

Posted : 01/26/2016 5:41 am

So basically, I've never ever suffered from acne or pimples my entire life. My mom and dad have never had trouble with their skin, and neither have my bigger brother. I'm soon to be 20 years old, and for the last month my skin has totally broken out in lots of whiteheads and pimples, mostly on my forehead and between my eyebrows, but also on my chin, a littlebit on my right cheek and my hairline. It has gotten to a point where I've started to feel depressed and frustrated, I think about it all the time, and my self esteem is deep down low.

I did not hesitate with visting a dermtologist, who first prescribed Tetralysal 300mg (oral antibiotics), one pill in the morning and one in the evening, and Differin gel for the night. After my first night with Differin, I got a terrible rash on my cheek, which seemed like an allergic reaction, so i stopped using it right away. I continued with my antibiotics, and got myself some BP cream, but after two weeks of using it I could not see any improvement, it had actually gotten a bit worse.

I'm a very impatient person, really, so I went back to my derm who then gave me this cream called Zalna (it's the scandinavian name for Ziana) to use at night while I continued on my oral antibiotics. I did a lot of research on this cream, and it scared me a bit that people experienced a so-called breakout in the beginning. But I wanted to give it a shot.

It has now been 3 weeks since i started with Tetralysal, the oral antibiotics, and one week on Ziana, and I have to say, this is really really hard. My face has gotten a lot worse, it seems as if all of my whiteheads and clogged pores has exploded in red pimples, I wake up every morning with 3-4 new, almost exploding pimples on my forehead and my chin. I cry everytime i look myself in the mirror, I've deleted snapchat from my phone because I hate seeing my ugly face on the screen, and I really don't want to go outside. It's like all of what has ever been down under my skin reaches for the surface at the same time!!! There's no cystic pimples, only tiny red grossers with a white tip all over my god damn face. The most frustrating part is the oral antibiotics, I thought they were supposed to stop pimples from growing, but it seems like they have no effin effect on what ever is going on.

I know it is a bit to early in my treatment to say whether these medications are working or not, I just really want to hear some lifting words or experiences from other people who has used these products before. Will it get better?!?


Posted : 01/26/2016 11:12 pm


i'm also on a topical retinoid now, differin, so not Ziana but they have somewhat of a similar effect. When i started differin 9 weeks ago, i was bracing myself for the IB to come around three weeks in, but nope, right from the get go my face EXPLODED!
Antibiotics never really helped me either. It's now week 9 for me and my skin is slowly but surely getting better. My forehead and chest are pretty much clear now, just waiting for my lower face to catch up.
The white tips and clogged pores coming upare good in my opinion, it means everything is surfacing. If you want to extract them, be careful as your skin is thinner and more likely to scar on Ziana (only initially though).
I think you should wait it out a few weeks, it takes 8-12 weeks to see results, unless you are having issues with scarring it is worth sticking it out.
Good luck!
