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Did anyones acne not clear until finishing accutane?


Posted : 03/23/2017 8:59 am

Hi everyone. I am on my 6th month of accutane, 60mg/day from the start, i weigh 110 (female). I went on accutane for comedonal acne and I have been breaking out pretty consistently throughout my entire course. Yes i have had my hormones tested and they are all completely normal so the fact I'm still breaking out doesn't have much to do with that.

I am unsure of whether or not I should continue on 60 until I'm fully clear, drop to a low dose of maybe 10 for another month, or just stop completely even though I'm still breaking out and see what happens. My derm said its up to me, and theres no way of knowing whats best so i just wanted to see if anyone has experience with this. I was wondering if anyone has experience or if anyone didnt fully clear up and stop breaking out until after stopping accutane? I guess I'm scared to stop if my skins not clear, but also have heard that some people clear after they stop taking it so i don't know what to do. Please help and share experiences!


Posted : 03/24/2017 5:23 pm



Posted : 03/26/2017 8:29 am

Were you breaking out just as bad before the accutane? Or is it worse?
i know I had one or two painful cysts even into my last few days of accutane but then they resolved and I never got them again for about 4 years until recently messing up my skin with an unnecessary use of a retinoid.

If your skin is no worse than it was before accutane, I would continue, but if you are getting strange side effects or something, then I'm not so sure.
i personally had a very good experience with accutane (40 mg was about 120-130 lbs at the time) but I know that there are plenty of people who had just an awful time with it.


Posted : 03/26/2017 10:27 am

1 hour ago, BrokenPorEcelain said:

Were you breaking out just as bad before the accutane? Or is it worse?
i know I had one or two painful cysts even into my last few days of accutane but then they resolved and I never got them again for about 4 years until recently messing up my skin with an unnecessary use of a retinoid.

If your skin is no worse than it was before accutane, I would continue, but if you are getting strange side effects or something, then I'm not so sure.
i personally had a very good experience with accutane (40 mg was about 120-130 lbs at the time) but I know that there are plenty of people who had just an awful time with it.

hi! Thanks for taking the time to answer. Um ever since the end of the first month unfortunately its been worse than when I started. I think I had a lot in my skin that had to purge, and it was starting to look up a few weeks ago, but then i just broke out really bad again. Its not just one or two (i wish) its about 11. Im thinking maybe the 60 mg is too much because I hit the cumulative dose for my weight back in month 5 already, so for the two weeks left of my sixth month I am going to take 30 a day and see if that helps. I don't have any strange side effects, just no skin clearing:( My doctor talked about maybe using a retinoid after to maintain clear pores, would you not recommend this? and how is your skin doing now?/what are you doing for it?


Posted : 03/26/2017 12:36 pm

2 hours ago, GracieP said:
hi! Thanks for taking the time to answer. Um ever since the end of the first month unfortunately its been worse than when I started. I think I had a lot in my skin that had to purge, and it was starting to look up a few weeks ago, but then i just broke out really bad again. Its not just one or two (i wish) its about 11. Im thinking maybe the 60 mg is too much because I hit the cumulative dose for my weight back in month 5 already, so for the two weeks left of my sixth month I am going to take 30 a day and see if that helps. I don't have any strange side effects, just no skin clearing:( My doctor talked about maybe using a retinoid after to maintain clear pores, would you not recommend this? and how is your skin doing now?/what are you doing for it?
You are welcome!
Ugh man, I'm sorry it's gotten worse and that you are dealing with quite a bit more than just a couple. That's frustrating. But I know some people don't even see the full effectuntil weeks or months after the course is fully completed and over with.
I would absolutely never recommend a retinoid to anyone.
You can look at my post "tazorac .05 destroyed my face" and see what that did to me.
You can also find pictures of before the retinoid damage, a lot on the second page of the thread, which you can also consider "afters" to my accutane.
My cysts were mainly isolated, not covering every inch of my face or anything...but they would get so bad that my whole cheek would turn deep purple. So accutane was necessary so that I didn't scar.
If accutane is successful, you should have no need for "Maintanence" other than gently washing and protecting and moisturizingyour face.
Especially in the 6 months-1 year post where yourskin will still be extra sensitive and recovering from the accutane.
I've spoken to quite a few people who regret going on a retinoid directlyafter accutane.
I doubt it had anything to do with my situation because that was so long ago but who knows.
Right now I am doing little to nothing because my skin is so fragile...just lightly washing once in awhile and trying my best to moisturize. Seeing lots of doctors.
My online friend took her own life over the same issue last month, but from a different retinoid.
And I've gotten messages from other people that say their live is over as they know it because of what the retinoids did to their faces. As recent as yesterday. And I've been dealing with this for about 7 months. From only using a retinoid TWICE.
its just not worth it.
If accutane is not causing you any weird side effects...especially things like oddskin texture, which isn't always noticed at first...I would continue it, my brother was on 60mg too, I think it's moderately high but not too crazy. You are very small though so I'm surprised they didn't put you on 40 or something.

Posted : 03/26/2017 3:23 pm

2 hours ago, BrokenPorEcelain said:
You are welcome! 
Ugh man, I'm sorry it's gotten worse and that you are dealing with quite a bit more than just a couple. That's frustrating. But I know some people don't even see the full effect until weeks or months after the course is fully completed and over with.
I would absolutely never recommend a retinoid to anyone. 
You can look at my post "tazorac .05 destroyed my face" and see what that did to me. 
You can also find pictures of before the retinoid damage, a lot on the second page of the thread, which you can also consider "afters" to my accutane. 
My cysts were mainly isolated, not covering every inch of my face or anything...but they would get so bad that my whole cheek would turn deep purple. So accutane was necessary so that I didn't scar. 
If accutane is successful, you should have no need for "Maintanence" other than gently washing and protecting and moisturizing  your face. 
Especially in the 6 months-1 year post where your skin will still be extra sensitive and recovering from the accutane. 
I've spoken to quite a few people who regret going on a retinoid directly after accutane. 
I doubt it had anything to do with my situation because that was so long ago but who knows.
Right now I am doing little to nothing because my skin is so fragile...just lightly washing once in awhile and trying my best to moisturize. Seeing lots of doctors.
My online friend took her own life over the same issue last month, but from a different retinoid. 
And I've gotten messages from other people that say their live is over as they know it because of what the retinoids did to their faces. As recent as yesterday. And I've been dealing with this for about 7 months. From only using a retinoid TWICE.
its just not worth it.
If accutane is not causing you any weird side effects...especially things like odd skin texture, which isn't always noticed at first...I would continue it, my brother was on 60mg too, I think it's moderately high but not too crazy. You are very small though so I'm surprised they didn't put you on 40 or something.

Firstly, I am so sorry to hear about your friend taking their life. The fact that acne and skin causes so much emotional and mental damage is i think often overlooked...and it shouldn't be. I see a therapist because I actually took a year off of college because of how embarrassed and gross i felt, and she's completely separate from my derm and i asked my derm if she had anyone in that practice or even a therapist referral for acne/skin issues and she looked at me SO funny and said no we don't do why not? I feel like there should be more options like that that have the two paired together so that tragedies don't happen. I wouldn't say I've ever been serious about suicide, but acne has made me very very down and depressed literally all the time every day with lots of tears shed for my skin that used to be crystal clear so my heart goes out. I am going to stick by my initial instinct then, and not use a retinoid after accutane. I don't think i need one either. I think a gentle cleanser and moisturizer are really just scared because thats what i did after my last time and my acne returned but i also never reached a cumulative dose last time either whereas this time will have far surpassed it. I am sticking with the accutane and hope that I will become clear eventually. I think comedonal acne/clogged pores take longer to purge too. 6 months I've been in this agony, Im sorry you've been living it for 7 over using that crap for only two times :( I hope that good doctors are able to find the best and most healthy solution for you. I know were not in exactly the same situation, but if you ever want to chat feel free to reach out.


Posted : 07/12/2017 3:43 pm

 Hi. I am having the same issue I hit my cumulative dose at five months went one extra month 60 mg I weigh 110 pounds .  The Accutane never fully cleared me yes the acne is better but I have never stopped getting the deep cysts. Three days off accutane and another popped up :(  I am on differen cream and go back in 4 weeks... we will see!


Posted : 07/12/2017 5:09 pm

1 hour ago, LATOO said:

 Hi. I am having the same issue I hit my cumulative dose at five months went one extra month 60 mg I weigh 110 pounds .  The Accutane never fully cleared me yes the acne is better but I have never stopped getting the deep cysts. Three days off accutane and another popped up :(  I am on differen cream and go back in 4 weeks... we will see!

yep. I'm three months off and my skin still sucks. my dermatologist literally said i have nothing left to try. I'm seeing a naturopath now and eating dairy gluten and soy free but I've been doing this for over a year already so i honestly don't know what to do anymore. i tried differin after i got off accutane (you can buy it drugstore now as well) and it only made my skin even worse. i don't get cysts though its a different kind of acne. but it made it worse, i know differin usually causes a purging process but after "purging" so severely my entire accutane course i didnt even think it was possible for me to purge more so i threw it right in the can because its honestly wasnt worth it since it wasnt going to work for me. but i wish you luck! keep me updated:)
