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Accutane Head Numbness


Posted : 07/22/2015 9:02 pm

Hi Everyone, I am on my second stint of accutane in and I am about 5 months into it taking 40mg a day. About 3 months into it I started having this numbness/head pressure at the top of my head, which happened maybe once every week or two and happened for less then 2 minutes. These can be best described kind of as tension headaches, and over the past two week they have gotten more frequent to the point where I have one at least once a day and as I am laying in bed before I go to sleep. I called my doctor a week ago (Thursday) and she said to stop taking it to see if they go away and to call her back Monday. Turns out they didn't go away and I have had a tension headache the past 5 days now and it seems to be progressively getting worst, for example the left side of my face just went numb for a couple seconds. So I talked to my doctor on Tuesday and she took me off accutane completely and told me to try to treat the headaches/tension/numbness with Tylenol. I have been taking extra strength Tylenol around the clock for the past 2 days now and it has now helped at all and like I said they are getting worst. She did say something about accutane taking 3 weeks to completely leave the system and that maybe it would take so time to go away. I was just wondering if anyone has had similar issues to this and them going away after awhile because I'm a little freaked out about this.




Posted : 07/23/2015 3:01 am

Hey man hope this gets better. I've never taken accutane but instead used Dan Kearns regimen precisely as it says to use it to clear my acne here on this very site. I recommend you try his regimen exactly as he says to do it if you haven't already tried it. Sorry man hope this gets better. I would wait at least 3 weeks like your doctor said. Accutane can be dangerous when it comes to side effects too I'm pretty sure so I would recommend ALWAYS going the natural route first.


Posted : 07/23/2015 8:03 pm

