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My Accutane Adventures Week 1


Posted : 09/28/2015 7:12 pm

Ok so to preface this post. I am currently 15 years old (male). I have been struggling with acne- severe cystic acne on my back shoulders and chest, as well as moderate acne on my face. I have eczema and am predisposed to dry skin. I have tried minocycline, doxycycline, differin, clindoxyl, and many other otc creams etc for acne with no success. I have been taking 40mg Accutane for 5 days now. The first few days i noticed my skin looked very soft and clear. At day 3 I woke up with dry lips and cracking dry skin. I am constantly re-applying cerave moisturizer but I feel like it is making my complexion look worse and I look pale dull and sickly. I feel horrible as if I have a cold and I am super irritable. I am normally a super confident and outgoing person but the past few days I just feel so horrible depressed and self conscious. I am suffering but praying the Accutane will end this bullshit once and for all. Please give me some advice. I can't stand being anxious and looking like this. I can't even go to school like this. I can't workout anymore because I have no motivation and feel tired and sickly.


Posted : 09/29/2015 2:54 am

Ok so to preface this post. I am currently 15 years old (male). I have been struggling with acne- severe cystic acne on my back shoulders and chest, as well as moderate acne on my face. I have eczema and am predisposed to dry skin. I have tried minocycline, doxycycline, differin, clindoxyl, and many other otc creams etc for acne with no success. I have been taking 40mg Accutane for 5 days now. The first few days i noticed my skin looked very soft and clear. At day 3 I woke up with dry lips and cracking dry skin. I am constantly re-applying cerave moisturizer but I feel like it is making my complexion look worse and I look pale dull and sickly. I feel horrible as if I have a cold and I am super irritable. I am normally a super confident and outgoing person but the past few days I just feel so horrible depressed and self conscious. I am suffering but praying the Accutane will end this bullshit once and for all. Please give me some advice. I can't stand being anxious and looking like this. I can't even go to school like this. I can't workout anymore because I have no motivation and feel tired and sickly.


Hi, try not to worry or get upset....this is normal when you start treatment. I'm no expert but The chapped lips are one of the first side effects most people have and your skin is drying out as the accutane starts to shrink your pores and slow down the oil production in your skin. These are very normal side effects so dont worry, as your skin adjusts it will get better.... Make sure you keep applying a good lip balm and that moisturizer will help........Hope all goes well with your treatment...
