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Tretinoin & 'plastic' skin appearance?


Posted : 08/12/2016 9:37 pm

History: Currently 45 year old (very) white male. Acne since ~14 years old, finally went on Accutane when I was 28 due to cystic acne on shoulders and some on face (nose) that wasn't responding to other topicals. Handled it quite well, sore joints but was clear for the first time since my pre-teens.

Since then my acne has never been quite as severe, but after a couple of years off Accutane it started to come back - usual problem areas, nose (blackhead minefield and occasional cyst, awesome combo with very pale skin to have the only colour on you be a swollen red nose), lots on forehead, some in chin area. Skin quality overall was always a combination of oily surface on nose/forehead, but quite dry everywhere else which the Accutane (and aging) have exacerbated - and I say 'surface' as even on my nose & forehead with lots of blackheads, they would also be susceptible to peeling and inflammation - I have to moisturize them as well with any acne products or they just react angrily. Never reacted well to BP, Salicylic or even glycolic.

The only thing which provided some level of success was Retin-A, but my naturally very dry skin and the rough winters here made using it everyday, and even every 2nd/3rd day (even at just .025%) - extremely difficult anywhere but my most problem areas. It certainly also didn't help I had an eye condition which restricted my usage of moisturizers as they tended to inflame my eyelids if I used them beyond sparingly, but I've gotten that under control recently so I tried to be more aggressive with the RetinA in combo with moisturizers starting late June - especially as well since it's a sweltering summer here and the environment is quite humid atm.

Currently I'm using Bianca, which is the Canadian version of Ziana - .025% Tretinion +Clindamycin. I'm tolerating it better than the .025% RetinA Gel, in part because it's an extremely thin, water-based gel - it's far easier to spread than the alcohol-laden Retin-A and I can get away with using less as a result. So I started off every other night for the first few weeks, now Im moved up to every night for the last 3. The usual peeling has occurred and is still occurring, but with liberal use of Cerave and with the rec of my derm to apply it before the Bianca, it hasnt been too bad even though I can still peel off a layer every morning.

The problem though, is my skin quality overall. Less whiteheads, less blemishes but it looks like death. Ive always been annoyingly pale, but now that paleness is greatly exacerbated by this shiny, plastic-like texture. When I sweat which I often do it just rolls off this now transparent saran-wrap face and looks like Im covered in Vaseline, even though in general my skin is quite dry. People complain about redness from retinoids? Cripes, Id love even some inflamed colour at this point its actually removed the slight hue I had and every moisturizer just sits on top now and doesnt seem to actually absorb. Im basically a shiny lurch right now, with the only colour on my face being the PIH marks which this thin skin also seems to highlight even more. Its even affected the shape of my face seemingly, with losing some definition in my cheekbones as my skin basically feels and look like its pulled taught asif I had a mini-facelift, which may be a benefit to some but it makes my face look rounder as a result.

Basically, my skin is extremely thin which I know is expected and what tretinoin does do initially, and I also know its been ~6 weeks -- and only 3 weeks of that being daily use. Im aware this can take 4+ months to see ideal results, I know about being patient (30 years of acne folks). What I to know though is if anyone has experienced this weird plastic-like texture/shine as a _step_ in the process of acclimation, or this is just the price to pay for the accelerated cell renewal? Did some get this with Ziana/Bianca but not with other retinoids (my derm suggested if I can't handle Bainca in the fall/winter I should dry Differin). Any other pale retinoid users that found it made their paleness every more pronounced?

So many before/after shots I see of Retin-A success stories indicate this shine may be permanent, but at least in those people look like they have a healthy glow - which I certainly dont.


Posted : 09/10/2016 7:27 pm

Welp, after 9 weeks I've switched to Differin. Used it only 5 times now, every night on my t-zone, every other night on my cheeks which are quite dry. I'm sure the 9 weeks of the Bianca has helped the sensitivity- somewhat.

The odd things is, I have far less flaking/peeling that the Bianca. When I get up every morning and work out, with the Bianca I could run my fingernail ever-so-slightly across my problem areas and have a thick white layer of dead skin come off. Not so with the Differin - and seemingly as a result, the few lingering whiteheads have largely gone even in the short I've been using it. My skin has been clearer than it's been in a while. Part of that is switching from CeraVe lotion to the specific CeraVe PM lotion that's specifically meant for the face I'm sure though.


Holy dryness - or more specifically, dehydration. Like with Bianca, I'm actually leftwishingfor the tomato-red skin everyone complains about. I'm pale. Really, really, ashen-green/grey pale, and Differin has made this far worse than the Bianca, which still made me paler than before it. As a result, I have relatively clear skin - but I look like hell. This is exacerbated as a result of the dehydration (...maybe?) - my cheeks have basically dissapeared, I look extremely gaunt and pale. I moisturize morning and night, I have little flaking, no redness - so the usual hallmarks of irritated skin aren't there but my face doesn't "feel" well - it feels very taut even though it's not that reactive. I just look like a bloody cancer patient, really wtf. I'm sure it's related to the dryness, as I got a lesser but similar effect from the Bianca as noted in my first post, but it's like I have to choose between clear & ashen skin or healthy skin with zits.

Dunno. Maybe my skin just is one of those that isn't retinoid friendly, but I'm going to try and stick it out for at least a few more weeks which will put me over the 3 month mark in consistent retinoid use. I know it can take 6+ months for people to see 'results', but for me I'm seeing results in terms of acne - it's the dryness which should have lessened significantly by now, But damn, Differin has a bizarre result compared to the Retin-A (used off/on for years) and Bianca I've used recently - the best result and least flaking, but a bizarre effect on the composition of my face, as if it's devouring the fat of my cheeks and only there.


Posted : 09/22/2016 11:51 pm

The retinoid I used turned my pale skin a sickly reddish yellow, pores huge, leathery rough orange peel skin, that also does not respond to moisturizer, will not absorb anything, dry and tight and ugly as all hell.
im losing my mind, it's been over three weeks since using this stuff only twice and no improvement, scar type things appearing out of nowhere, horizontal lines on my forehead and red marks


Posted : 09/30/2016 5:12 pm

On 9/23/2016 at 0:51 AM, BrokenPorEcelain said:

The retinoid I used turned my pale skin a sickly reddish yellow, pores huge, leathery rough orange peel skin, that also does not respond to moisturizer, will not absorb anything, dry and tight and ugly as all hell.
im losing my mind, it's been over three weeks since using this stuff only twice and no improvement, scar type things appearing out of nowhere, horizontal lines on my forehead and red marks

With only using it twice I can't see how your skin could still be affected to this degree, but the usual "everyone's different" applies I guess, especially since I seem to be the only person on the planet who actually gets less redness from a retinoid.

What you describe sounds like a severely compromised skin barrier and completely dehydrated skin (which I get - you can have dehydrated skin that appears oily, in fact it's quite common), you've blown away the top protective layer and everything you use will now irritate the raw exposed skin. You say you're using moisturizer but what kind? Damage that sounds this severe may need something more heavy than you usually apply, perhaps even a layer of Vaseline over your regular moisturizer for a few nights. It's more than just an occlusive, Vaseline also promotes healing which sounds like what you need. Failing that, actual cortisone creams - albeit only for a short period as they can cause skin thinning if overused. Definitely try and get a derm appt if you can, there's far more 'healing' ointments available than what you can find OTC.


Posted : 10/18/2016 5:34 pm

On September 30, 2016 at 6:12 PM, Weebus Glandular said:
With only using it twice I can't see how your skin could still be affected to this degree, but the usual "everyone's different" applies I guess, especially since I seem to be the only person on the planet who actually gets less redness from a retinoid.

What you describe sounds like a severely compromised skin barrier and completely dehydrated skin (which I get - you can have dehydrated skin that appears oily, in fact it's quite common), you've blown away the top protective layer and everything you use will now irritate the raw exposed skin. You say you're using moisturizer but what kind? Damage that sounds this severe may need something more heavy than you usually apply, perhaps even a layer of Vaseline over your regular moisturizer for a few nights. It's more than just an occlusive, Vaseline also promotes healing which sounds like what you need. Failing that, actual cortisone creams - albeit only for a short period as they can cause skin thinning if overused. Definitely try and get a derm appt if you can, there's far more 'healing' ointments available than what you can find OTC.

Sorry for late reply, yes I found it hard to believe as well but come to find out there are many people who have experienced the exact same thing I am after using not only retinoids but also people have similar damage from as drastic as laser and high percentage chemical peels..and it seems as if many are seeing no improvement even after years..which is incredibly devasting to see and read about...many stories are eerily similar to mine with also only usong a retinoid a couple's freaking scary

ive still seen no improvement...I am now on doxycycline..I did used cortisone cream for 8 days but stopped as if seemed to only
make me break out

I've tried Plenty of moisturizers trust me, was told not to use Vaseline like substances as they will lock in the heat and irritation tho..
