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Accutane Cured My Acne!


Posted : 11/13/2014 10:44 am

I've had such amazing results with my Accutane treatment that I've decided the need to share it with all of you, since I couldn't find a lot of Accutane working as a real cure, I decided to share my long-winded story.

This is my brief story. I'm a 28 (almost 29) y/o Male. No family history of Acne Vulgaris.

I was born with decent skin and after the hell of puberty my skin remained minimally decent. I'd occasionally have small breakout, maybe a few white head pimples, but nothing that made me want to be shut-in. I never felt the need to take care of my skin throughout lower education, I'd simply wash my face and leave the rest to fate.

However, once I turned 24 my skin started to change, it become much more oily and sweaty looking. i started to get numerous painful acne cysts, 3-4 at a time, that would last for weeks. It seemed that my acne had transformed from simple annoying white heads to the god-forsaken nodules. They were red, swollen and painful. I valiantly tried EVERY OTC treatment available, Proactiv, Stridex, Loreal, Clean and Clear, Neutragena. I even trained my self to NEVER touch my face without washing my hands beforehand. I change my laundry detergent to the sensitive skin kind. I would change my pillowcases every night. I tried washing my face a lot, then I tried washing my face too little, then I tried a happy medium, I even changed my diet to healthier choices, only drank water. Nothing seemed to work, my face was still an oily mess.

After about 2 years of trying to handle the situation myself I decided to seek professional help. I made an appointment with a Dermatologist and was diagnosed with Acne Vulgaris and was started on a strict acne regime. I was started on Clarifoam, Tetracycline, and Tazorac. I started to see results immediately, but after a few weeks my skin returned to it's slimy old self. Clindamyacin was added and did nothing. I tried Finacea and was disappointed. After 2 more years of patient regime trials I said enough and that it was time for Accutane.

Now, I couldn't believe how big a deal it was to get prescribed Accutane. All the paperwork and promises were exhausting, but I persevered. I started taking Accutane 30mg Daily and after a month was taking 60mg daily with Neutragena oil free moisturizer PRN for dry skin. I started to see results after a month and my skin was becoming much, much clearer, only about one cyst lasting much shorter. The side effects were tolerable, I simply had really dry lips, nothing a good application of Vaseline couldn't fix. Since my skin had been so oily for so long the Accutane seemed to balance out the layout of my skin, it was never too dry or never too oily, just perfect.

After about 6 months on Accutane my skin become perfectly clear and glowing. Many people saw how great my skin looked and asked me for my "secret weapon". However, the Accutane regime was coming to an end and I became fearful that my skin would regress backwards. I searched the internet looking for Accutane success stories and finding that there were hardly any mentions of Accutane curing acne, only that it was a temporary cure and that the acne would likely comeback after a month of stopping.

My last Accutane pill was taken in the beginning of March 2014 and I was mentally preparing myself for the day when I would wake up and feel that painful cyst on my face. That day has yet to come. My skin has never looked better and my face is no longer oily. In the 8-9 months that I've been off of Accutane I've had 3 simple whitehead pimples, that were gone in 2 days. My current skin care regime is simply using the oil-free Neutragena face wipes daily to refresh my skin. I use nothing else. While some believe that it's still too early to say that my acne has been cured, I think it's still worthy to share with you and those who worry that Accutane is just a temporary cure with not lasting results.

I hope this post gives you the hope that maybe Accutane will cure your acne.


Posted : 11/13/2014 10:00 pm

I've had such amazing results with my Accutane treatment that I've decided the need to share it with all of you, since I couldn't find a lot of Accutane working as a real cure, I decided to share my long-winded story.

This is my brief story. I'm a 28 (almost 29) y/o Male. No family history of Acne Vulgaris.

I was born with decent skin and after the hell of puberty my skin remained minimally decent. I'd occasionally have small breakout, maybe a few white head pimples, but nothing that made me want to be shut-in. I never felt the need to take care of my skin throughout lower education, I'd simply wash my face and leave the rest to fate.

However, once I turned 24 my skin started to change, it become much more oily and sweaty looking. i started to get numerous painful acne cysts, 3-4 at a time, that would last for weeks. It seemed that my acne had transformed from simple annoying white heads to the god-forsaken nodules. They were red, swollen and painful. I valiantly tried EVERY OTC treatment available, Proactiv, Stridex, Loreal, Clean and Clear, Neutragena. I even trained my self to NEVER touch my face without washing my hands beforehand. I change my laundry detergent to the sensitive skin kind. I would change my pillowcases every night. I tried washing my face a lot, then I tried washing my face too little, then I tried a happy medium, I even changed my diet to healthier choices, only drank water. Nothing seemed to work, my face was still an oily mess.

After about 2 years of trying to handle the situation myself I decided to seek professional help. I made an appointment with a Dermatologist and was diagnosed with Acne Vulgaris and was started on a strict acne regime. I was started on Clarifoam, Tetracycline, and Tazorac. I started to see results immediately, but after a few weeks my skin returned to it's slimy old self. Clindamyacin was added and did nothing. I tried Finacea and was disappointed. After 2 more years of patient regime trials I said enough and that it was time for Accutane.

Now, I couldn't believe how big a deal it was to get prescribed Accutane. All the paperwork and promises were exhausting, but I persevered. I started taking Accutane 30mg Daily and after a month was taking 60mg daily with Neutragena oil free moisturizer PRN for dry skin. I started to see results after a month and my skin was becoming much, much clearer, only about one cyst lasting much shorter. The side effects were tolerable, I simply had really dry lips, nothing a good application of Vaseline couldn't fix. Since my skin had been so oily for so long the Accutane seemed to balance out the layout of my skin, it was never too dry or never too oily, just perfect.

After about 6 months on Accutane my skin become perfectly clear and glowing. Many people saw how great my skin looked and asked me for my "secret weapon". However, the Accutane regime was coming to an end and I became fearful that my skin would regress backwards. I searched the internet looking for Accutane success stories and finding that there were hardly any mentions of Accutane curing acne, only that it was a temporary cure and that the acne would likely comeback after a month of stopping.

My last Accutane pill was taken in the beginning of March 2014 and I was mentally preparing myself for the day when I would wake up and feel that painful cyst on my face. That day has yet to come. My skin has never looked better and my face is no longer oily. In the 8-9 months that I've been off of Accutane I've had 3 simple whitehead pimples, that were gone in 2 days. My current skin care regime is simply using the oil-free Neutragena face wipes daily to refresh my skin. I use nothing else. While some believe that it's still too early to say that my acne has been cured, I think it's still worthy to share with you and those who worry that Accutane is just a temporary cure with not lasting results.

I hope this post gives you the hope that maybe Accutane will cure your acne.

congrats on a successful treatment! I would follow up in 2-5 years as many accutane users relapse within that time frame - hopefully things will work out long term.


Posted : 11/14/2014 1:56 am



Thank you for your post. I have to say I can relate to your scenario on a number of levels. I too went through my adolescence not really carrying/worrying about my skin. Just washed my face and went on with my day. Then around 21 I started getting serious painful cysts that take weeks to die down. I went about a year and half through phases where I would be dedicated to a serious regime and then phases where I would throw my hands in the air and not wash my face for weeks. It seems to be a never ending battle with me myself and the mirror..haha


I finally just said screw it and told my derm that it's time to take it to the next level. I went through the intensive process of the signing up with Ipledge and finally got my first prescription of accutane.. I'm on my second day of 60mg daily...oh and I'm also a male


Hearing your story gives me hope that I too may see results



Can I ask if you have any tips that helped you get through the process?
