH) and then cysts started appearing along my cheek/jaw area. Right now my face is a mess. And I recently started dating too, which now I have to cancel all dates until my face clears up because theres no way Im going to be seen like this. So, I decided to go back to using my benzoyl peroxide lotion as of today. I have heard of this happening with other people. I think that I just have no choice but to permanently use the BP. I think without it, my acne will just always be. Im just curious, have any of you had success going off BP without breaking out? Did you go back to it? Is it just something that acne-prone people need forever? If it is, so be it. Anything is better than the acne.

Edit: I am concerned because the BP lotion because some of the ingredients in it and one includes a type of alcohol which I hate the idea of putting on my face.


Posted : 06/15/2018 11:24 am

God that really fucking sucks...cant help you out cos Im on BP and it has been helping my face, now Im scared to come off of it after reading your post! Acne sucks!
