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Stopping Continued use of Doxycycline despite it working


Posted : 08/01/2016 7:09 pm

Hi guys,
So basically i've been on doxycycline hyclate 50 mg for 3 months now. As a result, my acne has completely disappeared leaving only scars behind. However my family expresses concern that this drug might be bad to my body with its possible side effects and its long term use. So now I am looking for a possible alternative natural remedy that could take the place of doxycline hyclate, or figure out if its fine to countinue the use of this drug.

Some basic info, I am currently 15 in high school, male, exercise regularly and live a relatively healthy life style.

Thanks guys


Posted : 08/01/2016 9:44 pm

hmm Doxycycline isn't something that is generally prescribed long term anyway so I don't think you have to worry about that... My doctor prescribed me doxycycline and tretinoin for my acne. Same as you I had amazing results, within 3 months the acne had subsided leaving only mild scars. The thing is, as long as you don't have any un desirable side effects to the drug, i would suggest you speak to a dermatologist and not rely on your family's advice in this case. Unless they are medical doctors they don't really know what they're talking about. A derm can also tell you when you can stop taking doxy and rely solely on a topical cream.

Read this for more information about doxycycline and some real dermatologists' answers to the long term safety of the drug: [removed]

What I gathered from their answers was that doxycycline is completely safe, but unnecessary for long term use.
