So I've been taking Accutante (30mg/day) for 6 weeks now and I had my second appointment with my dermatologist a few days ago. I was expected to be bumped up to at least 60mg/day, however my derm said she will keep 30mg/day and my dosage will NOT be increased at all throughout my treatment. I have moderate acne with cystic acne popping up every week.
I am worried as 30mg/day seems quite a little for a 70kg person and I'm worried that the treatment will not work at all. Thoughts?
There are plenty of factors that determines whether acne can be permanently cleared. Age, severity and location of acne, and yes the cumulative dose of accutane. I can't explain why your doctor is using a conservative approach. Maybe they have a good reason, maybe not.
One thing that you can do, is to make sure that you absorb as much accutane as possible.
Take it at the same time every day with a large meal that includes at least 50 grams of fat. I recommend peanut butter, it's tasty and cholesterol free.
I wouldn't over think it, most people have good results.
Also, it's really weird, I haven't had a Initial Breakout in the first couple of weeks (just a few spots here and there) , but it seems it's happening now coming up to the end of month 2 hmm...
I broke out on my right cheek,around my eyebrows (a place where I almost never break out) and there is a big cyston my nose, which is also rare as I tend toget small whiteheads there