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Accutane lessen the effect of birth control pills


Posted : 01/02/2017 7:49 pm

Hi there, 

I started taking Accutane about 2 months ago. It's going fairly well with my treatment but I'm experiencing the usual side effects (dry lips and skin, back and joint pain). While on the treatment I take Noriday which is a progesterone only pill (mini pill and i've been on it for the past year). Doing some Googling the other day I came across something about that Accutane can lessen the effect of this type of birth control pill (also normal ones) and sent away an email to my dermatologist about this. Surprisingly she tells me 'Yes it can decrease the effect so you should use condom as well". 

Dear dermatologist, big THANKS for not telling me this fact. I've been using only the pill for the past 2 months as is now seriously scared of pregnancy. I need your guys advice on this one, does it really decrease the effect? Or is this bullshit? Internet is telling me different things.. 

Thanks :) 


Posted : 01/02/2017 9:17 pm

I am not sure if your from the U.S. or Canada, but it states in the information with your prescription and the I pledge or information you sign that Progesterone only birth control will interact with Accutane and Accutane may lessen the birth control effect. It also states that while being on Accutane you are to be on two forms of bc or condoms etc.... So No it is not wrong.


Posted : 01/03/2017 3:28 am

Hi there,

I'm in the UK actually, and we don't have to sign anything like this. So that's why I was surprised.

