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Topical Treatment For Red Scara Whilst On Accutane?


Posted : 02/28/2015 3:35 pm

Hey, would really appreciate some advice on topical treatments whilst on accutane!


I have really bed red marks from a recent breakout, in saying that my skin tends to heal quite well and the marks fade however take a while..


I normally use aloe Vera gel, palmers face oil, paw paw cream and epiduo.


However i'm starting accutane today and want to know how to treat my scars whilst on it as I'll be going on a massive trip requiring no makeup so In a few months so I need these marks to go!


I know I can't continue the use of benzyl peroxide (epiduo) is everything else ok? Any recommendations?


Thank you!


Posted : 03/01/2015 7:15 am

need to know more about how much you weigh and how big your dose will be

I would have tried to get an IPL treatment right before starting....but if you are on a relatively low dose you may be able to do some things

what dose?


Posted : 03/01/2015 8:51 am

I would love to know as well -- i have a lot of red marks/red flat scars on my cheeks that look like acne. I've just started accutane on 20 mg per day myself (4 weeks tomorrow) and any improvement with the acne is clouded by the marks they leave that look exactly the same.


Posted : 03/01/2015 9:15 am

aloe def ok and face oil

from what Ive been told you are not supposed to use any topicals rx or OTC such as glycolic acid, sal acid while on tane

I had to give up retin-a cream and hydro 4% (that worked wonders on my freckles and red marks)

I did use a OTC glycolic last week..thought i could get away with it once a week HOLY BANANAS my face was on fire!

so be careful!!

Im curious to hear what everyone suggests

I asked my darm at the last visit and of course she said to be patient and we will address it after treatment


Im currently 130pounds and on 50mg


Posted : 03/01/2015 12:18 pm

Would it be wise to use aloe vera as a moisturizer, perhaps, in order to fade red marks?
