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Is it worth stopping accutane now? (initial break out issues)


Posted : 01/27/2017 9:08 am

My dermatologist put me on a dose of 10 mg a day for two months, and I'd say my acne is fairly mild but it's painful and it keeps coming back no matter what I do. My IB started in the second week (I'm on my third, exactly 21 days). My acne has never been this bad, and it's hard for me to cover it with makeup. These pimples are extremely painful and I got this clump of like 3 on my cheek, which isn't something I've ever had to deal with. I'm also super terrified of scarring. My self esteem has been shot down. Like, I feel super insecure to the point where I can't look at people while speaking to them. I really can't handle this. When do you think it'll get better? :( Do you think it's a good idea to stop now?
Also my skin routine is basically this: Wash in the morning and night with my face wash and apply this salicylic acid moisturizer, and I wash my makeup off with this foam wash and apply cream after I get home from school.


Posted : 01/27/2017 6:14 pm

It's not a good idea to stop now just because you're breaking out.. it has to get worse in order to get better. You shouldn't have started Accutane if you can't handle it..
I was on 10mg for the first month, my IB started in week 2 and lasted for 3 weeks. It was bad, quite bad but I knew I had to stick through it somehow. It started getting really better at the beginning of month 3
Right now I'm at the end of my 3rdmonth (I'm on 20mg a day since month 2) and I barely get any breakouts anymore and just have some redness left..
