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Skin destroyed with accutane


Posted : 07/22/2017 5:04 am

Hi guys.
Had number of low dose courses of Accutane (10-20mg, 4 months at most, with perfect results). Last time, 6 months ago I got one big scar from very small pimple while on accutne but my skin got 100% clear then so I was fine. On that course after 1 month of 20mg and 3 months on 10mg I stopped, as I had not one pimple for 3 months already.

2 months later minor acne returned slowly and they were healing without scars. I started accutane early not to get worse acne. Low 20mg dose, and my skin was 100% clear in 2 weeks. Then, a week later I got two small pimples on my cheek that left huge scar (the same size of my biggest scar that I got from one big cyst that I had 5 years ago and that was inflamed for a month). I got sad, but managed to get through, no acne beside these two. This was 4-5 weeks after starting accutane.

Then I got rather big pain on that scar spot, but without any visible acne for another 2 weeks. Soon very small pimples (visible only at 10cm distance) started to appear at that spot one-two per week, they healed in a day but each left deep scar. So I have a lot of connected scars now at that spot. I the meantime I increased accutane to 30-40mg but the very very small pimples continued one per week now on entire cheek and forehead (never had pimples there), each leaving big scar (like my cheek is having an atrophy).Important is to note that each small pimple also got me very big pain, my doc (GP) sent me to check my cheek facial nerve, as she didn't believe me this is skin issue. I went to her couple of times complaining about scaring and pain and she thinks I'm imagining (I also have some scarring from 5 years ago). As my skin is very dry I put moisturizer but it broke me in small pimples (barely noticeable even to myself) each leaving scar. Now I'm devastated, went to my doc (GP) but she doesn't see what is the issue as I have barely visible pimples (I went to public derm in the meantime, they said the same - nothing that needs treatment). GP will send me to psychiatrist on Monday (I agreed on that as I cannot go to work and cannot sleep properly) and gave me sleeping pills.

My dermatologist thinks the small scarring inflammations could be Ulerytema (some other disease) and gave me steroid creme (Advantan). But I'm afraid to use as it says on the label "don't use if you have acne".

Has anyone had the same experience that skin is enormously prone to scarring and painful while on accutane?


Posted : 11/05/2018 3:16 am

I exactly have the same thing going on except for those pains. i have been on low dose accutane (10-20mg for 3-4montha) several times with very harsh SA fash washes 2-3 times a day but my last treatment was bit lengthy(20mg for 8 months). i took my last pill on 28sept 2017. my skin was very clear but i have to stop because i applied zinc based acne topical on my skin which gave me very tiny pimples and the redness wasn't going away. i heard that accutane increases redness fading time so i stopped.On top of that i had chicken pox in december i was so scared that they were going to leave big scars as accutane was still in my system but surprisingly they didn't. those pox and pimples from topicals took their time but went away without leaving any scars. As usual my acne returned in January. they were very small pimple but left scars. scars which looked horrible in sunlight. before this I used pick my big cystic pimples very hard until i see blood. i picked my skin even on initial days of accutane but i never got scars. my skin healed perfectly. but now i dont know what is going with my skin ... it still leaves scar randomly.. i do not pick since i heard accutane slows down healing and increases redness. i get random pimples here and there. they heal but still my cheeks and middle portion of my forehead do not look even. they are far from smooth at certain angles.
